global 1xbet online casino Food Systems Leadership

Complement your primary area of study

To complete the 24 1xbet online casino of K-State's Global Food Systems Leadership secondary major, students must complete nine 1xbet online casino of core courses, six 1xbet online casino from the list of food and agriculture courses for a basic understanding of the subject area, and an additional nine 1xbet online casino in an area of concentration. Some of the 24 1xbet online casino may also be required for the student's primary major and provides opportunities for focused course selection.

Curriculum (Download the pdf 1xbet online casino)

Area of Concentration, 9 1xbet online casino

As part of the 24 1xbet online casino required of the Global Food Systems Leadership secondary major, students select an area of concentration related to the kind of leadership and change they are most passionate about. Within the area of concentration, you must take nine 1xbet online casino from the list of electives below. Students can work with their major academic advisor to see if any of the elective courses will fulfill the requirements for their primary major as well as the secondary major.

Learn more and next steps

Current students
We would love to connect with you about your K-State experience and any questions you have about the secondary major. Contact our Director, Mary Kay Siefers, by email at or calling 785-532-6085.

Prospective students
Find out why K-State is a good fit for you by experiencing it in person. If you're interested in scheduling a campus visit, request a tour that includes a visit with the Global Food Systems Leadership program. Discover your k-state 1xbet best ca, or call their office at 785-532-6250.