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Frequently asked questions about cleaning and 1xbet online games login

As we rapidly approach the return of students to classrooms, here are answers to many frequently asked questions.

What disinfectant 1xbet online games login be used in classrooms?
QT3 1xbet online games login be used throughout campus to disinfect desks, working areas and frequently touched surfaces.Seventy percent isopropyl alcohol 1xbet online games login be used to disinfect technology used by instructors in the classroom.

1xbet online games login electrostatic sprayers be used in every classroom?
Electrostatic sprayers are scheduled to be available in large teaching classrooms and labs. Priority has been given to classrooms with the largest capacity. All remaining classes 1xbet online games login be stocked with spray bottles filled with QT3.

Who is responsible for providing classrooms and teaching labs with QT3?
Facilities Custodial Services 1xbet online games login stock classrooms with disinfectant, 70% isopropyl alcohol and disposable gloves.

How do I learn more about 1xbet online games login spray technology?
Victory, the manufacturer of the 1xbet online games login sprayers, has developed a great informational videoand a short instructional video. All instructors are encouraged to view the videos before classes begin.

Is there a difference between an electrostatic 1xbet online games login and a fogger?
Yes. We 1xbet online games login be using an electrostatic sprayer. The sprayer 1xbet online games login produce an electrostatic charged, or positive charge, spray that immediately dissipates from the air as it rapidly seeks the neutral or negative charge associated with most surfaces. A fogger, which we do NOT use, produces a droplet so fine — around 10 microns — that it remains in the air until it evaporates, which requires the use of a respirator.

Why are we using QT3 instead of Lysol or Clorox 1xbet online games login wipes?
Ensuring the 1xbet online games login and safety of K-State's faculty, staff and student population is our highest priority. As such, K-Statehas gone to great length to ensure we use the safest, most effective disinfectant methods and chemicals in our fight against COVID-19.

The Safety Data Sheet, or SDS, for QT3 indicates that Ready to Use, or RTU, QT3 is one of the safest 1xbet online games login on the market. On the 1xbet online games login Materials Identification System, or HMIS, Scale, RTU QT3 has a score of zero across the board in health, flammability and physical health. This can be found in Section 16 of the SDS. A zero score in health means 1xbet online games login has been identified as a chemical that causes little or no significant health risk. This category includes chemicals that are nonirritating to the skin and eyes.

Another reason we selected QT3 is its respiratory and 1xbet online games login rating. As can be seen in Section 8,1xbet online games login is not a respiratory sensitizernor is 1xbet online games login expected to cause skin sensitization. To put this in perspective, Lysol, which is used in many households has a HMIS rating of the following: Health - 1, Flammability - 3, Physical hazard - 0 and Personal protection - B. Clorox disinfecting wipes also have a health hazard score of 1. Both are higher and, thus, more harmful than QT3.

Is QT3 on EPA's List N of approved 1xbet online games login products for use against COVID?
Yes. The EPA registration number for QT3 is 6836-349.

How long does QT3 1xbet online games login to remain on the surface to properly disinfect?
The surface must remain damp with QT3 for a total of three minutes, or dwell time, to kill SARS-CoV-2, 1xbet online games login is the virus responsible for COVID-19.

Who 1xbet online games login charge the battery and fill the tank of the electrostatic sprayer?
​The storage cabinet for the Victory sprayer allows the battery to be charged. Ideally, the final instructor for the day should remove the battery and place it on the charger. If this does not occur, custodial team members 1xbet online games login place the battery on the charger first thing in the morning when the tank is filled. Additional disinfectant 1xbet online games login be placed in the cabinet to refill the sprayer.

What micron setting is needed— 40, 80 or 110? 1xbet online games login each classroom Victory sprayer be set to the appropriate micron setting when it is installed?
The sprayer 1xbet online games login be set at 80 microns. It should be ready to go when the instructor walks in the door.

In the COVID-19 cleaning and disinfecting guidance, it indicates that instructors should wear disposable gloves. 1xbet online games login those be provided in the classroom or 1xbet online games login departments need to provide those for faculty?
At this point, gloves are being provided and stocked by 1xbet online games login Custodial Services.

1xbet online games login faculty need to wear protective eyewear when using the sprayer?
Protective eyewear is only necessary if an individual sprays over their head, which 1xbet online games login not be the case.

What do faculty do if their classroom is missing the 1xbet online games login or the batteries are dead? Do they cancel class that day if the room cannot be cleaned?
If the Victory sprayer is missing or not working, contact Facilities Customer Service at 785-532-6389. Additional equipment and supplies are stored in buildings and a custodial staff member 1xbet online games login be dispatched to your room to provide the necessary items. You should not need to cancel class.

Who do I 1xbet online games login if I have additional questions or concerns?
You can 1xbet online games login your department head or Linda Craghead, director of facility services, atlindacraghead@k-state.eduor 785-532-1789.