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Policies/Resolutions Passed by Faculty Senate

Please click on the year to view full details.

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  • Revision 1xbet sports betting Section C60, C160.1, and C170.3 (6-11-24)
  • Revision 1xbet sports betting , Section B95 (6-11-24)
  • Revision 1xbet sports betting , Section F62 (6-11-24)
  • Resolution in support of exception to Spouse/Dependent Tuition Assistance (6-11-24)
  • Resolution regarding Wildcat Pause Day (5-14-24)
  • Proposed Change 1xbet sports betting , Policy Development Process (4-9-24)
  • Proposed Change 1xbet sports betting , D40-41 (3-19-24)
  • Proposed Change 1xbet sports betting , F75 (3-19-24)
  • Proposed Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix S (3-19-24)
  • Proposed Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C159 (02-13-24)
  • Proposed Addition 1xbet sports betting , Appendix Y (12-12-23)
  • Proposed Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D71 (11-14-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section C1-6 (11-14-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section B34 (9-12-23)
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  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section B20 (6-13-23)
  • Faculty Senate resolution on Follett (5-9-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E - FS Constitution (4-11-23) - Final approval by faculty and professional staff received 5-1-23
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E - FS Constitution by-law (4-11-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section F - overall (4-11-23)
  • Resolution of Support for Okanagan Charter (4-11-23)
  • Process for Approval of Microcredentials (4-11-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section F121 (2-14-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section F120 (1-24-23)
  • Proposed change to General Education, K-State Core (1-24-23)
  • Proposed expedited process for course/curriculum changes to come in compliance with K-State Core (1-24-23)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section C192 (11-8-22)
  • Proposed change 1xbet sports betting , Section F150-151 (11-8-22)
  • Proposed change in Grade Submission Deadline Date for Summer Semesters (9-13-22)
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  • Process for Temporary Approval of Microcredentials (6-14-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Section C78 (6-14-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Appendix Q (6-14-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Appendix B, Part IV (5-10-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Section F160 (5-10-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E - FS Constitution (4-12-22)
  • Proposed addition 1xbet sports betting , Section F45 - Enrollment Holds (4-12-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Section F170 - Undergraduate Academic Credit Certificates (4-12-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Section B95 - University Planning (3-8-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Section B80-B90 - University Governance (3-8-22)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E (5-11-21) - Final approval by faculty and professional staff received 9-1-21
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Section F104 - Academic Fresh Start and Forgiveness (11-9-21)
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  • Proposed Optional Syllabus Statement on University Excused Absences (6-8-21)
  • Proposed revisions 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E (5-11-21) - Final approval received 9-1-21
  • Proposed Mandatory Syllabus Statement on Mutual Respect and Inclusion in K-State Teaching and Learning Spaces (5-11-21)
  • Resolution Addressing Repeated Violence Against Underrepresented and Historically Marginalized Communities (4-13-21)
  • Guidelines for evaluators regarding COVID-19 Impact Statement (4-13-21)
  • CoFSPs Statement against the Temporary Policy for Covid Related Reductions in Force - Endorsed (2-9-21)
  • Covid-19 Impact Statement Guide and Form (2-9-21)
  • Proposed change to Dependent/Spouse Tuition Grant Policy (12-8-20)
  • DRAFT - Proposed revision to Academic Calendar - Spring 2021:Well Being Day - Final approval comes from KBOR (12-8-20)
  • Resolution: Recommendations regarding the Implementation of Updated Title IX at K-State (12-8-20)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section B120 and PPM 4410 & 4650 - Acting/Interim language (10-13-20)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E: Faculty Senate Constitution (10-1-20)
  • Faculty Senate Solidarity Statement (7-7-20)
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  • Approval, Routing, and Notification Policies for Course and Curriculum Processes (6-9-20)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F62 - University Excused Absence Policy (5-12-20)
  • Joint Resolution Acknowledging University Support Staff and University Professional Staff During COVID-19 Disruptions (5-12-20)
  • Optional Course Syllabus Statement on Mental Health (3-17-20)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Sections B - University Structure (12-10-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Sections F103 - Academic Dismissal (12-10-19)
  • Revised Policy for Standard Class Meeting Times - Summer (11-12-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C6 - Student Organizations (10-8-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Sections F115 and F115.1 - Credit hour definition (10-8-19)
  • Revised Principles of Community (endorsed)(9-10-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D90.8 - Parental Leave Benefit (9-10-19)
  • DRAFT Fall 2022-Spring 2025 Academic Calendar (9-10-19)
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  • Policy on Approving, Reviewing, and Removing K-State 8 Course Tags (6-11-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F83 – Incomplete Policy (5-14-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section K - General Services (4-9-19)
  • Resolution in Support of KBOR request for Restoration of State Funding (3-5-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C10-C11, Faculty - Term appointments (3-5-19)
  • Addition 1xbet sports betting , Section F104, Academic Fresh Start and Forgiveness Policies (2-12-19)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section G, Research(12-11-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F110 - Scholastic Honors (10-9-18)
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  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Sections C53.3, 63.3, 112.5, and 152.5 - Promotion and tenure evaluation documents (6-12-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F103 - Reinstatement Policy (6-12-18)
  • Optional Syllabus Statement regarding student resources (5-8-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F83 – Incomplete Policy (5-8-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section E1-8: Sabbatical Leave / Sabbatical Leave Guidelines (5-8-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix O, Integrity in Research and Scholarly Activity (5-8-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix U, Policy on Mediation (5-8-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D3, Privileges, Benefits, Responsibilities (5-8-18)
  • Change to PPM 4095, Nepotism and Employee Relationships (5-8-18)
  • Proposed new PPM Chapter 4094, Consensual Romantic Relationships Involving Students (5-8-18)
  • Resolution regarding Maintaining Library Support (3-13-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C162.3 and Appendix A, non-reappointment (3-13-18)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F65.1 - Retake Policy (2-13-18)
  • Suggested Optional Weapons Policy Course Syllabus Statement (12-12-17)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F102 - Academic Warning (11-14-17)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F115.1 - One-half credit hour definition (11-14-17)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F121 - Graduation requirements (11-14-17)
  • Resolution regarding Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) (11-14-17)
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  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F75, F76, F80, F121 - Standard Exams, Credit for Prior Learning, and Grades (6-13-17)
  • Resolution regarding Diversity Leadership (6-13-17)
  • Contractual Market-Based education courses (3-14-17)
  • Resolution regarding K-12 teachers (3-14-17)
  • Resolution regarding concealed weapons (2-14-17)
  • Resolution regarding the Total Solar Eclipse (12-13-16)
  • Resolution regarding the Big 12 expansion (10-11-16)
  • DRAFT Academic Calendar Fall 2019-Summer 2022 (10-11-16) See KBOR website for final approved calendars
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  • Changes 1xbet sports betting , Section C - overview and revisions to entire handbook section (5-10-16)
  • Memorandum of Understanding between Faculty Senate and KSU President (3-8-16)
  • Resolution regarding Smoking on Campus (12-8-15)
  • Resolution in commendation of President Kirk Schulz (9-8-15)
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  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F76 - Credit for Prior Learning_GPA (6-9-15)
  • Modified Undergraduate Transfer Credit and Credit for Prior Learning Policy (6-9-15)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C10-12 - Professor of Practice Titles (clean version and tracked changes) (3-10-15)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix E - Faculty Senate Constitution, by-laws (2-10-15)
  • Social Media Policy procedures (12-9-14)
  • Open/Alternative Textbook proposal (12-9-14)
  • Resolution for senate endorsement of Lifeline 911 policy (12-9-14)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix M - Review of Dismissal of Tenured Faculty (12-9-14)
  • Suggested Course Syllabus Language (11-11-14)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C132 - Promotion Increases (11-11-14)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C192 - Ombudsperson Appointment and Term (11-11-14)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix F - Honor and Integrity System Constitution (Rationale, version with tracking) (11-11-14)
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  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F - overview and revisions to entire handbook section (5-13-14)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix G - Administrative Appeal & Grievance Policy and Procedures (5-13-14)
  • Professional Staff - Common Language Request - Title change (5-13-14)
  • Resolution - FSCOUP - Commendation to Ben Champion, Director of Sustainability (5-13-14)
  • Resolution - Endorsement of Recommendations from the Social Media Workgroup for the KBoR (4-8-14)
  • Addition 1xbet sports betting , Appendix W, Post Tenure Review (2-11-14)
  • Resolution for senate endorsement regarding KBoR Social Media Policy (2-11-14)
  • Resolution in regard to Office 365 commendation to ITS (2-11-14)
  • Transfer Credit Policy (12-10-13)
  • Undergraduate Academic Credit Certificate Policy (11-12-13)
  • Academic Calendar Fall 2016-Spring 2019 (10-8-13) See KBOR Website for final approved calendars
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  • Faculty Senate Constitution revisions - Approved by FS (6-11-13)- Approvedby the General Facultyon 9-5-13
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C157, Dean's Evaluation Procedures (5-14-13)
  • Resolution regarding Campus Climate Survey (4-9-13)
  • Faculty Compensation Task Force report (3-12-13)
  • Resolution in Support of Intellectual Freedom as it pertains to Dale Askey (3-12-13)
  • Professional Titles Task Force report and recommendations (2-12-13)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D70-71 Retirement Privileges (10-9-12)
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  • Student Learning Compact (6-12-12)
  • K-State 8 Tagging and Criteria revised guidelines (6-12-12)
  • Changes 1xbet sports betting , Section D, Privileges, Benefits, Responsibilities (5-8-12)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Sections C46.1 and D12, Professional Conduct language (4-10-12)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section A, Introduction (4-10-12)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section B, University Structure (4-10-12)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C12.2 - Clinical Faculty (3-13-12)
  • Resolution regarding Textbook Reporting Measures (3-13-12)
  • Addition 1xbet sports betting , Section F115, Credit Hour Definition (2-14-12)
  • Amendment to PPM 4060: Workplace Violence (2-14-12)
  • Changes to Honorary Degree Procedures (2-14-12)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix G, Administrative Appeal and and Grievance Policy and Procedures (2-14-12)
  • Suggested Course Syllabus Language (11-8-11)
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  • K-State 8 General Education Associate Degree Requirements (6-14-11)
  • Resolution regarding Academic Freedom (6-14-11)
  • Honorary Degree Procedures (12-14-10)
  • Academic Calendar Fall 2013-Summer 2016 (12-14-10) See KBOR website for final approved calendars
  • Approval of Assessment proposal for K-State 8 General Education (11-9-2010)
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  • Dependent/Spouse Tuition Assistance Resolution (5-11-10)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D - Modified Instructional Duties (5-11-10)
  • Principles of Community - with Faculty Senate revisions (4-13-10)
  • Revised Academic Calendar 2010-2013 (4-13-10) See KBOR website for final approved calendars
  • Change to Undergraduate Catalog, undergraduate minors (3-9-10)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F160 - undergraduate minors (3-9-10)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D12 -remove language referencing the GGB (2-9-10)
  • Resolution regarding KSU Domain Name (1-12-10)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section A40 - Employment Policies (1-12-10)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F52 - Minimum Class Size (11-10-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C157 - Deans' Eval Procedures (11-10-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C41.4 - Administrative Eval Procedures (11-10-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section B123 - Administrator Eval Procedures (11-10-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section C30-34 - Faculty Evaluations (10-13-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F14 - DCE Fees (10-13-09)
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  • 2009 Exit Analysis Resolution (6-9-09)
  • E-Portfolio Task Force Resolution (6-9-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix V - Student Grievance Procedures (6-9-09)
  • Approval of K-State 8 General Education proposal (5-12-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F110 - Scholastic Honors (5-12-09)
  • Rental Inspections Resolution (4-14-09)
  • Center for Childcare Development Resolution (4-14-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D70 - Emeritus Status (4-14-09)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix G, Administrative Appeal and Grievance Policy and Hearing Procedures (4-14-09)
  • iTUNES U Resolution (3-10-09)
  • 2008-2012 Strategic Plan (Endorsed, 11-11-08)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix F, Section A, Plagiarism (9-9-08)
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  • Revised Academic Calendar 2010-2013 (4-8-08) See KBOR website for final approved calendars
  • Revised University Calendar Committee Policies and Procedures (4-8-08)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F81, Non-graded Courses (3-11-08)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section E, Leaves, Insurance, and Retirement Programs (3-11-08)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F71, Final Exam Schedule and change to outline of Semester Final Examination Schedules (2-12-08)
  • Academic Fresh Start GPA and Academic Forgiveness GPA Policy (1-15-08)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section D40, Consulting Days (1-15-08)
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  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix F, Honor & Integrity System Constitution Revisions (6-12-07)
  • Addition 1xbet sports betting , Course Accessibility Standards Policy (6-12-07)
  • Limited Retirement Health Care Bridge Policy (6-12-07)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix U, Policy on Mediation (3-13-07)
  • Addition 1xbet sports betting , C27, Ancillary Appointments (2-13-07)
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  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix F, Honor System Constitution revisions (6-13-06)
  • KSU Certificate Policy (5-9-06)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , C49.1-14, Professorial Performance Award revisions (2-14-06)
  • Approval, Routing and Notification revisions (1-17-06)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , F12, Enrollment Cap (1-17-06)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , F110, Graduation Scholastic Honors (1-17-06)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , C22.2, English Language Assessment (10-11-05)
  • Academic Definitions, prerequisites, etc. (10-11-05)
  • Compensation for Faculty teaching Study Abroad (11-8-05)
  • Addition 1xbet sports betting , C49.1-C49.14, Professorial Performance Award (12-13-05)
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  • Amendment to Standard Class Meeting Times (11-9-04)
  • Fall 2005-Summer 2010 Academic Calendar (11-9-04) See KBOR website for final approved calendars
  • Optional UGE equivalent policy (1-18-05)
  • Alternative 110-minutes Standard Class Meeting Time Schedule (2-8-05)
  • Amended Calendar Committee Policies and Procedures (4-12-05)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , C132 Promotion-related salary increases (4-12-05)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Appendix F, Article X, Honor System Constitution (6-14-05)


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  • Revised Policy for Quizzes, Tests, and Exams scheduled Outside of Regular Class Times (10-8-02)
  • Revised Policy for Standard Class Meeting Times (12-10-02)
  • Policy: Missed Classes due to Athletic Competition (2-6-03)
  • Open House Policy (4-13-03)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , Section F, Examinations (4-13-03)
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  • Intellectual Property Policy (5-14-02)
  • Change 1xbet sports betting , C23.1 Interim Policy for Summer Employment ( 5-8-02)
  • Draft - Appendix I - Academic Definitions for the Standard Class Meeting Times Policy
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Draft policy on Smoking on University Property (3-8-01)
White Paper - Use of Electronic Devices in Classrooms (1-5-00)
GTA Survey Resolution - 4-27-99
Proposed changes to the Approval, Routing and Notification Policy- 3-4-99
Undergraduate Honor Code - 11-5-97