1xbet online casino School Newsletter

august 1xbet online casino 24, 2022

Table of contents

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Welcome to Fall 2022 Semester!

Faculty and Staff


1xbet online casino Student Success

Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

Funding for 1xbet online casino Students

Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Welcome to Fall 2022 Semester!

The 1xbet online casino School welcomes you to a new school year. We wish you a great Fall 2022 semester and to finish 2022 successful!

Faculty and Staff

The 1xbet online casino School wants to help 1xbet online casino faculty be successful in mentoring 1xbet online casino students. No matter how far along you are in your role as a 1xbet online casino faculty member, we encourage you to utilize the trainings and resources available in the 1xbet best casino website Fa section of our website:

    • 1xbet online casino Faculty Canvas Course
    • Advising Doctoral Students Canvas Course
    • Connection to Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence (SCOARE) website

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New initiative launched by the 1xbet online casino school to build a stronger relationship with the department heads to better support the 1xbet online casino programs and the work of the GPD’s. This meeting will be held on September 13th from 1:30-2:30pm in Leadership Studies, Room 114.

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Join us on September 21st for a refresher on the 1xbet online casino School’s policies and procedures. In this session we will go over changes that have occurred such as changes to the outside chair (not the outside faculty member). The Brown Bag will be held September 21st in 121 Eisenhower Hall and via Zoom (https://ksu.zoom.us/j/99919430807, Passcode: BrownBag). Please RSVP to this event by September 20th.

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Join us on October 19th for an Orientation for New Department Heads and new 1xbet online casino Program Directors. The Brown Bag will be held in 121 Eisenhower Hall and via Zoom (https://ksu.zoom.us/j/99919430807, Passcode: BrownBag). Please RSVP to this event by October 18th.

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Sept. 13

1xbet online casino Department Head Meeting, 1:30-2:30pm, Leadership Studies 114

Sept. 21

Brown Bag: 11:30am-1:00pm, Eisenhower 121

Topic: Policies & Procedures

Sept. 28 1xbet online casino Faculty Orientation, 10:00am-11:30am, Zoom
Sept. 29 1xbet online casino Faculty Orientation, 3:30pm-5:00pm
Oct. 3 Associate Dean's Meeting, 2:00pm-3:00pm, Eisenhower 121
Oct. 19

Brown Bag: 11:30am-1:00pm, Eisenhower 121

Topic: Orientation for new Department Heads and new 1xbet online casino Program Directors

Oct. 25

Grad Coordinator & Grad Staff Meeting, 11:00am-12:00pm, Zoom

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If your program department has updates to the program specific area of the CollegeNET hosted online 1xbet online casino application the updates can be added to our annual update process. Changes should be submitted to Joe Horan, the admissions coordinator, at jphoran@k-state.edu

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1xbet online casino Student Success

We enjoyed welcoming and engaging with many new 1xbet online casino students last week! Approximately 150 1xbet online casino students attended our in-person welcome session on Wednesday and 70 attended via Zoom on Thursday. Presentation slides and a recording of the session are available on the 1xbet online casino Student Welcome and Orien.

Welcome events this week

As a reminder, there are many Week of Welcome activities scheduled this week to acquaint new and returning students (undergrad and grad) with campus and community resources, services, and engagement opportunities. Here are some notable events for 1xbet online casino students. More information is available in OrgCentral.

      • Hale Library Tours, Aug 23-25
      • Cats’ Cupboard Open House, Aug 24, 2:00-4:00pm
      • Get the Scoop on Lafene, CAPS, and well-being resources, Aug 24, 5:15-7:15pm, Lafene Health Center

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Opportunities for 1xbet online casino Students

  • Registration open for 1xbet online casino student writing events

    This fall, the 1xbet online casino School, Department of English, and the Writing Center are partnering to offer “Grad Wildcats Write,” a series of events to support 1xbet online casino students in taking charge of their writing skills and habits. Information and registration is available on the 2023-2024 events 1xbet sports webpage and in OrgCentral.

    • Aug 25 – Acclimating to American 1xbet online casino -Level Writing, a workshop for international 1xbet online casino students, 10:30am-noon
    • Sept 13 – 1xbet online casino -Level Writing Workshop, 2:00-3:00pm
    • Sept 29 – Writing Group, 1:30-3:30pm

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1xbet online casino students are invited to attend a series of sessions this fall to learn about 1xbet online casino research and post-1xbet online casino fellowship opportunities. Information and registration is available on the 2023-2024 events 1xbet sports webpage and in OrgCentral.

    • Sept 1 – Plan for Post-Grad: Explore the Presidential Management Fellows Program, 2:00-3:00pm, Zoom
    • Sept 8 – NSF 1xbet online casino Research Fellowship Program Information Session, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom
    • Sept 29 – Identifying 1xbet online casino Research Fellowship Opportunities, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom

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This is a collaborative initiative to improve diversity and inclusion at the three largest research universities in the Chicago area (Northwestern University, University of Illinois Chicago, and the University of Chicago) and is open to all advanced PhD students and postdocs in STEM. Goals are to 1) address the "pipeline" challenge in STEM for historically marginalized 1xbet online casino students and postdocs; and 2) to recruit and retain individuals from groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in academia and the sciences, including individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic backgrounds, who have disabilities, who identify as LGBTQIA+, who are veterans, who have obtained a PhD as a second career, or who were first-generation college students or Pell-eligible. Application deadline is September 12. Learn more about this opportunity.

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BioKansas invites 1xbet online casino students and postdocs working on writing projects to apply to participate in the Scientific Writing Program. This virtual training program uses a project management based approach to help participants tackle complex writing projects. Scientific writing scholars develop time-efficient ways to reach their writing goals and develop professional skills - all while building professional relationships with a broad group of scientists. The application deadline is September 19. Learn more about the program.

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Submissions are open for doctoral student to present at the virtual 10th Annual SERC Doctoral Student Forum on Thursday, November 17, 2022. Submissions are not limited to students working on SERC funded research. ANY student enrolled in a doctoral program at a SERC Collaborating University, Minority Serving Institution, or Historically Black College/University is eligible. Deadline to submit is 11:59 PM ET on Friday, September 30, 2022.

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1xbet online casino students who are writing a thesis, dissertation, or report are encouraged to attend this session for guidance on using the ETDR formatting templates. The session will be held via Zoom on Aug 29 from 1:00-2:30pm. Learn more about the session.

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  • How do 1xbet online casino students receive news?

    Each Monday, all enrolled 1xbet online casino students receive a newsletter from the 1xbet online casino Student Council (GSC). GSC newsletter 1xbet can be viewed on our website. Much of the information from the GSC newsletter is also shared in the 1xbet online casino School newsletter to keep department heads, 1xbet online casino program directors, 1xbet online casino program staff, and 1xbet online casino faculty informed of resources, opportunities, and support for 1xbet online casino students. We value our partnership with 1xbet online casino programs in helping promote these opportunities to 1xbet online casino students.

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Funding for 1xbet online casino Students

  • GSC travel award application deadline approaching

    September 1, 2022 is the application deadline for 1xbet online casino students to be considered for a GSC travel award for conferences or other professional activities that have a start date anytime in November. NOTE: 1xbet online casino students who plan to give a presentation at a conference but are not informed if their presentation submission has been accepted prior to the GSC travel award application deadline are still expected to apply for the travel award by the deadline. In the application, they should indicate that they plan to give a presentation. If allocated a travel award, the award will be contingent upon the student providing verification that their presentation was accepted for the conference.

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This position is responsible for the office and staff that coordinate the meeting and event services for the Department of Housing and Dining Services. The coordinator position will have supervision responsibilities and oversee student employees within the meeting, event, and JP’s Sports Grill staff. This position may elect to advise student groups, may choose to serve on departmental committees, and is encouraged to participate in professional development activities or conferences. Interested students should find a full position announcement in Handshake or contact John Green (johngreenksu@ksu.edu, 785-691-7699)

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This position will be on an hourly pay basis () and not in a regular TAship. Most of the work will involve grading undergraduate assignments. Download the application form.

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Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Aug 18-26

Resources fairs, community building, and opportunities to get acquainted with campus

Aug 25

Acclimating to American 1xbet online casino -Level Writing Workshop

Aug 29

ETDR Templates Training Session, 1:00pm-2:30pm, Zoom

Sept 1

GSC Travel Award application deadline for events that begin in November

Plan for Post-Grad: Explore the Presidential Management Fellows Program, 2:00-3:00pm, Zoom

Sept 8

NSF 1xbet online casino Research Fellowship Program Information Session, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom

Sept 12

Chicagoland Postdoc Recruitment Initiative Application Due

Sept 13

1xbet online casino -Level Writing Workshop, 2:00-3:00pm

Sept 19

BioKansas Scientific Writing Program Application Due

Sept 29

Writing Group, 1:30-3:30pm

Identifying 1xbet online casino Research Fellowship Opportunities, 3:30-5:00pm, Zoom

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