1xbet online games login Applicant

1xbet online games login APPLICANT
Use this process to 1xbet online games login one applicant or multiple applicants.

1 - Select Records

If not already selected, select Records from the top menu: pool-folder

(If using the legacy inteface, ignore this step).

2 - Select the Pool Folder

Select a pool folder (left side of view) to see a list of application records: pool-folder

3 - Choose the Record(s)

To 1xbet online games login one applicant:

Choose an application record from the list; 1xbet online games login View.: view

(In the legacy interface, double-click on the record to open the record. Click the 1xbet online games login icon at the top-right, then jump to step 6).

To 1xbet online games login multiple applicants:

Click the checkbox for each applicant you wish to 1xbet online games login : pool-folder

4 - Open the 1xbet online games login feature

Select Actions, choose Send 1xbet online games login : pool-folder

(If you have the record open to 1xbet online games login one applicant, the list of Actions may be shorter. If using the legacy interface, after choosing the action, jump to step 6).

5 - Select a Template or New Message

Use Existing Template: If you have a an existing 1xbet online games login template, choose it from the drop-down option, then click Confirm.

Use New Message: Select Visual Builder or Plaintext /HTML (recommended). 1xbet online games login Confirm. pool-folder

6 - Add Conent

Enter your subject (if needed) and type out/paste your 1xbet online games login message content. When you're done, click Next.

(If you're using the legacy interface, select your template here or compose your message. Be sure to complete the header information, then jump to step 8).

7 - Sending Details

If necessary, enter a From 1xbet online games login address and From name. Always use ...@ksu.edu for the from address. When you're done, 1xbet online games login Next.

Note: (Updated Interface) Enter a Template Name and 1xbet online games login Save to Templates to save the message to your template library.

8 - Preview and Send

Preview the message. Use the Previous option to return to previous screens if you need to make changes.

(If you're using the legacy interface, select Preview to see a message preview. 1xbet online games login Preview again to cancel the preview).

When you are ready to send the message(s) 1xbet online games login Send.

9 - Confirmation

A confirmation dialog will confirm that the message has been sent. Action