1xbet sports betting School Bulletin

April 02, 2024

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Articles of interest

Faculty and Staff



1xbet sports betting Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet sports betting Students

Funding and awards for 1xbet sports betting students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Articles of interest

It’s Time to Start Teaching Your Students How to Be a Student

A recent article in Chronicles of Higher Education details the role of a professor in today’s college classrooms. The article details what behaviors and habits professors should introduce and reinforce to develop successful college students.

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If you come across an article that would be of interest to other 1xbet sports betting programs, please send it to Michael Sellman, 1xbet sports betting School communication specialist, at msellman@ksu.edu, to have the article featured in a future Bulletin!

Faculty and Staff

1xbet sports betting School Town Hall session

The 1xbet sports betting School will be hosting a Town Hall session on April 10th from 3:00-4:30pm in Room 114, Leadership Studies Town Hall. In the “Building GS Strategic Leadership Role” Dean Petrescu will discuss the initiatives launched this academic year, the outcome of these initiatives and our plan for the next year. The event is for all 1xbet sports betting constituents. To accommodate schedules, we have set up a Zoom option. However, we encourage you to attend in person if possible.

Please RSVP your attendance. We look forward to seeing you all at the Town Hall!

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Spring Strategic Planning Session to be held May 1

The 1xbet sports betting School will host the Spring Strategic Planning Session on May 1, 2024, from 11:00am – 2:00 p.m. in the Flint Hills Room of the Student Union. Please save the date on your calendars.

In this session, we will review, discuss and finalize the draft 1xbet sports betting School Strategic Plan. This draft will be shared with the 1xbet sports betting constituents before the May session. The format will be similar to the session that was held in the Fall semester. Please visit the registration website to RSVP for the Planning Session.

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Grad Faculty Memberships for Fall 2024 Semester

Graduate faculty nomination materials should be submitted to gradinfo@ksu.edu by April 10 if you intend to renew Associate memberships, nominate for regular membership, or request that non-grad faculty teach 1xbet sports betting courses for the Fall 2024 semester. The last opportunity for the 1xbet sports betting Council to approve memberships before the summer hiatus is May 7. Find nomination forms and guidelines on the 1xbet sports betting School website. Please contact Timon Smock (tmsmock@ksu.edu) at the 1xbet sports betting School if you have questions regarding nominations.

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Accelerated Programs – Use of the L-code

The Registrar’s Office created a new code to track students enrolled in accelerated programs. Each participating 1xbet sports betting program has an associated L-code. For example, LMBA will be used for accelerated programs leading to the MBA regardless of the undergraduate program participating in the accelerated program (e.g., Chem/MBA and MNE/MBA will both have the LMBA code). When a student applies to and is accepted into an accelerated program, the L-code will be added to their record and appear as a non-degree seeking 1xbet sports betting program along with their undergrad degree code (e.g., BME). This addition allows the student to enroll in their 9-credits of overlapping coursework for 1xbet sports betting credit by using their L-code.

Students admitted to an accelerated program before the L-code was available require special handling. The 1xbet sports betting School is creating a process in which Fall 2023 admits will be assigned the correct L-code thus designating them as an accelerated student. Students admitted before Fall 2023 may be treated the same way, but their treatment will depend on the term in which they were admitted and the procedures and policies at that time. 1xbet online g are also available to answer common questions about accelerated programs. Any additional questions can be addressed to Dr. Michael Young, michaelyoung@ksu.edu.

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April Slate Showcase: The Progress of the Slate implementation

The April Slate Showcase will be held April 22 from 2:30 to 3:30 pm via Zoom. This session will cover the progress of Slate implementation as the new application and CRM for the 1xbet sports betting school.

As the contract with implementation partner, Carnegie, comes to a close, this showcase will detail the progress that has been made on the application, CRM, and the recruitment process for the 1xbet sports betting school.

Please RSVP for this session by April 18th at 5 pm.

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Nine-month 1xbet sports betting Assistantships salary payment schedule change for the 2024-2025 academic year

The nine-month salary payment schedule for the 2024/2025 academic year will be delayed until August 18. A memo was sent earlier this month to all units from HR and Provost office.

The nine-month contracts begin with the pay period that coincides with the first paycheck issued in September. In 2024, the contracts will begin August 18 and will move forward 20 pay periods until they end on May 24, 2025.

In addition, there will be seven pay periods during the summer. Please refer to the 1xbet online games l available on the 1xbet online games login criteria that apply to for more information.

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You are invited to the 1xbet sports betting Student and Faculty Recognition Celebration

All K-State 1xbet sports betting students and 1xbet sports betting faculty are invited to the 1xbet sports betting Student and Faculty Recognition Celebration, April 28, 5-7pm, College of Business Atrium. Sponsored by President Linton’s Office in partnership with the GSC and the 1xbet sports betting School, we’ll celebrate the academic year and recognize 1xbet sports betting student achievements. Heavy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments will be served. RSVP by April 18.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

April 1-5 1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation Week
April 2 K-State Olathe appreciation dinner for all students, 4:30 – 6:30 pm, Bistro at the K-State Olathe Campus
April 3 1xbet sports betting Student Council Bingo Night, 5:00-7:00 pm, 123 Leadership Studies, register to attend
April 8 1xbet sports betting Workshop: Developing Your Scholarly Identity, 1:30 – 2:30 pm via Zoom
April 9 Grad Coffee Chat with the Dean, ice cream and treats provided, 12:00-1:00 pm, 118 Eisenhower Hall and via Zoom
April 15 1xbet sports betting Workship: After Graduation: Accessing Research on the Job, 1:30 – 2:30 pm via Zoom
April 16 APDesign 1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation donuts with the Dean, 9:00 – 10:00 am, Regnier Hall atrium
April 17 College of Business appreciation breakfast for CBA 1xbet sports betting students, 9:30 – 11:00 am, 2001 Business Building
April 28 1xbet sports betting Student and Faculty Celebration, 5:00 – 7:00 pm, College of Business atrium, register to attend by April 18.
1xbet sports betting School events and major dates

Doctoral defenses

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Upcoming webinars for students interested in pursuing 1xbet sports betting education

The 1xbet sports betting School is hosting webinars for students interested in pursuing 1xbet sports betting education, respectively 1xbet sports betting certificate, master's and doctoral. Students can attend one or all webinars. The 1xbet sports betting School is also promoting the webinars to prospective students.

The following webinars will be held in US Central Standard Time.

April 3, 8:00am

Funding Opportunities

April 8, 6:00pm

April 10, 8:00am

Resources for 1xbet sports betting Students

Please visit the 1xbet sports betting School Webinars and Fairs website for more information.

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Slate CRM Implementation for 1xbet sports betting School - Update

  • We are one month out from the completion of our implementation contract with Carnegie. We will continue to work with them on the KSIS integration but the contract for building the application and workflow will be completed.
  • We gathered feedback on the application view from the implementation team, Faculty Task Force, and 1xbet sports betting School for review and are implementing the approved updates.
  • We are updating forms for Slate including Pre-Review by the 1xbet sports betting School, Faculty Feedback to the GPD, GPD Recommendation, 1xbet sports betting School Review, and Assistantship/Scholarship Award.
  • We are finalizing the processing and immigration workflow based on feedback.
  • We worked with Carnegie to develop a new review process that can handle simultaneous form submissions for both faculty feedback and recommendation. Previously we had to break that into multiple bins, and we were able to reduce that to one.
  • The 1xbet sports betting School has been updating the decision letters and is making updates based on feedback.
  • Carnegie has been helping us to build a standard GPA calculator for the last 60 hours.

The current timeline is as follows:

    • Phase 1- Completed by November 6, 2023
      • Building Records, Forms, Events, and Communications
    • Phase 2- Completed by January 22, 2024
      • The Application form developed
    • Phase 3- Complete by April 15th
      • Workflows designed
    • Final Implementation goal: April 29th
    • Historical Data Migration into Slate by May 31st

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1xbet sports betting Student Success

Master’s/Education Specialist program of study update

The master’s/education specialist program of study has an update. The prior program of study option for non-thesis/non-report option listed as “all coursework. This option has been updated to “coursework. The reason for the update: to make the more clearer to students and faculty.

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Degree Analyst response times

For those who have tried to contact degree analysts, and are still waiting for a response, please be aware that the degree analysts are slow to respond to emails, calls, etc. Please be patient as they work through a large number of approvals to schedule final examination forms. Please be assured that they will reply as soon as they can.

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1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation Month

This April, the 1xbet sports betting School is celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of 1xbet sports betting students. The first week of April is nationally recognized as 1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation Week. This is an opportunity to show appreciation to 1xbet sports betting students for their hard work and dedication to research, scholarly and creative work, teaching, leadership and service. A schedule of events celebrating and recognizing 1xbet sports betting students can be found on the 1xbet sports betting School website.

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1xbet sports betting students receive awards for outstanding research presentations at K-State GRAD Forum

Ten 1xbet sports betting students were presented with awards for outstanding presentations of their research and scholarly work to the K-State community and the public during the annual 1xbet online casino Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery (K held March 20 and 21 in the K-State Student Union.

The following students were selected as award recipients of the 2024 K-State GRAD Forum:

Poster presentations:

    • Sabreena Ayoub Parray, master’s student in agronomy, “Pre-breeding evaluation of Pearl millet germplasms for drought tolerance in diverse environments.Parray’s faculty mentors are Ramasamy Perumal, professor of agronomy, and P.V. Vara, university distinguished professor of agronomy.
    • Nirajan Piya, master’s student in biological and agricultural engineering, “System development for application and testing of spray-on biodegradable mulch.” Piya’s faculty mentor is Ajay Sharda, associate professor of biological and agricultural engineering.
    • Pedro Henrique Goncalves Pereira de Souza, master’s student in grain science, “Exploring the impact of xylanase sources and dosage on rheological properties of flour and baked product quality.” De Souza’s faculty mentor is Elisa Karkle, assistant professor of grain science and industry.
    • Adi Siegmann, master’s student of human development and family science, specializing in couple and family therapy, “Relational factors associated with the likelihood of male therapy attendance.” Siegmann’s faculty mentor is Chelsea Spencer, research assistant professor of applied human sciences.
    • Brian Wolfe, master’s student in veterinary biomedical science, “Biological sex differences in disease severity, lethal doses, and antibody responses after infection with h1n1 and H3N2 influenza A viruses in a mouse model.” Wolfe’s academic faculty mentor is Santosh Dhakal, assistant professor of diagnostic medicine and pathobiology.

Oral Presentations:

    • Tucker Graff, doctoral student in grain science, “Effect of grain source on extruded feed characteristics and growth performance of rainbow trout.” Graff’s faculty mentor is Sajid Alavi, professor of grain science industry.
    • Nicole Kucherov, doctoral student in entomology, “What's bugging you, from a landscape point of view.” Kucherov’s faculty mentor is Tania Kim, assistant professor of entomology.
    • Roselle Barretto, doctoral student in biological and agricultural engineering, “Bind and Grind: hemp protein takes on adhesive challenges.” Barretto’s faculty mentor is Donghai Wang, professor of biological and agricultural engineering.
    • KaCee James, doctoral student in curriculum and instruction, “A twenty-year comparison of traditionally and alternatively licensed school-based agricultural education teacher retention in Kansas.” James’s faculty mentor is Gaea Hock, assistant professor of communications and agricultural education.

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Two 1xbet sports betting students recognized for their poster presentations at the Capitol 1xbet sports betting Research Summit (CGRS)

Ramona Weber, doctoral student in health and human sciences specializing in kinesiology and Jaymi Peterson, doctoral student in food, nutrition, dietetics and health, were recognized for their outstanding research poster presentations at the annual Capitol 1xbet sports betting Research Summit, or CGRS, held at the State Capitol in Topeka on March 21.

Both Peterson and Weber received 0 scholarships from the 1xbet sports betting School for their presentations.

Please read the 1xbet sports bettin for more information about their presentations and this year’s summit.

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Opportunities for 1xbet sports betting Students

K-State and the University Press of Kansas to host event on book publishing

K-State and the University Press of Kansas will be hosting an informative event focused on finding publishers, revising dissertations and an authors’ roundtable.

The following events will be April 11 in the Hemisphere Room in Hale Library (HL581):

    • 1:00 – 2:00pm: University Press of Kansas Editor in Chief Joyce Harrison will discuss how to find the right publisher for your book project, and how to revise your dissertation for publication.
    • 4:00 – 5:00 pm: The Author Roundtable will include Jess Falcone, Michael Haddock, Michael Krysko, and Colby Moorberg. They will discuss how to navigate the publication process.
    • 5:00 pm: Michael Haddock will host a book launch social hour for his book, “Wildflowers and Grasses of Kansas: A Field Guide, Revised and Expanded Edition.

Registration is required for the event. Please email kjchrism@ku.edu for more information, or visit the University of Kansas Press website.

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Opportunity for STEM 1xbet sports betting students to teach in K-12 schools

The 1xbet sports betting School is partnering with the Kansas Department of Education to offer an opportunity for science, technology, engineering, math, finance, and accounting (STEM) 1xbet sports betting students who are interested in teaching STEM courses in K-12 schools.

All STEM 1xbet sports betting students, both domestic and international, are eligible to participate. Students are not required to have a teaching license at this point in time. The Department of Education will work with the 1xbet sports betting School to address the licensing requirement through one of their licensing programs.

The following informative webinars will be hosted by Shane Carter, Director of Teacher Licensure, Kansas Department of Education:

    • April 10, 4:30 – 5:30pm, Zoom - please register by April 9
    • April 15, 1:00 – 2:00pm, Zoom - please register by April 14

While both webinars will cover the same information, participants can register for both if they choose. Please visit the registration form website to register for each or both webinars. The registration form also gives you the opportunity to ask questions about this program. Your questions will help Mr. Carter prepare for the webinars.

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Funding and awards for 1xbet sports betting students

The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E)

The Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) is currently recruiting new Fellows! The ARPA-E is an agency within the Department of Energy. Its purpose is to fund high-risk, high-impact energy technologies. The Fellowship is a prestigious, two-year, full-time, paid federal position in Washington D.C. that is responsible for identifying technological whitespaces and conducting independent research and analysis.

Creative early-career scientists and engineers are invited to apply for the ARPA-E Fellowship and help direct the future of American energy innovation.

Visit the ARPA-E website for more information, and to apply.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

April 3

Professional Development Series: Supporting International Students, 12:00-1:00pm, via Zoom

April 1-5

1xbet sports betting Student Appreciation Week

April 4

Becoming a Community-Engaged Scholar, 2:30-3:30pm, via Zoom

April 4

Chester E. Peters Lecture Series: A Mea Culpa for the Transfer Student Experience (and the 1xbet sports betting Experience), 10:30 am, Union Forum Hall

April 10

Professional Development Series: Strategies to Enhance Student Engagement and Encourage Visible Thinking, 12:00 – 1:00 pm, via Zoom

April 10

1xbet sports betting School Town Hall Session: Building GS Strategic Leadership Role, 3:00-4:30pm Room 114, Leadership Studies Town Hall and via Zoom

April 22

April Slate Showcase: The Progress of the Slate implementation, 2:30 – 3:30 pm via Zoom

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