1xbet online casino Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery (K-GRAD) Forum

The 1xbet online casino GRAD Forum is an annual showcase of 1xbet online casino graduate student research, scholarly work, and discovery. This on-campus event provides graduate students from all disciplines an opportunity to share their work with the 1xbet online casino community and to gain experience presenting their work in a professional setting. Please read the Kansas State university 1x article for information about the 1xbet online casino winners.

2025 1xbet online casino Forum

The 2025 1xbet online casino Forum will be held in the spring. The exact date and details are forthcoming.

2024 award recipients

Poster presentations

Sabreena Ayoub Parray
MS 1xbet online casino in agronomy
Pre-breeding evaluation of Pearl millet germplasms for drought tolerance in diverse environments

Nirajan Piya
MS 1xbet online casino in biological and agricultural engineering
System development for application and testing of spray-on biodegradable mulch

Pedro Henrique Goncalves Pereira de Souza
MS 1xbet online casino in grain science
Exploring the impact of xylanase sources and dosage on rheological properties of flour and baked product quality

Adi Siegmann
MS 1xbet online casino in human development and family science, specializing in couple and family therapy
Relational factors associated with the likelihood of male therapy attendance

Brian Wolfe
MS 1xbet online casino in veterinary biomedical science
Biological sex differences in disease severity, lethal doses, and antibody responses after infection with h1n1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses in a mouse model

Oral presentations

Tucker Graff
PhD 1xbet online casino in grain science
Effect of grain source on extruded feed characteristics and growth performance of rainbow trout

Nicole Kucherov
PhD 1xbet online casino in entomology
What's bugging 1xbet online casino , from a landscape point of view

Roselle Barretto
PhD 1xbet online casino in biological and agricultural engineering
Bind and Grind: hemp protein takes on adhesive challenges

KaCee James
PhD 1xbet online casino in curriculum and instruction
A twenty-year comparison of traditionally and alternatively licensed school-based agricultural education teacher retention in Kansas

Endy Lopes Kailer
PhD 1xbet online casino in agronomy
Fungal footprints: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi impact on dryland corn

2024 1xbet online casino abstract booklet