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1xbet sports betting State University
Division of Biology
116 Ackert Hall
Manhattan, 1xbet sports betting 66506

office 785-532-0155
1xbet sports betting 785-532-0157



Welcome to the 1xbet sports betting Laboratory at K-State!

We are an interdisciplinary 1xbet sports betting group focused on understanding the evolutionary and ecological responses of biodiversity to environmental change. We incorporate theory and practice from the diverse fields of climate change, comparative phylogeography, conservation genomics, dynamics of hybridization, emerging infectious disease, host-parasite coevolution, natural history of mammals and their parasites, phylogenetic systematics, and speciation.

Our research has global scope, although there is a strong emphasis on northern hemisphere small mammal and parasite assemblages, conservation of Arctic biodiversity, and the dynamics surrounding ecotones between major biomes such as the boreal forest-tundra suture zone at northern high-latitudes and the Great Plains-eastern forest suture that bisects North America 1xbet sports betting west to east.

The techniques we use include molecular methods (Sanger sequencing and genomic sequencing of DNA), morphometrics, stable isotope evaluation of diet, and modeling of potential environmental niche through time. Our 1xbet sports betting relies heavily on specimen archives held in natural history museum 1xbet sports betting collections. Through extensive and ongoing field sampling efforts we strive to practice ethical holistic collection of all associated specimen parts to maximize future 1xbet sports betting potential for the broader scientific community, for informing wildlife managers, and for both public and academic education.

Please 1xbet onlin with any questions.

We are an equal opportunity 1xbet sports betting and actively strive towards anti-racism and dismantling all forms of discrimination against marginalized people. We also acknowledge that the lands on which Kansas State University thrives, as well as the land on which we conduct our research, are the home of First Nations peoples, here in 1xbet sports betting and across North America.

Photos: Image 1: The Hope 1xbet sports betting at Lake Scott, KS sampling small mammals in the summer of 2020; Image 2: A high density site in coastal scrub of southernmost Texas, vicinity of Brownsville, in spring 2020 (2 days before pandemic declaration); Image 3: Hope 1xbet sports betting members preparing mammal study skins at Lovewell Reservoir, KS, in summer of 2020; Image 4: Loading field gear at Lake Clark, KS, summer 2021; Image 5: Mammalogy class on Konza Praire 2022; Image 6: Preparing possum specimens, Fall 2022; Image 7: Prep tent processing Marais des Cygnes, Spring 2023; TJ Hafliger, Andrew, Tommy Herrera, Litsa Wooten and Ben Wiens at White Sands National Monument on route to Tuscon mammal meetings, Summer 2022.

Hope Lab

Texas catch

study skinningLake ClarkMammalogypossumsMdCWite Sands

Hope 1xbet sports betting News

KSB has gone 1xbet sports betting !

The 1xbet sports betting State Biorepository for mammals and parasites is now officially active on the ARCTOS multi-institutional digital 1xbet sports betting consortium. Now time to enter all our data! Stay tuned for searchable specimen records...

We have a 1xbet sports betting Manager!

1xbet onliinner, a recent K-State graduate has returned in her capacity as the KSB collections manager. We are building this archive 1xbet sports betting the ground up, so lots to do! Thanks also to our colleagues, especially at the Museum of Southwestern Biology, KU Biodiversity Institute, and ARCTOS staff for sharing their curatorial wisdom.

New Flying Squirrel Technicians!

Amanda Bishop and Lydia Robbins both recently joined the southern flying squirrel 1xbet sports betting team as field technicians. They will be stationed in Pittsburg, KS through winter 2023-24, camera trapping and live trapping squirrels.

Success at ASM 2023 in ANC!

Four Hope 1xbet sports betting members attended the American Society of Mammalogists annual meeting in Anchorage AK (joint meeting with International Mammalian Congress) and all presented research. 1xbet sports betting presented a poster on 1xbet sports betting bat biogeography; Kaitlyn Headlee presented a poster on northern bog-lemming 1xbet sports betting genomics, TJ 1xbet sports betting presented a poster on Kansas deer genomics, and 1xbet sports betting presented a talk on diversification of cinereus shrews.

New paper on bog-lemmings!

Hope 1xbet sports betting members and alumn, along with our collaborator Zach Olson from University of New England recently published a 1xbet sports betting genomics assessment of northern bog-lemmings (Mictomys borealis). 1xbet sports betting timely as the species is currently being considered for listing under the Endangered Species Act.

Langston UG at K-State!

We have a visiting student, Oscar Casillas-Vajello, from Lanston University, OK, joining us for some of the summer to gain experience in molecular 1xbet sports betting methods and field work. This opportunity is sponsored by the K-INBRE program.

Welcome to a new M.S. student

Brandon Bernhardt has returned to school after several years of work experience in the 1xbet sports betting of wildlife management techniques. He joined us in early summer 2023 to begin 1xbet sports betting data collection for his M.S. thesis on southern flying squirrel landscape ecology. This species (Glaucomys volans) is a SGCN for the state of 1xbet sports betting . Brandons research is funded by a State Wildlife Action Plan grant from the 1xbet sports betting Department of Wildlife and Parks. Brandon is Co-advised by Dr. Adam Ahlers, also at K-State.

Tiger 1xbet sports betting paper is out!

1xbet sports betting recently published one of 1xbet sports betting M.S. thesis chapters in Trees, Forests, and People, focused on human-tiger conflict in the lowlands of Nepal.

Sharma awarded a GIA!

1xbet sports betting was awarded research dollars 1xbet sports betting the American Society of Mammalogists Grants-In-Aid program to develop his Ph.D. research on Nepal bat biogeography and systematics.

Carney is most promising!

In May 2023, Luke Carney was selected as a K-State Biology Most Promising Undergraduate Student. Well done!

UG turnover in the Hope 1xbet sports betting

Spring 2023: As some of the long-standing Hope 1xbet sports betting undergraduate members graduate and move on, we have picked up a number of new recruits, all gaining skills in specimen preparation, museum curation, and field methods. We welcome Ryan Grutsch, Nathan Meyer, Brianna Nece, Brianna 1xbet sports betting , Luke Carney, and Kenzie Davis!

New NSF 1xbet sports betting Grant (ICBR)

The Hope 1xbet sports betting was recently awarded an NSF grant (2226917; 6,954) through the DBI-ICBR program to renovate and digitize the existing mammal collections at K-State. This marks the start of the 1xbet sports betting State Biorepository for mammals and parasites and an opportunity to bring the existing collections, and new accessions from here on out, up to the highest modern stadards of curation, embracing values of the Extended 1xbet sports betting !

New KDWP SWAP Grant!

The Hope 1xbet sports betting and Ahlers 1xbet sports betting were recently awarded a grant through the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks to study the ecology and evolutionary biology of the southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans), currently listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Need for the State of 1xbet sports betting . The grant (3,760) extends from October 2022 through September 2026 and will support at least one MS student, multiple technicians and undergraduate researchers.

Welcome to a new 1xbet sports betting D. student!

1xbet sports betting joined the Hope 1xbet sports betting in Fall 2022 to commence his studies for a Ph.D. degree. Basant comes to Kansas from Katmandu in Nepal. He studied the dynamics of human-tiger conflict for his M.S. degree at Tribuvhan University, and for his doctoral research, he plans to perform the first genetic assessment of Nepal bats, focusing on their biogeographic history, higher-level systematics and phylogeographic history.

New Parasite 1xbet sports betting Konza!

In collaboration with 1xbet sports betting of the Jimenez 1xbet sports betting at Southern Illinois 1xbet sports betting , we recently published a species description of a new tapeworm 1xbet sports betting rodents on Konza Prairie. This is the first in a number of new parasites and new host-parasite relationships that are being discovered 1xbet sports betting the central Great Plains.

On and up for Hope 1xbet sports betting grads!

In May 2022, we say farewell to Tommy 1xbet sports betting M.S., and 1xbet sports betting B.S. as they advance to the next stage of their careers. Tommy has now 1xbet sports betting Nachman 1xbet sports betting and 1xbet sports betting of Vertebrate Zoology at U.C. Berkeley, and Litsa has joined the Cook 1xbet sports betting and Museum of Southwestern Biology at 1xbet sports betting of New Mexico. We look forward to future collaborations!