1xbet online games login School Bulletin

February 06,2024

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Articles of interest

Faculty and Staff


1xbet online games login Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online games login Students

Funding and awards for 1xbet online games login students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Articles of interest

This is Where New Ph.Ds. Find Jobs

According to federal data, an increasing number of doctoral degree holders are finding employment in industry. A recent article in the Chronicle of Higher Education has more information on this trend of new PhDs and industry employment.

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If you come across an article that would be of interest to other 1xbet online games login programs, please send it to Michael Sellman, 1xbet online games login School communication specialist, at msellman@ksu.edu, to have the article featured in a future Bulletin!

Faculty and Staff

Survey of earned doctorates: KSU data

The Survey of Earned Doctorates is an annual census conducted since 1957 of all individuals receiving a research doctorate from an accredited U.S. institution in a given academic year. The SED is sponsored by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation (NSF) and by three other federal agencies: the National Institutes of Health, Department of Education, and National Endowment for the Humanities. The SED collects information on the doctoral recipient’s educational history, demographic characteristics, and postgraduation plans. Results are used to assess characteristics of the doctoral population and trends in doctoral education and degrees.

The K-State data for 2021 and 2022 is posted in the 1xbet online games login Resources folder, under the Student Success subfolder. You can access this information by using your K-State credentials to log into the folder. Please note that the data is only to be used by K-State constituents and it is not for public use.


If you have any comments about the K-State data, please send an email to Dean Petrescu at cpetrescu@ksu.edu.

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Support students and discover research at the 3MT, Feb. 7

The first round of the Three Minute Thesis Competition (3MT) will be held Feb. 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. at the K-State Student Union in rooms 227 and Flint Hills. Over 80 1xbet online games login students from almost all academic colleges are schedule to present three-minute talks of their research using a single, static slide. Eight to ten participants will be selected to advance to the final round of competition on Feb. 22. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to attend the eight heats of presentations that will take place on Feb. 7. A first round schedule can be found on the 3MT website.

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1xbet online games login School Associate Dean Search

The 1xbet online games login School has launched its search for an Associate Dean. This is an internal search, with the review of applications starting on February 19th. You can review the job posting on the Internal job 1xbet onlin

The associate dean will serve in a strategic leadership role within the 1xbet online games login School and will work with the vice provost for 1xbet online games login education and dean of the 1xbet online games login school, as well as with the academic units, in strategically advancing 1xbet online games login education at K-State University. This is a very important role in the 1xbet online games login School and at K-State. I hope that you will consider applying for the position, and/or for participating in the search process.

The search committee is formed of:

    • Chwen Sheu, Associate Dean, College of Business Administration
    • Perla Reyes, Department Head Statistics, Grad Council Representative, College of Arts & Sciences
    • Christy Craft, Department Head, Special Education, Counseling, and Student Affairs, College of Education
    • Prathap Parameswaran, 1xbet online games login Program Coordinator, Civil Engineering, Carl R. Ice College of Engineering
    • Gaea Hock, Grad Program Coordinator, Agricultural Education, College of Agriculture
    • Megan Miller, Assistant Director 1xbet online games login Student Success, 1xbet online games login School
    • Zane Whitney, Vice-President Grad Student Council, PhD student in History
    • Mike Pritchard, Assoc Dean of Research and Grad Studies. CHAIR search committee, K-State Salina
    • Matthew Basel, Grad Program Coordinator, Physiology, and Grad Council representative, College of Veterinary Medicine
    • Glade Topham, Grad Program Coordinator, Couples and Family Therapy, College of Health and Human Sciences
    • Becky Stuteville, Assistant Dean, Academic Affairs, K-State Olathe

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Spring Strategic Planning Retreat

The 1xbet online games login School will be hosting the Spring Strategic Planning Retreat on May 1, 2024, from 11:30am – 2:00 p.m. in the Flint Hills Room of the Student Union. Please save the date to your calendars.

In this session we will review draft 4 of the 1xbet online games login School Strategic Plan. The format will be similar to the session that was held in the Fall semester. More information on this session will be forthcoming.

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Post-Graduation Statistics Ready for Release by K-State Career Center

With the start of a new year, K-State’s newest post-graduation statistics are available for viewing.

Data was collected on 82% of K-State's 2022-23 graduates. Results were compiled on associate, bachelor, master and doctoral degree candidates across the university. The annual post-graduation reports provide outcome information by employer, major, position title, starting salary, geographic placement and furthering education.

Designated faculty and staff can access reports via interactive PowerBI dashboards. To access your PowerBI dashboard, you will need to follow these steps:

    • Log into your K-State webmail with your eID and password.
    • Click the grid icon for the “app launcher” in the upper-left hand corner.
    • Select PowerBI from the app list. You may need to click “all apps” first to see the PowerBI icon.
    • If your dashboard is not immediately displayed, click on the “home” icon found on the left-hand side of your screen.
    • Click the “Browse” file folder icon and then “Shared with me.”
    • Scroll and select “Faculty Access to Post-Grad Reports” by the Career Center.

From there, you will be directed onto the dashboard that is customized for your college or administrative access needs. Review the dashboard by using the tabs or links on the “At a Glance” home screen.

Note that data can be downloaded into Excel from the Employment Info, Employment Geographic and Furthering Education tabs. Use Chrome for the best display of your dashboards. For updated information, you may also need to click the green “reset filters” button.

Aggregate data will also be released to the public via the K-State Post-Graduatio.

If you have any questions, please contact the Career Center at (785) 532-6506. staff 1xbet online g can also provide additional information.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

February 7

Three Minute Thesis, first round of competition, 9:30am-4:15pm, 227 and Flint Hills, Union

February 21

Know-How: 1xbet online games login School ConversationsSlate info session, 11:30 a.m-1:00 p.m., 121 Eisenhower Hall, and by zoom unless otherwise noted.

February 22

Three Minute Thesis, final round of competition, 5:30pm, Union Ballroom

March 6

Distinguished 1xbet online games login Faculty Award Lecture: Jeffrey Pickering, political science and security studies professor, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m., Leadership Studies, Room 114

March 7

March Slate Showcase: 2:30 – 3:30 p.m., 121 Eisenhower and zoom.

1xbet sports betting School events and major dates

Doctoral defenses

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Application Review Process and Administration decisions

The 1xbet online games login School admissions team would like to assure program directors and students that we are working diligently on processing applications.

At this time of the year, we receive a higher volume of applications. Various obstacles beyond our control have interrupted application reviews, such as IT disruptions and campus closures for inclement weather.

Applications are processed in the order they are received. We are also prioritizing summer applications for international students in order to give them time to obtain their I-20 forms. We are working on reissuing I-20s for students admitted for Fall who were issued I-20s before the official Fall 2024 semester start date was changed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to review and process each application properly.

We ask that program directors please submit recommendations for admission to the 1xbet online games login School as soon as the program reviews the application and has a recommendation. Please email 1xbet online games login admissions questions to gradapply@ksu.edu.

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Slate CRM Implementation for 1xbet online games login School - Update

  • The 1xbet online games login School continues to work with Carnegie and the slate CRM implementation team. We are almost complete with Phase II, building the application.
  • We had an all-day visit with Carnegie on Monday (1/29) to finalize a few things from phase I and work through testing of the application. We got quite a bit accomplished and are looking forward to the second visit day on Monday (2/5).
  • We are finishing our first round of testing and plan to send testing out to another round of reviewers the week of February 5th.
  • We revisited the 1xbet online games login Orientation Event template, provided some edits, and will begin testing.
  • We decided to implement the current fee waiver process in CollegeNet as a temporary solution over the next year.
  • We are finalizing the required materials for the application and the hard fails that need to be completed by the student to submit their application.

The current timeline is as follows:

    • Phase 1- Completed by November 6, 2023
      • Building Records, Forms, Events, and Communications
    • Phase 2- Completed by January 22, 2024
      • The Application form developed
    • Phase 3- Complete by April 15th
      • Workflows designed
    • Final Implementation goal: April 29th
    • Historical Data Migration into Slate by May 31st

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1xbet online games login Student Success

Fall 2023 degree posting and diploma information

The final date to confer the fall 2023 degrees was January 26th. If alumni have questions about receiving their diploma, they can find information on the Office of the Registrar website and should direct questions to the Office of the Registrar.

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Academic support available to grad students

The Academic Achievement Center is one of the many service units available to support 1xbet online games login students in being academically successful. FeaturedTestimonia gives 1xbet online games login students free academic guidance in achieving their academic success plan and personal goals.

Academic Success tools are independent resources for helping students with time management and building strong habits to facilitate progress. More information can be found on the -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --.

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Opportunities for 1xbet online games login Students

First Grad Coffee Chat with the Dean, today

The first Grad Coffee Chat of the semester with the 1xbet online games login School Dean is today, Feb. 6, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. All 1xbet online games login students are welcome to attend! The coffee chats are an opportunity for students to ask questions, receive guidance to navigate the 1xbet online games login school, build community, and learn from their peers. The chat will be held in 118 Eisenhower Hall. Students unable to attend in person may join by Zoom. Advanced registration is requested. The next monthly coffee chat will be held March 5.

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K-State GRAD Forum registration deadline extended, Feb. 7

The K-State GRAD Forum registration deadline has been extended to Feb. 7. The forum is an annual showcase for K-State 1xbet online games login students to display their research and scholarly work to the K-State community. The event is an opportunity for 1xbet online games login students from all disciplines to gain experience presenting their work in a professional setting. Oral presentations are March 19, and poster presentations are March 20. For more information, please visit the K-State GRAD Forum website.

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Sponsorship for Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering workshop

The 1xbet online games login School is accepting nominations for two 1xbet online games login students in STEM- related fields to attend the AAAS Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering (CASE) workshop from April 14-17 in Washington, D.C. The nomination deadline is Feb. 16. Applicants must provide a brief statement of approximately 200 words as to why they would like to attend the workshop, and what they expect to gain from the experience. Also, their major professor or faculty mentor must provide a short statement (approximately 200 words) on why they support the applicant. Nominations are accepted in an online form. For more information about the workshop, visit the AAAS website. Questions about the nomination process for sponsorship from the 1xbet online games login School, please contact Dr. Megan Miller, mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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Lab Safety Awareness Week

Faculty, staff, students, future researchers, and the university community are welcome to attend Lab Safety Awareness Week starting Feb. 12 at 9 a.m. All events will be held in the K-State Student Union and on zoom. Those in attendance will receive course certificates and are eligible to enter a grand prize drawing. Topics include chemical safety and integrating safety into curriculum, research information security and protecting research, compressed gas safety, and research animal safety.

Visit Environmental Healt or contact Rachael Weiderman, Research and Laboratory Safety Manager, at warhurst@ksu.edu or 785-477-0409 for more information.

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DOE Science, Technology and Policy Program Opportunity

1xbet online games login students who have received their master’s or doctoral degree within the last five years or are currently pursuing their degree and will have completed all degree requirements by the desired start date, are invited to apply for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Science, Technology and Policy (STP) Program. The program provides 1xbet online games login students with opportunities to participate in programs, projects, and activities at the Office of International Affairs. Participants will have hands-on experience to understand the mission, operations, and culture of the DOE. The application deadline is Feb. 14. Visit the U.S. Department of Energy zintellect website for more information, and to apply.

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Funding and awards for 1xbet online games login students

Student Parent Success Scholarship application open

Students pursuing a 1xbet online games login degree while also raising a family are welcome to apply for the Student Parent Success Scholarship. Applications will be accepted until Feb. 15.

The scholarship is set up to relieve some of the financial burden of raising children while attending 1xbet online games login school. Scholarships up to ,000 will be awarded during the spring 2024 semester. Applicants must be enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program at K-State at the time of the scholarship application. For more information, please visit the Student parent 1xbet online casino Success. Questions may be directed to Dr. Megan Miller, mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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1xbet online games login assistantships for Brownfields and Community Engagement Project

The Regional and Community Planning Program at Kansas State University is recruiting master’s students for three partially and fully funded merit-based positions supported by the KSU Technical Assistance for Brownfields Program (TAB). A bachelor’s in planning or allied fields such as geography, environmental studies, architecture, landscape architecture, sociology, and political science is required. Applicants must also be interested in pursuing research in Brownfields, Community Engagement, along with one of the following: housing, hazard mitigation, transportation, community resilience and infrastructure planning. View a position description for more information and instructions on how to apply. The application deadline is February 16. Please direct questions to srishi@ksu.edu and shakilkashem@ksu.edu.

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Johnson Cancer Research Center research awards for 1xbet online games login students

The Johnson Cancer Research Center (JCRC) at K-State is funding summer stipends for 1xbet online games login students studying under the direction of JCRC faculty members. The application deadline for the 1xbet online games login Student Cancer Research Award and 1xbet online games login Cancer Research Scholarship and Support is Feb. 16. The awards support 1xbet online games login students working on cancer-related projects and the research programs of their major professors. 1xbet online games login students with nine-month teaching assistantships and twelve-month research assistantships qualify for the program. For more information and to apply, please visit the 1xbet online games login Cancer Research Awards website.

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League of Women Voters of Manhattan-Riley County - Stella Harriss Scholarship Fund

The Johnson Cancer Research Center (JCRC) at K-State is funding summer stipends for 1xbet online games login students studying under the direction of JCRC faculty members. The application deadline for the 1xbet online games login Student Cancer Research Award and 1xbet online games login Cancer Research Scholarship and Support is Feb. 16. The awards support 1xbet online games login students working on cancer-related projects and the research programs of their major professors. 1xbet online games login students with nine-month teaching assistantships and twelve-month research assistantships qualify for the program. For more information and to apply, please visit the 1xbet online games login Cancer Research Awards website.

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Nominate 1xbet online games login students for Alumni Association awards

Each year, the K-State Alumni Association gives several awards to honor K-State students graduating in the current calendar year. 1xbet online games login Students are eligible for most of these awards: International Leadership, LGBTQ+ Leadership, Robinson Family Multicultural Leadership, Tony Jurich Community Commitment and Leadership

Additionally, two awards specifically honor 1xbet online games login students who are completing their programs in May, August, or December.

    • The 1xbet online games login Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service is awarded to a graduate student who has made an impact by serving and leading the 1xbet online games login student population.
    • The 1xbet online games login Award for Outstanding Academics is awarded to a graduate student who has contributed to their academic field of study.

The nomination deadline is March 7. For more information, and to submit a student nomination, please visit the K-State Alumni Association website.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

February 6

Coffee Chat with the 1xbet online games login School Dean, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, 118 Eisenhower Hall, and by Zoom

February 7

Three Minute Thesis, first round of competition, 9:30am-4:30pm, 227 and Flint Hills Room, Student Union

February 7

TLC Professional Development Series: Teaching Chat – Mentoring Junior Colleges, 12:00-1:00 p.m. via zoom.

February 7

K-State 1xbet online games login Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum registration deadline

February 12

1xbet online games login Workshop: Getting the Most Out of Google Scholar and Scopus, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via zoom. Registration required.

February 12

Deadline to drop courses for 50% refund (applies only to standard 16-week courses; check KSIS for drop deadlines for your courses)

February 14

TLC Professional Development Series: Community Engagement & Service Learning, 12:00p.m.-1:00p.m. via zoom.

February 19

1xbet online games login Workshop: Starting Your Literature Review in the Sciences, 1:30-2:30 p.m. via zoom. Registration required.

February 21

TLC Professional Development Series: Supporting Student Workers, 12:00- 1:00 p.m. via zoom.

February 22

Three Minute Thesis, final round of competition, 5:30pm, Union Ballroom

March 1

GSC travel award application deadline for events that begin in May

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