Showcase your 1xbet online games login research

The 1xbet online games login School and 1xbet online games login Student Council host annual events for 1xbet online games login students to present their research or scholarly work with the campus community. 1xbet online games login students from all disciplines are welcome to participate. Presenting in these events is an excellent way for 1xbet online games login students to enhance their communication skills by learning how to explain their work to diverse audiences.

Research and the State

Present a poster of your 1xbet online games login research and share why your work is important to the state of Kansas. You may be selected to represent K-State at the Capitol 1xbet online games login Research Summit.


Ten K-State 1xbet online games login students join peers from other Regents institutions to present their research posters to legislators at the State Capitol Building.


Give a captivating presentation of your 1xbet online games login to a non-expert audience in three minutes using a single slide. A great way to enhance your communication skills and develop an elevator pitch!


Showcase your research or scholarly work to the K-State community in a talk or poster presentation, and discover the work of your peers from across the university.