acting 1xbet online casino/Interim Guidelines

Revised 07/29/2021

Acting/Interim Guidelines should be used in conjunction with 1xbet onl for unclassified positions and 1xbet spo for University Support Staff positions. The guidelines explain the purpose of an acting or interim position and the process for filling an acting/interim role. These guidelines apply to unclassified (faculty and staff) and university support staff positions. It is recommended that you work with your 1xbet online casino Directory to identify whether an acting or interim 1xbet online casino is needed and which type of 1xbet online casino best fits the needs of the college/department.

Acting 1xbet online casino

An acting assignment occurs when a campus department/unit needs to assign an existing K-State employee to perform the duties of an employee who is unable to fulfill his/her duties for an extended period (generally up to three months). The department/unit has an obligation to use its best judgment regarding the selection of an employee for the temporary assignment. Perception about the lack of a competitive selection process for an acting assignment needs to be carefully considered; a legitimate business reason for not having a competitive selection process for an acting assignment must exist. Examples might include: an immediate urgent need to have someone in the role or limited availability of qualified individuals.

An employee selected to fill an acting assignment must meet the minimum qualifications for the position. Employees who are appointed to an acting assignment shall be temporarily granted additional compensation as appropriate in consultation with Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness (COE).

The guidelines below outline the steps for creating an acting 1xbet online casino :

  1. Update the position description (PD) - An updated PD for the acting role must be submitted through PageUp in order to ensure accurate classification. The acting role may utilize the same position number as was previously used for the permanent position.
    • The employee filling the acting 1xbet online casino needs to meet the minimum qualifications of the role and should be moved into the acting position's position number using a PER-38 (see below).
      • If using the existing position number is not feasible, work with the COE team to identify an alternative approach or appropriate position number.
    • If there is a base salary change associated with the acting assignment, utilize the "Anticipated Hiring Range" field in the PD to indicate the new amount. This will be considered by COE as part of the PD approval process; no PER-46S will be needed.
    • This step is not necessary if it's a faculty or instructor position.
  2. Provide the waiver justification and initial 1xbet online casino contract - The purpose of the justification is to ensure that the candidate meets the minimum requirements of the acting role and to document the reason(s) why the candidate was selected. It also provides an opportunity for the TA Strategic Partner to review and provide approval for the initial 1xbet online casino contract. The department will submit the waiver justification and initial 1xbet online casino contract to the appropriate TA Strategic Partner for review.
    • After the TA Strategic Partner has reviewed the waiver justification and initial 1xbet online casino contract (not signed), the HR Liaison will receive an email that the documents have been reviewed.
      • Resource Center will be copied on the email for tracking purposes.
      • Once the initial 1xbet online casino contract is approved, the appropriate VP can sign the contract, then the employee.
      • Contract templates with signature lines can be found on the HR Talent Acquisition Hiring Resources page.
    • A waiver justification differs from a waiver of recruitment because a waiver justification only needs to be signed by the hiring manager/department head. There is no required format for the waiver justification.
    • University Support Staff (USS) positions do not require an initial 1xbet online casino contract.
  3. Complete a PER-38 - Complete the PER-38 form and attach the initial 1xbet online casino contract (if unclassified) and waiver justification. Submit the form and documents to the Resource Center for processing and filing. Submission can be made by one of the following methods: submit via ImageNow, emailing documentation to, in person, or through campus mail.
    • Since the job code title does not identify the acting assignment, the Resource Center will update the (business) title via Position Update to reflect acting title in HRIS. (Example: Acting Director of Communication Operations)

      The below items are milestones within an acting 1xbet online casino :

    • End date in HRIS - A notification will be sent to the HR Liaison three (3) weeks before the end of the employee's term. The appropriate TA Strategic Partner will be notified, and they will contact the department/college to check on the status of the acting 1xbet online casino .
      • The end date is monitored by HR.
      • If the department/college needs longer than 90 days, the college/department can discuss their plan for the search process with the TA Strategic Partner.
  4. Concluding the Acting 1xbet online casino - Complete PER-38 form and contract (if unclassified) for the employee to go back into the previous position at the same title and pay grade. Submit this form to the Resource Center for processing and filing. If a pay increase is desired after the conclusion of the Acting 1xbet online casino , complete the PER-46S form and submit to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness for review.

Interim 1xbet online casino

An interim 1xbet online casino should be used when a position is vacant, and the department/unit needs to fill the position for an extended period of time (up to one year) preparatory to a full recruitment. The department/unit may make an interim 1xbet online casino , usually of an existing K-State employee. An interim 1xbet online casino requires recruitment. The process should be coordinated with Talent Acquisition to ensure an announcement to interested persons as follows:

  • Announce the opportunity within the department/unit, school, or college, and in other departments/units as recommended by Human Resources, and give a date by which letters of interest and a CV/Resume must be submitted.
  • Indicate that a competitive (internal or external) recruitment will occur in the future to fill the position permanently; alternatively, if the department/unit wishes to request a waiver of recruitment, follow the usual process for such a request;
  • Employees interviewed for the interim position must meet the minimum qualifications of the role.
  • If there is no waiver of recruitment, appoint a selection committee and begin the recruitment for the permanent position, or begin reorganization efforts within sufficient time (usually at least 120 days) before the end of the interim 1xbet online casino .

An employee on an interim 1xbet online casino is eligible to apply for the permanent position through competitive recruitment. Upon completion of the interim 1xbet online casino , unless selected for the permanent position, the employee will return to his/her previous position and previous rate of pay.

The guidelines below outline the process for creating an interim 1xbet online casino :

  1. Determine the type of recruitment - Determine whether there will be competitive (internal or external) recruitment or a waiver of recruitment.
  2. Update the position description (PD) - An updated PD for the interim role must be submitted through PageUp in order to ensure accurate classification. The employee filling the interim 1xbet online casino needs to meet the minimum qualifications of the role.
    • This step is not necessary if it's a faculty or instructor position.
  3. Requisition
    • NOT waiving the recruitment - Follow the regular requisition creation process.
    • Waiving the recruitment - The waiver of recruitment should state the legitimate business reason behind waiving recruitment and why the candidate was selected. Create the requisition and indicate that there's a waiver of recruitment; this process requires the employee to apply for the position through PageUp. University Support Staff positions are an exception to this process, and recruitment cannot be waived for a USS position
      (see 3rd bullet).
      • Waiver of recruitment must be attached in the Documents section of PageUp when submitted.
      • Waiver of recruitment must be signed by President/Provost/VP, depending on the college/department.
      • For a USS position, work with your Talent Acquisition Strategic Partner to obtain approval from the HR Appointing Authority (Vice President of HR).
  4. Offer - Once the candidate has applied, the offer card needs to be created. The offer card should include an offer letter and an initial 1xbet online casino (contract).
  5. Complete a PER-38A - Complete the PER-38A form and contract (if unclassified) and submit to the Resource Center for processing and filing.
    • If a pay increase is desired as part of the Interim 1xbet online casino , complete and submit a PER-46S to Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness.

      The below items are milestones within an interim 1xbet online casino :

    • End date in HRIS - A notification will be sent to the HR Liaison three (3) weeks before the end of the employee's term. The appropriate TA Strategic Partner will be notified, and they will contact the department/college to check on the status of the interim 1xbet online casino .
      • The end date is monitored by HR.
      • If the department/college needs longer than 1 year, the college/department can discuss their plan for the search process with the TA Strategic Partner.
    • Concluding the Interim 1xbet online casino - Complete PER-38 form and contract (if unclassified) for the employee to go back into the previous position at the same title and pay grade. Submit this form to the Resource Center for processing and filing.