1xbet best casino website Faculty Training and Resources

No matter how far along you are in your role as a 1xbet best casino website faculty member, we encourage you to utilize the trainings and resources below to help you be successful in mentoring 1xbet best casino website students.

1xbet best casino website Faculty Orientation Canvas course

This course provides guidance on the major roles and responsibilities of 1xbet best casino website faculty, especially related to mentoring gradaute students. Those who have been approved for 1xbet best casino website faculty membership in April 2020 or later are added to the course upon membership approval. The course is also publicly accessible.

1xbet best casino website Faculty Orientation course

If you wish to enroll in the course so that it will appear in your Canvas dashboard, click on the "Join this Course" button on the right side of the course homepage.

Advising Doctoral Students Canvas modules

Developed by Epigeum, 1xbet best casino website faculty, especially those advising doctoral students, are encouraged to utilize these modules to enhance your mentoring skills. While some modules are specific to advising doctoral students, other modules including "Getting Started" and "Cross-Cutting Challenges" are applicable to advising master's students and mentoring students in other capacities. Therefore, we also encourage 1xbet best casino website faculty who mentor only master's students to complete relevant modules.

Post-docs and doctoral students are also welcome to explore these modules. They may find this resource beneficial if they mentor students or are preparing for a career as a future faculty member.

Advising Doctoral Students modules

If you wish to enroll in the course so that it will appear in your Canvas dashboard, click on the "Join this Course" button on the right side of the course homepage.

Additional resources

Supporting 1xbet best casino website student scientific communication

Check out the Scientific Communication Advances Research Excellence (SCOARE) website for resources and guidance to support your efforts in mentoring 1xbet best casino website students in scientific communication.

SCOARE website

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity

The center is a nationally recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs and 1xbet best casino website students. This resource is provided through a partnership between the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, the Office of Research Development, the 1xbet best casino website School, and the Office of Diversity.

To claim your free institutional membership, complete the following steps:

1. Go to facultydiversity.org/join.
2. Choose Kansas State University from the drop-down menu.
3. Select "Activate my Membership."
4. Complete the registration form using your K-State email address.
5. Go to your K-State email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click "Activate Account" in the email.

Questions about membership may be directed to teachingandlearning@ksu.edu. Technical questions may be directed to the center at Membership@FacultyDiversity.org.

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