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Mailing Address
1xbet online games login State University
Division of 1xbet online games login
116 Ackert Hall
Manhattan, 1xbet online games login 66506

office 785-532-0155
1xbet online games login 785-532-0157





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Principal Investigator

andrew_trapping_KansasAndrew G. Hope
Read about my current 1xbet online games login projects and collaborations. Also follow links to my K-State Division of 1xbet online games, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate pages.

Graduate Students


Basant Sharma (Ph.D. 1xbet online games login )
Basant joined the 1xbet online games login in Fall 2022 and is a bat enthusiast! He traveled to Kansas from Nepal and is interested in exploring the diversity, biogeography and systematics of Nepalese bats distributed across a country with extreme gradients in elevation, associated climate and environmental heterogeneity.


Brandon Bernhardt (M.S. 1xbet online games login )
Brandon arrived in summer 2023 to begin field data collection for his MS thesis focused on the ecology of southern flying squirrels. This is a four year project funded by the 1xbet online games login Department of Wildlife and Parks to assess both ecological and evolutionary dynamics of a species of greatest conservation needs in the state. Brandon is co-advised by Dr. Adam Ahlers, Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprises Management program, who is also the project co-PI.

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Morgan joned the 1xbet online games login early in 2022 as an undergraduate student and hails from eastern Kansas. Morgans primary interest is with large mammals, particularly marine mammals. Following her graduation in May 2023, Morgan was hired as the official Collections Manager for the Kansas State Biorepository for mammals and parasites.

Lydia Robbins (B.S.) and Amanda Bishop (B.S.) are newly hired technicians working on the southern flying squirrel 1xbet online games login with Brandon Bernhardt. Both are stationed in Pittsburg, KS, and will be performing camera trap and live-trapping surveys for flying squirrels through the end of 2023.

1xbet online games login Students


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TJ is Kansas born and bred from the vicinity of Trego, KS. He joined the 1xbet online games login in 2021 and is interested in working with wildlife disease. He is currently becoming an expert preparator of small mammal museum specimens in addition to helping with our ongoing genetic analyses of Kansas deer for chronic wasting disease susceptibility.


Kaitlyn Headlee
Kaitlyn joined our 1xbet online games login in Fall 2021 as part of the Developing Scholars Program. She is working on a study of the rangewide phylogeographic history of northern bog-lemmings associated with a conservation genetics initiative for 1xbet online games login sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildilfe Service, 1xbet online games login .

Ryan Grutsch
Ryan joined the 1xbet online games login following her mammalogy class experiences in early 2023 and is an active member of the student curatorial team working on archiving mammal and parasite specimens in the Kansas State Biorepository. Ryan is aiming to graduate in May 2025.

Nathan Meyer
Nathan comes from eastern Kansas and joined the 1xbet online games login in early 2023. Graduation is in sight at the end of Fall 2023 semester, but in the meantime, he is a member of the student curatorial team and like Ryan has gained extensive experiences in both the prep 1xbet online games login and through fieldwork.

Kenzie Davis
Kenzie started working with mammals in summer 2023 and is learning specimen processing skills up to the highest standards as one of the student curatorial team associated with KSB. Kenzie is also currently taking mammalogy to hone knoelwdge of the 1xbet online games login mammal fauna.

1xbet online games login Carney
Although Luke works most of his hours in the Entomology Department, he continues to contribute his 1xbet online games login skillset when there is time to spare and have been an integral part of Konza small 1xbet online games login field crews as well as participating in specimen preparation. Luke was the recipient of Division of Biology Most Promising Student award for 2023.

Brianna Nece
Bri N. came to the Hope 1xbet online games login in Spring 2023 to gain experiences in biodiversity sciences and has gained skills associated with mammal specimen processing and data management. Bri also works in Geology to broaden her experiences.

Brianna Fields
Bri F. also joined the Hope 1xbet online games login in Spring 2023 and is ramping up her research experiences with a strong interest in mammals. Bri was also recently accepted into the K-State Developing Scholars Program and we are in the process of developing a dedicated research project

Abbreviated list of Current Collaborators

Joseph A. Cook - Professor and Curator of 1xbet online games login at the University of New Mexico and Museum of Southwestern Biology - Home Page
Molecular ecology of small 1xbet online games login , diversification of South American small 1xbet online games login , North Pacific Coast endemism, and host parasite co-evolution across the Holarctic.

Vasyl V. Tkach - Professor of Parasitology 1xbet online games login North Dakota, Grand Forks - Home Page
Biodiversity, evolutionary history, and natural 1xbet online games login helminth parasites.

Kayce C. Bell - Curator of 1xbet online games login at the Natural History Museum of L.A. County - Home Page
Host-parasite co-evolution, chipmunks, all things 1xbet online games login .

John R. Demboski - Department Chair and Curator of Vertebrate Zoology at the Denver 1xbet online games login Nature & Science - Home Page
Evoultionary ecology of western North American 1xbet online games login .

Sandra L. Talbot - 1xbet online games login Wildlife Geneticist at the U.S.G.S. Alaska Science Center - Home Page
Molecular ecology and 1xbet online games login of Arctic flora and fauna.

Stephen E. Greiman - Assistant Professor of Parasitology at Georgia 1xbet online games login University - Home Page
Parasitic flatworm diversity, evolution, and distribution; metagenomics of helminths and their symbiotic bacteria.

F. Agustin Jimenez - Associate Professor of Parasitology at 1xbet online games login Illinois University - Home Page
Historical biogeography and co-evolution of mammalian parasitic nematodes.

Chris Conroy - Staff Curator of 1xbet online games login , Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, UC, Berkeley.
Phylogeography of Sorex trowbridgii and phylogenomics of Sorex.

Adam 1xbet online games login - Associate Professor in the Wildlife and Outdoor Enterprises Management program, 1xbet online games login State University - Home Page
Wildlife ecology and management with a focus on fur-bearer 1xbet online games login .

Past 1xbet online games login Members

Sarah D. Mueller (1xbet online games login - K-State Research Experience for Undergraduates 1xbet online games login - 2016)
1xbet online games login - Sorex hoyi phylogeography: "Are there three 1xbet online games login pygmy shrews?" Resulting Publication.

Sabrina (Bia) F. Gragg (1xbet online games login - B.Sc. 2018)
Project - Small 1xbet online games login stable isotope analysis: "Isotopic trophic niche dynamics of small 1xbet online games login communities reveal spatiotemporal complexity across an experimental prairie woodland mosaic." Resulting Publication.

Kailey R. Meacham (1xbet online games login - B.Sc. 2021)
1xbet online games login - Great Plains mammalian phylogeography, emphasis on ecto-parasites

Mary E. Schmidt (1xbet online games login - B.Sc. 2021)
1xbet online games login - Great Plains mammalian phylogeography, broad emphasis

Litsa T.P. Wooten (1xbet online games login - B.Sc. 2021)Litsa
Project - Great Plains mammalian phylogeography, emphasis on Manitoba and 1xbet online games login small mammal sequencing. Photo: Litsa braving the mosquitos to pick wild blueberries in Manitoba in 2019.

Ben J. Wiens
(Masters - M.S. 2021) - Now in a doctoral 1xbet online games login at KU in the Colella 1xbet online games login
1xbet online games login - "A multi-locus perspecitve reveals connections between island biogeography and evolutionary history of an endangered shrew (Sorex pribilofensis)." Website. 1xbet online games login . Photo: Ben and kangaroo rat at Cimarron National Grassland, 1xbet online games login 2020.

Tommy M. Galfano
(Masters - M.S. 2021) - Now in a doctoral 1xbet online games login at Western Ontario in the Coltman 1xbet online games login
1xbet online games login - "A conservation and taxonomic assessment of the least shrew (Cryptotis parvus) complex through rangewide 1xbet online games login analysis and population genomics." 1xbet online games login . Photo: Tommy certifies our campsite at Rio Grande-Bentsen 1xbet online games login Park in southern Texas in March 2020.

1xbet online games login Grimes (1xbet online games login - B.Sc. 2026)
Jacob joined our 1xbet online games login in Fall 2021 as a freshman associated with the "Exploring Scientific Research" CATS program. He was working on a study of the rangewide phylogeographic history of northern bog-lemmings associated with a conservation genetics initiative for Synaptomys borealis sponsored by the U.S. Fish and Wildilfe Service, Alaska region. He's taking a break from research to settle into his degree and explore options, but he may be back! To be continued....


Tommy M. Herrera (Masters - M.S. 2022) - Now in a doctoral 1xbet online games login at U.C. Berkeley and the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology in the Nachman 1xbet online games login
Thesis - "Comparative phylogeography of small 1xbet online games login across the Great Plains Suture Zone highlights repeated processes of speciation and community assembly coincident with the 100th meridian." 1xbet online games login .

Fraser Combe (Post-doctoral associate) - Now a bioinformatician for biomedical sciences in 1xbet online games login City.
