1xbet online games login School Bulletin

october 1xbet online games login 18, 2022

Table of contents

Click on a category name to view that section, or click on a headline to read the full announcement.

Faculty and Staff



Program Coordinators

1xbet online games login Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online games login Students

Funding for 1xbet online games login Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Faculty and Staff

The 1xbet online games login School invites you to the Orientation for New Department Heads and new 1xbet online games login Program Directors, October 19th 11.30am – 1pm.

Topics covered: 1xbet online games login Council and curriculum (shared governance process); nomination process for 1xbet online games login faculty status; student success reports; information resources

Location: 121 Eisenhower Hall and via Zoom (https://ksu.zoom.us/j/99919430807, Passcode: GRAD).

For information about this event, please contact Bailee at blirwin@ksu.edu or Miranda at mquint@ksu.edu

Please RSVP to this event by the end of the day on October 18, 2022 .

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Graduation regalia for Faculty are now in stock at the K-State Campus Store. The deadline for hood orders for Faculty is Monday, November 10, 2022 at 6pm. Any orders received after November 10th will incur a expedited handling fee. No orders will be accepted after November 23rd. For information regarding pricing please visit the webpage.

For regalia questions or additional information contact Jennifer Brazzle at j.brazzle@follett.com or call the store at 785-532-6583

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The 1xbet online games login Student Council invites 1xbet online games login Faculty and staff to the Research and the State poster forum on October 27, 2022, in the Union Courtyard from 1:30pm - 3:30pm. This is a great opportunity to learn about the research and scholarly work of over 50 1xbet online games login students from seven academic colleges and over 20 different 1xbet online games login programs.

K-State faculty, staff, and post-docs are also invited to serve as poster judges. Judges select winning presentations and provide feedback to presenters. This critical role supports 1xbet online games login students’ continued growth in presenting their research or scholarly work. If you are available to serve as a judge on October 27, please complete a brief volunteer form to express your interest.

Direct questions about Research and the State to the 1xbet online games login Student Council at egsc@ksu.edu or Dr. Megan Miller, Student Success Coordinator, at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet online games login School thanks you for your patience as the two Degree Analysts process audits and support you while we search for a third analyst. The search was launched a week ago and we will keep you informed of new developments.

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The 1xbet online games login School has received a good response from students and 1xbet online games login program directors regarding 1xbet online games login student probation reports. An action plan or status update on the student’s progress has been submitted by the student and/or program director for 1/3 of the approximately 150 1xbet online games login students on probation. Status updates are recorded in the probation reports in the Grad Resources files on Teams.

Addressing inactive students – From the probation reports and responses from 1xbet online games login programs, we have been able to identify students who have not been enrolled for two or more semesters. In many of these cases, programs have reached out to the student but have not received a response. The 1xbet online games login School will also be reaching out to these students to discuss their degree progress. These students will be informed that if they are inactive for two or more years and if we do not hear from them by a specified date, their academic record will be discontinued, and they will be required to reapply if they wish to continue their program in the future.

For questions about the probation reports, please contact Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu

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The McNair Scholars Program is a comprehensive, two-year program structured to prepare undergraduates for successful careers as 1xbet online games login students, professors, and professional researchers.

The 1xbet online games login School received a dataset from the 1xbet online games login School Council. This data set contains contact information for the current McNair students from all universities. 1xbet online games login Coordinators and Faculty who are interested in using this dataset and would like to connect with McNair Scholars please contact Sarah Tortella, Director of 1xbet online games login Recruitment at stortella@ksu.edu

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Oct. 19

October Know How: 1xbet online games login School conversations, 11:30 am-1:00 pm, Eisenhower 121

Topic: Orientation for new Department Heads and new 1xbet online games login Program Directors

Oct. 27

Research and the State poster forum, 1:30 – 3:30pm, K-State Student Union Courtyard

Nov. 1

Award recipients will be selected by the awards selection committee for GSC and MAGS teaching awards

Nov. 2

Recruitment webinar series: Why K-State for 1xbet online games login education? At 6:00pm, Zoom

Nov. 10

Deadline for hood orders for Faculty

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The Admissions team encourages programs to submit their recommendation for international applications for Spring 2023 as soon as possible. Timely document processing provides enough time for applicants to obtain an I-20 and/or Visa.

Both the legacy interface and updated interface support sending email to applicants through CollegeNET.

For more information about sending emails through CollegeNET, See the documentation at: 1xbet online games login use,...@ksu.edu,for the

For direct questions, please contact Joe Horan, 1xbet online games login Admissions Manager, at jphoran@ksu.edu

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Departments wishing to pay the application fee for 1xbet online games login applicants may purchase fee waiver codes from the 1xbet online games login School. Purchased codes may be given to prospective students so that their application fee is waived. Codes are available in any quantity, but if you plan to use several please order in batches. When purchasing, please indicate the quantity of Domestic () and/or International () waiver codes that are required.

Requests and question should be sent to Joe Horan, 1xbet online games login Admissions Manager, jphoran@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet online games login School is developing a series of webinars for prospective 1xbet online games login students. All webinars will begin at 6pm CST for the following dates and topics:

Nov 2ndWhy K-State for 1xbet online games login education?

Nov 16thFirst steps to pursuing 1xbet online games login education – Point prospective students to their interest areas and programs of study, how to connect, and virtual campus tour

Dec 7thThe Application Process - Walk students through the process including lead time for letters of recommendation, etc

Dec 21stFunding Opportunities – Provide an overview of all funding opportunities

Jan 4thResources for 1xbet online games login Students – Including Research, Housing and Mental Health

Jan 18th -Student Services for 1xbet online games login Students – Overview of Clubs, Organizations, and Diversity and Inclusion efforts

The 1xbet online games login School will invite prospective students from the CollegeNet lists of prospects to attend these webinars.

For direct questions, please contact Sarah Tortella, Director of 1xbet online games login Recruitment, at stortella@ksu.edu

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A survey will be sent to 1xbet online games login coordinators next week to understand academic units’ recruitment practices. The information will be used to identify ways to support academic units' recruitment efforts and to develop a compressive, university wide, 1xbet online games login recruitment strategy. Your feedback is very important and appreciated.

For direct questions, please contact Sarah Tortella, Director of 1xbet online games login Recruitment, at stortella@ksu.edu

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Program Coordinators

This year we are piloting a new program review (PR) process that was developed in collaboration with the 1xbet online games login Council Assessment and Review Committee (ARC) and with the 1xbet online games login Council. The new 1xbet online games login PR process provides 1xbet online games login programs with the tools needed to pro-actively make decisions about their future.

The following programs are scheduled for mid-cycle review for reporting year 2023:

Program Name



Communication Studies




Fine Arts


Modern Languages






Diag, Deliber, and Public Engmnt


Teaching Engl Foreign Lang


Tech Writing and Prof Communication



M, D


M, D



Source: https://app.powerbi.com/reportEmbed?reportId=2b05a6a9-5521-4ef5-a788-1a7648c3952c&autoAuth=true&ctid=d9a2fa71-d67d-4cb6-b541-06ccaa8013fb. K-State eID required.

Timeline for the mid-cycle review:

October 2022 – Launch pilot of new Program Review (PR) process (Information was sent out to 1xbet online games login programs directors and department heads in early October).

November 2022 – Informational session for reporting units about the new PR process

Mid-January 2023 – Check-in session for finalizing submission

February 1 2023 – Deadline for PR submission for mid-cycle programs; send to gradinfo@ksu.edu

April 2023 – Mid-cycle programs receive feedback from 1xbet online games login Council

For questions, please contact Timon Smock, Office Specialist III, at tmsmock@ksu.edu

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We noticed an increased interest from the departments in developing accelerated (4+1) programs. To support the development of these programs, we recommend that:

  1. Use the accelerated program's template located in the 1xbet online games login Resources Team Folder, in the Course and Curriculum Folder.
  2. Submit the existing assessment plans or student learning outcomes (SLO’s) plans for the undergraduate and 1xbet online games login programs. This will help avoid unnecessary delays when the 1xbet online games login Council Assessment Review Committee examines the new proposals.

For questions, please contact Dr. Michael Young, at michaelyoung@ksu.edu

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1xbet online games login Student Success

The 1xbet online games login School wants to remind 1xbet online games login faculty about the Student of Concern Guide and reporting form available from the Office of Student Life. If you are concerned about a student—they recently experienced a hardship or significant event, are not showing up to class or responding to communication, or just do not seem like their usual self—complete the online Student of Concern Reporting Form to alert the Office of Student Life and get the student connected with support.

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Graduation regalia for students graduating Fall 2022 is now available at the K-State Campus Store. Please encourage your students to purchase their regalia early. Students not in the Manhattan area can order online. For more information regarding pricing please direct students to the website.

For regalia questions or additional information contact Jennifer Brazzle at j.brazzle@follett.com or call the store at 785-532-6583

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Opportunities for 1xbet online games login Students

Please share the following information below with 1xbet online games login students

K-State Libraries organizes every Monday from 1:30pm – 2:30pm, The Library and Your Research, a free workshop series co-sponsored by the 1xbet online games login Student Council that helps 1xbet online games login students enhance and professionalize their scholarly pursuits. Forthcoming sessions:

Intro to Survey Design, Oct. 24, 2022, register here

Finding Social Sciences Data Sets, Oct. 31, 2022, register here

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The Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) organizes another Professional Development Series. This is a great opportunity for 1xbet online games login students who are interested in earning a TLC Professional Development certificate or in becoming a TLC Fellow over the course of this academic year. Application guidelines can be found on the Teaching and Learning Center Professi.

The “Teaching CHAT” session is on October 19th at noon, Zoom Link here

The “So a Marginalized Student Walks into Your Classroom...” session is on October 26th at noon, Zoom Link here

For more information and the Fall 2022 Professional Development Series, please visit the Professi.

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1xbet online games login students writing a thesis, dissertation, or report are encouraged to attend a session for guidance on using the ETDR formatting templates. The session will be held via Zoom on October 24th from 1:00-2:30pm. Learn more about the session.

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· Grad Coffee Chats provide space for building community

1xbet online games login students are invited to join Grad Coffee Chats with leadership from the 1xbet online games login School and the GSC. Coffee chats foster community building and provide 1xbet online games login students a space to share their experiences, ask questions, and engage in discussion to support a positive 1xbet online games login student experience. In-person attendance is encouraged (We'll have coffee!). A Zoom link will also be provided upon registration to allow distance students and others to join us if unable to attend in-person. The remaining coffee chats for the fall semester will be held Nov. 1 and Dec. 6, from noon-1pm in 121 Eisenhower Hall. Register in OrgCentral to attend.

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· Additional 1xbet online games login Student Writing Group

The 1xbet online games login School, Department of English, and Writing Center are pleased to offer another 1xbet online games login Student Writing Group this semester. Several students joined the group offered in September. On November 4, 10:00am-noon, 1xbet online games login students will again be provided dedicated time and space to make progress on writing projects. The November writing group will be held in the Writing Center, located in 122D English/Counseling Services. Light snacks and refreshments will be provided. Students who plan to attend are asked to register in advance in OrgCentral.

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Funding for 1xbet online games login Students

· GSC travel award application deadline approaching

November 1, 2022 is the application deadline for 1xbet online games login students to be considered for a GSC travel award for conferences or other professional activities that have a start date anytime in December. NOTE: 1xbet online games login students who plan to give a presentation at a conference but are not informed if their presentation submission has been accepted prior to the GSC travel award application deadline, are still expected to apply for the travel award by the deadline. In the application, they should indicate that they plan to give a presentation. If allocated a travel award, the award will be contingent upon the student providing verification that their presentation was accepted for the conference.

For questions about GSC travel awards, please contact Dr. Megan Miller at mmmiller@ksu.edu.

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The 1xbet online games login School is now accepting nominations to support up to five Donoghue Scholarships for incoming 1xbet online games login students beginning a master’s or doctoral program in Spring 2023.

This scholarship program was initiated by Timothy Donoghue, former 1xbet online games login School dean, as a way to recruit top candidates throughout the United States to attend K-State’s 1xbet online games login programs by offering 1xbet online games login assistantship packages that are highly competitive.

Application deadline: November 1, 2022

For more information on eligibility, funding guidelines and to submit your application please visit the Timothy.

Please direct questions about the Timothy Donoghue scholarship to Miranda Schremmer at donoghuescholarship@ksu.edu or to the 1xbet online games login School at or 785-532-6191.

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· Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Oct. 19

Teaching and Learning Center: Professional Development Series

Topic: “Teaching CHAT”

Oct. 24

ETDR template training session, 1:00 – 2:30pm, Zoom

Oct. 26

Teaching and Learning Center: Professional Development Series

Topic: “So a Marginalized Student Walks into Your Classroom...”(GPD)

Oct. 27

Research and the State poster forum, 1:30 – 3:30pm, K-State Student Union Courtyard

Nov. 1

Deadline to apply for GSC travel award for professional events that begin anytime in January

Nomination deadline for Spring 2023 Timothy R. Donoghue 1xbet online games login Scholarship

Grad Coffee Chats, noon - 1:00pm, 121 Eisenhower and Zoom

Nov. 2

Recruitment webinar series: Why K-State for 1xbet online games login education? At 6pm, Zoom

Nov. 4

1xbet online games login Student writing group, 10am-noon, Writing Center (122D English/Counseling Services)

Nov. 11

Deadline to complete all degree requirements, submit signed exam and ETDR ballots and submit ETDR for Fall 2022 graduation

Nov. 14

ETDR template training session, 1:00 – 2:30pm, Zoom

Nov. 18

Deadline to submit 1xbet online games login certificate completion form (for 1xbet online games login students completing a 1xbet online games login certificate)

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