1xbet online sports betting School Bulletin

March 19, 2024

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Articles of interest

Faculty and Staff



1xbet online sports betting Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Funding and awards for 1xbet online sports betting students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Articles of interest

Admin 101: How to help professors in their ‘worst semester ever’

If faculty members are struggling to teach students they consider to be disengaged, this article in The Chronicles of Higher Education outlines tips for administrators to be a part of the solution.

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If you come across an article that would be of interest to other 1xbet online sports betting programs, please send it to Michael Sellman, 1xbet online sports betting School communication specialist, at msellman@ksu.edu, to have the article featured in a future Bulletin!

Faculty and Staff

1xbet online sports betting Council Elections Update - Nominees Needed!

The deadline for 1xbet online sports betting Council academic area representative nominations has been extended to noon on Monday, March 25. Send nominations to gradinfo@ksu.edu. We are awaiting confirmation from some who have been nominated and we still need nominees from the following academic areas:

Applied Natural Sciences - one (1) nominee needed from any of the following departments: Agronomy; Animal Sciences and Industry; Clinical Sciences; Entomology; Food Science Institute; Genetics; Plant Pathology; and Public Health.

Business and Education - one (1) nominee needed from any of the following departments: Accounting; Finance; Marketing; and Personal Financial Planning.

Mathematics and Engineering Sciences - one (1) nominee needed from any of the following departments: Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Science; Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering; and Statistics.

Social Sciences - one (1) nominee needed from any of the following departments: Agricultural Economics; Interior Design and Fashion Studies; Economics; Applied Human Sciences; Geography and Geospatial Sciences; Hospitality Management; Leadership Communications; Political Science; Psychological Sciences; Security Studies; and Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work.

Membership entails service on one of the four subcommittees and two meetings per month on Tuesday or Thursday, at 3:30 pm. To learn more, visit 1xbet online sports betting Council information website.

Eligible nominees for a 1xbet online sports betting Council position meet the following criteria:

    • Regular member of the 1xbet online sports betting Faculty; special members are not eligible
    • Willing to serve a three-year term
    • Willing to attend monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of every month (Sept - May) at 3:30 pm.
    • Willing to attend a monthly subcommittee meeting every month (Sept - May) scheduled either on a Tuesday or Thursday at 3:30 pm.
    • If on an administrative appointment, cannot be more than 50% administrative

Updated election timeline:

    • Monday, March 25: Nominees confirmed. Qualtrics ballots e-mailed to 1xbet online sports betting Faculty for voting.
    • Sunday, March 31: Deadline for ballot to be completed.
    • Monday, April 01: Elections complete.
    • Tuesday, May 07: New members welcomed at 1xbet online sports betting Council meeting.

Having a strong 1xbet online sports betting Council will lead to strong 1xbet online sports betting education. Thank you for your role and contribution to advancing 1xbet online sports betting Education! Questions about Council elections can be sent to Timon Smock at tmsmock@ksu.edu.

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K-GRAD Forum presentations start today

Faculty and staff are invited to attend the K-State 1xbet online sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery (K-GRAD) Forum which begins today at 10:00 am with oral presentations taking place in 227, Flint Hills, and Cottonwood rooms in the Student Union.

Poster presentations will take place March 20 from 1:00 – 3:00pm in the Union Courtyard. The reception and awards ceremony will take place the same day from 3:45-4:45 pm in room 227.

The K-GRAD forum is an annual showcase for 1xbet online sports betting student research, scholarly work, and discovery. It provides 1xbet online sports betting students from all disciplines an opportunity to share their work with the K-State community and gain experience presenting their work in a professional setting.

More information can be found on the 1xbet online casino Graduate Re.

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Tips for developing Curriculog proposals for 1xbet online sports betting Council review

Last spring, the 1xbet online sports betting School released a comprehensive proposal Guidebook that provides checklists, examples, and links to other resources. This guidebook is available under 1xbet online sports betting Resources on Teams as well as with the Business Process Guides on the Curriculog website. The use of this Guidebook and other changes in 1xbet online sports betting Council procedures have greatly decreased the time that a proposal spends in 1xbet online sports betting Council review.

If you are short on time, a quick check may be sufficient before submitting a 1xbet online sports betting proposal through Curriculog. Thus, the 1xbet online sports betting School has just released a one-page version of the Guidebook that includes the checklists alone. If your proposal fails a check or you need help in interpreting a requirement, the full Guidebook will provide most of the answers. For additional help, you may reach out to Dr. Michael Young, Faculty Associate in 1xbet online sports betting School, at michaelyoung@ksu.edu.

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Spring Know-How Session on 1xbet online sports betting Curriculum Building

Faculty are invited to participate in the Know-How Session on 1xbet online sports betting Curriculum Building, today at 11:30 am – 1:00 pm in Eisenhower Hall, Room 121 and via Zoom.

The session, led by Dean Claudia Petrescu, will cover elements of a competitive 1xbet online sports betting curriculum and how to develop one. The information presented will be helpful for those who seek to submit an academic innovation proposal.

Please RSVP your attendance.

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Spring Strategic Planning Session to be held on May 1

The 1xbet online sports betting School will host the Spring Strategic Planning Session on May 1, 2024, from 11:00am – 2:00 p.m. in the Flint Hills Room of the Student Union. Please save the date on your calendars.

In this session we will review draft 4 of the 1xbet online sports betting School Strategic Plan. The format will be similar to the session that was held in the Fall semester. To RSVP, Please visit the registration website.

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Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty (DGF) Award

The 1xbet online sports betting School is accepting nominations for the 2023-2024 Commerce Bank Distinguished 1xbet online sports betting Faculty Award (DGF).

The DGF award honors current 1xbet online sports betting faculty members recognized nationally and internationally for their outstanding scholarly achievements and contributions to 1xbet online sports betting education at the university. Award recipients receive an honorarium, are recognized during the fall 1xbet online sports betting School commencement ceremony and during a public lecture to the campus community.

The deadline to submit nominations for the DGF award is May 1. Nomination instructions are available on the Commerce Ban.

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Save the date for Annual 1xbet online sports betting Student and Faculty Recognition Celebration

1xbet online sports betting students and 1xbet online sports betting faculty are invited to save the date for the 1xbet online sports betting Student and Faculty Recognition Celebration, April 28, 5:00-7:00pm in the College of Business Building Atrium. The event is hosted in partnership by the 1xbet online sports betting School and 1xbet online sports betting Student Council with sponsorship from the Office of the President. This year’s event is a new event that combines the previous President’s Reception for 1xbet online sports betting Students and the GSC Awards and Recognition Reception. All 1xbet online sports betting students and 1xbet online sports betting faculty are invited to attend to celebrate accomplishments from the 2023-2024 academic year. An invitation with RSVP is coming soon! Questions may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu or 352-6191.

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Fullbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad (FRA) Fellowship Program accepting applications

The Fullbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad (FRA) Fellowship Program is accepting applications for faculty to engage in full-time research abroad in modern foreign languages and area studies. Those who are interested have until April 23, 2024 to apply.

Eligible candidates must be employed by an institution of higher education and have been teaching relevant to their foreign language or area studies specialization for the two years immediately preceding the award date.

For more information and to access an application, please visit the U.S. Department of Education’s G6 system website.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

March 19

Know How: 1xbet online sports betting School Conversation – Curriculum Building, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm, 121 Eisenhower Hall and Zoom

March 19

K-State 1xbet online sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum, oral presentations, 10:00am-4:00pm, Union rooms 227, Flint Hills, and Cottonwood

March 20 K-State 1xbet online sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum, poster presentations, 1:00-3:00pm, Union Courtyard
March 21 Capitol 1xbet online sports betting Research Summit, State Capitol Building
April 1-5 1xbet online sports betting Student Appreciation Week
1xbet sports betting School events and major dates

Doctoral defenses

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Upcoming webinars for students interested in pursuing 1xbet online sports betting education

The 1xbet online sports betting School is hosting webinars for students interested in pursuing 1xbet online sports betting education, respectively 1xbet online sports betting certificate, master's and doctoral. Students can attend one or all webinars. The 1xbet online sports betting School is also promoting the webinars to prospective students.

The following webinars will be held in US Central Standard Time.

March 20, 8:00am

The Application Process

March 25, 6:00pm

March 27, 8:00am

Why K-State for Grad Education

April 1, 6:00pm

April 3, 8:00am

Funding Opportunities

April 8, 6:00pm

April 10, 8:00am

Resources for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Please visit the 1xbet online sports betting School Webinars and Fairs website for more information.

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Slate CRM Implementation for 1xbet online sports betting School - Update

  • We hosted a Slate showcase on Thursday, March 7th. If you were unable to make it check it out in the Grad Resources Folder.
  • We began work on the Application Reader Dashboard. This is the first page one sees when they are in the application reader to review an application.
  • We are continuing our collaboration with the IT department to prepare for the Slate to KSIS integration. We are also working on finalizing the CollegeNet to Slate mapping and data feed as well.
  • We confirmed that we will be unable to download an application from Slate. The only way to access an application for review will be in the Slate system. This is in place for data security to reduce sensitive student information being accessed outside of a secure system.

The current timeline is as follows:

    • Phase 1- Completed by November 6, 2023
      • Building Records, Forms, Events, and Communications
    • Phase 2- Completed by January 22, 2024
      • The Application form developed
    • Phase 3- Complete by April 15th
      • Workflows designed
    • Final Implementation goal: April 29th
    • Historical Data Migration into Slate by May 31st

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1xbet online sports betting Student Success

ETDR formatting

Students in need of assistance or guidance on ETDR formatting should submit a ticket from the Help Contact page. There is a variety of helpful templates and instructional videos available on the ETDR resources page.

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K-REx has been successfully updated!

There are a few extra steps in adding an embargo. Once the PDF ETDR file is uploaded in KREx, the student must scroll down to the files section and click the edit icon, select "embargo" from the access condition type menu, then select a date. Hale Library is working on updating the website instructions. Visit the K-State Libraries KREx website for information, and to check out the updates.

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Candidacy Follow Up

The 1xbet online sports betting School is reviewing records for students in doctoral programs admitted to candidacy over five years ago. If you have received an email from Angie Pfizenmaier, Lead Degree Analyst, please be certain to respond by Friday, March 22.

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Celebrate 1xbet online sports betting students in April, share activities by March 28

The first week of April is nationally recognized as 1xbet online sports betting Student Appreciation Week. We know the spring semester, especially April, is a very busy time of the year. Colleges and departments are encouraged to recognize their 1xbet online sports betting students throughout the month of April. Special events, food, or messages of appreciation are great ways to let 1xbet online sports betting students know they are valued.

Share your events with the 1xbet online sports betting School – Colleges and departments that plan to host appreciation activities for 1xbet online sports betting students are invited to share their plans with the 1xbet online sports betting School to be included in a K-State Today announcement. Please submit your activities to Michael Sellman (msellman@ksu.edu) and Megan Miller (mmmiller@ksu.edu) by March 28.

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Annual Capitol 1xbet online sports betting Research Summit (CGRS) to be held March 21 in Topeka

The 21st annual Capitol 1xbet online sports betting Research Summit (CGRS) will be held March 21 at the State Capitol Building in Topeka.

The CGRS is an annual research showcase conducted by 1xbet online sports betting students from K-State along with Emporia State University, Fort Hayes State University, Pittsburg State University, the University of Kansas, the University of Kansas Medical Center, and Wichita State University.

The ten 1xbet online sports betting students selected as the winners of the Research and the State Poster forum held in October will represent K-State at this year’s CGRS.

The following 1xbet online sports betting students will share their research posters with state legislators and the public:

    • Amirsalar Bagheri, PhD student in Chemical Engineering
    • Andrea Salazar, PhD student in Entomology
    • Adi Siegmann, MS student in Human Development and Family Science, Couple and Family Therapy
    • Fidelis Onwuagba, MS student in Geology
    • Holly Ellis, MS student in Architecture
    • Jaymi Peterson, PhD student in Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health
    • Manivannan Selladurai, PhD student in Grain Science
    • Ramona Weber, PhD student in Health and Human Sciences specializing in Kinesiology
    • Reza Nematirad, PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering
    • Savannah Stewart, PhD student in Food Science

Outstanding presentations will be selected for an award presented by the participating institutions and BioKansas.

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Opportunities for 1xbet online sports betting Students

Last day to RSVP for Women in STEM panel discussion

March 19 is the last day to RSVP for the Women in STEM panel discussion, “Leading the Way.” The panel will be held March 26 in Hale Library room 307 from 10:00 – 11:00am.

The discussion will focus on empowering women to take on more significant leadership roles through their academic careers, and beyond. The panel will consist of moderated discussions. The panelists will include Chibuzar Azubuike, PhD student in leadership communication, author, social entrepreneur, and scholar-practitioner; Katie Kingery-Page, licensed landscape architect and the Associate Dean in the College of Architecture, Planning, and Design at K-State; and Caterina Scoglio, distinguished professor in the department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and director of the Network Science and Engineering (NetSE) Group at K-State.

Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and engage with the panelists.

Those who are interested in attending will need to RSVP by March 19 by visiting the registration website.

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Registration closes March 29 for presenting research at Kansas Science Festival

1xbet online sports betting students have an excellent opportunity to show the Manhattan community the importance of their research by presenting a hands-on, family friendly activity and hosting a booth/table activity at the Kansas Science Festival (KSF). The KSF will be held April 27 on Poyntz in downtown Manhattan. The goal is to provide the broader community with a glimpse of all the exciting ways STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) intersects with our daily lives, to spark curiosity and excitement in learners of all ages, and frankly, to have fun. March 29 is the deadline to register for a booth. Learn more and register on the KSF website.

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FBI critical incident response group research opportunity

The FBI Critical Incident Response Group (CIRG) is accepting applications for a research fellow with the CIRG Visiting Scientist Program.

It is an opportunity for participants to research initiatives under the mentorship of CIRG research personnel. The opportunity enhances professional development and increases research capabilities among participants. Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree within the last five years in an eligible scientific field.

For applicants currently pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree, they must be within one year of completion.

Visit the program website for more information and to apply.

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Future Faculty Career Exploration Program deadline extended

The application deadline for the Future Faculty Career Exploration Program has been extended to March 22, 2024. The four-day program is designed for participants to experience a behind-the-scenes glimpse into life as a faculty member at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Participants will have a chance to converse and engage with RIT’s diverse administration, faculty, and students. There will also be additional opportunities to enhance interview skills, practice career presentations, and explore research, teaching, and service expectations among RIT faculty members. The program is open to advanced PhD or MFA candidates expected to 1xbet online sports betting by May/June 2025, postdoctoral scholars, or early-career faculty or researchers.

Visit the Future Faculty Career Exploration Program website for more information, and to apply.

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Applications are open for New Mexico Lab-Embedded Entrepreneur Program

The U.S. Department of Defense is organizing the New Mexico Lab- Embedded Entrepreneur Program (NM-LEEP). This program matches entrepreneurs with seed capital, a large network of mentors, customers, investors and the unique expertise and resources available at Los Alamos National Laboratory (Los Alamos) and Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia). The program is seeking to recruit entrepreneurs from around the U.S. for intensive mentorships, tailored business development, and networking. The deadline to apply is April 22, 2024. An informational webinar will be held March 19, 2024 at 4:00pm CT. Visit the NM-LEEP website to register for the webinar. For more information, please visit the Entrepreneur Program website.

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PhD students pursuing a teaching career invited to apply for Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad fellowships competition

The International and Foreign Language Education (IFLE) team at the U.S. Department of Education is launching the Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) fellowships competition.

Doctoral students planning on pursuing a teaching career in the U.S. upon their graduation are eligible to apply. They must also be in good standing at a U.S. institution of higher learning, admitted to candidacy in a doctoral program in modern foreign languages and area studies at the start of the fellowship, and possess adequate skills in language(s) necessary to carry out the dissertation project.

The deadline to apply for the (DDRA) fellowship is March 29. An informational video is available on YouTube. Please visit the U.S. Department of Education website for more information about the fellowship.

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Funding and awards for 1xbet online sports betting students

Nomination deadline for the Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship

The deadline to submit nominations for the Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship and Travel Awards in Molecular Biology is March 22.

The Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship provides an award of ,000 to a 1xbet online sports betting student enrolled in a PhD program at K-State. The award recognizes exceptional achievement in scholastics and research. To be eligible, students must have completed preliminary exams, been admitted to candidacy, and their research must rely significantly on one or more contemporary molecular biological techniques. Doctoral students in their last year are strongly encouraged to self-nominate or be nominated by a faculty member.

For instructions, and to apply, please visit the 1xbet online sports betting school’s Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek Predoctoral Honors 1x.

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Applications are open for 1xbet online sports betting student awards

The deadline for the following awards is May 1:

Please visit the 1xbet online games login Studen for more information.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

March 19

K-State 1xbet online sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum, oral presentations, 10:00am-4:00pm, Union rooms 227, Flint Hills, and Cottonwood

March 20

Professional Development Series: Engaging Students in the Material for Appropriate Depth of Learning, 12:00pm-1:00pm, via Zoom

March 20

K-State 1xbet online sports betting Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum, poster presentations, 1:00-3:00pm, Union Courtyard

March 21

Capitol 1xbet online sports betting Research Summit (CGRS), State Capitol Building, Topeka

March 22

Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship application deadline

March 25

1xbet online sports betting Workshop: Evidence Synthesis: An Overview for Non-Health Sciences Researcher, 1:30 pm via Zoom

March 27

Professional Development Series: Teaching Chat, 12:00-1:00pm, via Zoom

March 28

Better Leadership: Centering Compassion, Wellbeing, and Belonging, 2:30-4:00pm, via Zoom

April 1

1xbet online sports betting Workshop: Copyright, Your ETDR and Publishing, 1:30 pm, via Zoom


GSC travel award application deadline for events beginning in June

April 3

Professional Development Series: Supporting International Students, 12:00-1:00pm, via Zoom

April 1-5

1xbet online sports betting Student Appreciation Week

April 4

Becoming a Community-Engaged Scholar, 2:30-3:30pm, via Zoom

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