ENGL 355:
Literature for Children
Summer 2001 -- MTWRF 9:50-11:50 a.m.
Schedule of Classes | Resources | Group Web Project |
Bulletin Board | Daedalus Online
Children's Literature Online
Professor Karin Westman
108 Denison Hall
Office Hours: T, W, R 8:30-9:30 a.m. and by app't
Office: 532-2171
Required Texts
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland, edited by Donald J. Gray, 2nd ed. (Norton).
Molly Bang, Picture This (Seastar).
Leo Lionni, Frederick (Knopf).
Crockett Johnson, Harold and the Purple Crayon (HarperCollins).
Maurice Sendak, Where The Wild Things Are (HarperCollins).
The Classic Fairy Tales, edited by Maria Tatar (Norton).
Arnold Lobel, Frog and Toad Together (HarperCollins).
Patricia MacLachlan, Sarah Plain and Tall (HarperCollins).
Andrew Clements, Frindle (Aladdin Paperbacks).
L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (Puffin or any full-length edition).
Christopher Paul Curtis, The Watsons Go to Birmingham -- 1963 (Bantam).
Tor Seidler, A Rat's Tale (HarperCollins).
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Scholastic).
Janice Walker, Writing Online bundled with Daedalus Online PIN Card (Longman).
1xbet sports betting Pack (Available at A&S Copy Center in Eisenhower Hall on 5/31/01).
Course Objectives
English 355 is therefore not a &1xbet sports betting ;methods&1xbet sports betting ; course, though you are welcome to appropriate the different techniques we use during the course for your teaching. Instead, our syllabus is designed to broaden your &1xbet sports betting ;intellectual life&1xbet sports betting ; — what Richard E. Ishler identifies as a key component to the lives of elementary school teachers who are often children's primary &1xbet sports betting ;intellectual role model.&1xbet sports betting ; &1xbet sports betting ;Other than a student's parents,&1xbet sports betting ; writes Ishler in &1xbet sports betting ;The Preparation of Elementary School Teachers&1xbet sports betting ; (Phi Kappa Phi Journal, Spring 1995), &1xbet sports betting ;no other person has such an opportunity to influence, to motivate, and to inspire a child to value the intellectual life.&1xbet sports betting ; As a way of developing your &1xbet sports betting ;intellectual life&1xbet sports betting ; in anticipation of your role, you will read a substantial amount of literature and apply a variety of critical and theoretical perspectives to that reading.

Readings and 1xbet sports betting Participation: Any summer literature course is a reading-intensive experience, so plan accordingly! 1xbet sports betting are expected to complete each reading assignment before coming to class. 1xbet sports betting are further expected to think carefully about what 1xbet sports betting read and to make notes in the text prior to each class meeting. For each class, bring the appropriate book or xeroxes and additionally mark passages that we discuss; this process will help 1xbet sports betting understand, remember, and review.
This class will be based on discussion, so class participation is expected and will count for 15% of 1xbet sports betting final grade. This grade includes 1xbet sports betting contributions to our discussions in class (in large and small groups) and to our discussions on the Electronic Bulletin Board. I will expect at least two postings a week from each student on the Electronic Bulletin Board; the guidelines and instructions for using the Bulletin Board appear on a separate handout.
Attendance: Obviously, 1xbet sports betting can't participate effectively if 1xbet sports betting aren't in class. Since the University requires that students attend all classes in which they are enrolled, there are no excused absences. If 1xbet sports betting are absent for more than nine classroom hours (five class periods during our summer session), 1xbet sports betting will fail this class automatically. If 1xbet sports betting are absent for more than two, 1xbet sports betting jeopardize your final grade for the course: each absence over those two will lower your final course grade by one grade increment (i.e.: A to B). Two tardies will count as one absence.
If 1xbet sports betting wish to receive a passing grade in this class, then, attendance is very important. Classroom work or homework assignments missed due to absence cannot be made up. If 1xbet sports betting are absent, it is 1xbet sports betting responsibility to find out from another 1xbet sports betting member any announcements or assignments.
Quizzes: 1xbet sports betting will have between seven and nine quizzes over the next four weeks; some will be announced and others will be unannounced. Quizzes are designed to test your knowledge of the reading assignments and the analytical skills we develop and practice during our discussions. Quizzes will be graded out of 10 points each, with 10=A and 1=D (0=F); I will average the points at the end of the course after dropping the lowest quiz grade.
Papers: 1xbet sports betting will write only one paper in this class, given our short time together and the other projects 1xbet sports betting 'll be working on. If your paper is late, it will be penalized a full letter grade (i.e.: A to B) for each day it is late. Papers must be typed, double-spaced, with one inch margins (one page = 250 words); the pages should be spell-checked, proof-read, numbered, and stapled or paper-clipped together. Your name, my name, the date, and the type of assignment should appear in the upper-left hand corner of the first page. Your take-home midterm will be an essay, too, so 1xbet sports betting should follow these guidelines for it as well as for the paper.
A note on sources: a &1xbet sports betting ;Works Cited&1xbet sports betting ; page should accompany any assignment that refers to outside sources, and you should use the MLA method for documenting sources. When you turn in a paper, you pledge that the work is your own and that you have faithfully abided by the guidelines for documenting sources. The University's Honor Code obliges you to cite the source of any idea that is not your own. If you quote, paraphrase, or use another's ideas, you must give credit to the person whose ideas you are using. Otherwise, you have plagiarized. If you have any questions, please ask. If you do plagiarize, you will fail this course.
Computing: Our section of ENGL 355 will emphasize technology, which is now a component of the state licensure requirements, including the standards for English Language Arts. Consequently, we will be meeting in EH228, a computer lab classroom, and we will use the computers on some days. 1xbet sports betting will also be asked to participate in web-related projects: an Electronic Bulletin Board, a Group Web Project, and Daedalus Online. (Daedalus Online is a computer software that 1xbet sports betting have access to by purchasing a Daedalus Online PIN Card at the bookstore; the PIN card is bundled with Walker's Writing Online). Our work with computers is designed not only as another forum for discussing our reading, but as a way for 1xbet sports betting to sharpen your communication skills, media skills, and web skills for an increasingly technological age.

If 1xbet sports betting do not yet have an email account, I encourage 1xbet sports betting to activate your KSU account. I highly recommend email as a way of touching base with me about your work for the class -- a kind of virtual office hours. 1xbet sports betting can send me queries about reading or writing assignments, your thesis statement for an essay, or anything else that could be handled with a quick exchange of messages. I check my email in the morning before classes, in the afternoon, and in the evening.

Conferences: I want 1xbet sports betting to succeed in this course, and I am happy to meet with 1xbet sports betting about your work and your progress. I encourage 1xbet sports betting to see me before writing assignments are due, or if 1xbet sports betting have questions about material we discuss in class. Please feel free to stop by during office hours (T, W, R 8:30-9:30 am), or contact me by phone or email to arrange a more convenient time to meet.
Note: If 1xbet sports betting have any condition such as a physical or learning disability that will make it difficult for 1xbet sports betting to carry out the work as I have outlined it or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me in the first two days of the course.
Quizzes 20%
1xbet sports betting Participation 15%
Paper 10%
Midterm 15%
Group Web Project 20%
Final Exam 20%

Schedule of Classes
(Subject to change.)
[CP] = 1xbet sports betting Pack. [R] = On Reserve (at Hale Library).
Links will take 1xbet sports betting to related web resources.
Introduction to Literature for Children
T 5
Course Introduction
W 6
Nodelman, &1xbet sports betting ;How to Read Children's Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (15-24), &1xbet sports betting ;Teaching
Children's Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (25-28) and &1xbet sports betting ;Common Assumptions about
Children's Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (67-70) [CP]; Russell, &1xbet sports betting ;The History of Children's
Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (3-24) and &1xbet sports betting ;The Study of Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (57-74) [CP]
Log on to Daedalus Online using 1xbet sports betting PIN Card and initiate 1xbet sports betting account.
Fairy Tales and Revisions
R 7
The Classic Fairy Tales: all &1xbet sports betting ;Little Red Riding Hood&1xbet sports betting ; tales (3-24)
Introduction to Web Projects: Walker, Writing Online, &1xbet sports betting ;Getting
Started&1xbet sports betting ; (1-27) and &1xbet sports betting ;Designing Your Project&1xbet sports betting ; (85-93, 101-104,
108-110); Nodelman, &1xbet sports betting ;Finding Out More About Children's
Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (273-281) [CP]
F 8
The Classic Fairy Tales: all &1xbet sports betting ;Snow White&1xbet sports betting ; tales (76-96); Van
Allsburg, The Widow's Broom (1992) [R]; Scieszka and Smith,
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs by A. Wolf (1989) [R]
Russell, &1xbet sports betting ;Responding to Literature&1xbet sports betting ; (75-89) [CP]
Extra Credit Option (Due by 6/11): Watch Disney's Snow White
(1939) after reading the selections in The Classic Fairy Tales, and write
a 2-page typed response paper on how Disney's interpretation compares to
the traditional versions.
Sense and Nonsense
M 11
Russell, &1xbet sports betting ;Poetry&1xbet sports betting ; (174-189) [CP]; Jarrell, from The Bat Poet (12-23) [CP]; Lear, &1xbet sports betting ;The Owl and the Pussycat,&1xbet sports betting ; &1xbet sports betting ;The Jumblies,&1xbet sports betting ; and &1xbet sports betting ;The Table and the Chair&1xbet sports betting ; from Nonsense Songs, Stories, Botany and Alphabets (1871) from <http://edwardlear.tripod.com/ns/index.html; Selected Poems [CP]
T 12
Carroll, Alice in Wonderland (1865, 1872): all of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1-99) and&1xbet sports betting ;Jabberwocky&1xbet sports betting ; (116-119) and &1xbet sports betting ;Humpty Dumpty&1xbet sports betting ; (159-168) from Through the Looking Glass
W 13
Dr. Seuss, The Cat in the Hat (1957), The Sneetches (1961), Horton Hears a Who (1954), Yertle the Turtle (1958), The Butter Battle Book (1984) [all R]; Lurie, &1xbet sports betting ;The Cabinet of Dr. Seuss&1xbet sports betting ; [CP]
R 14
Take-Home Midterm due at the beginning of 1xbet sports betting .
Web Project Work Day: Walker, Writing Online, &1xbet sports betting ;Finding Information&1xbet sports betting ; (29-52, 77-82) and review &1xbet sports betting ;Evaluating Sources&1xbet sports betting ; (17-82). Bring IBM-formatted disk to class; see Group Web Project Schedule for more information. Meet in Fairchild 202.
Picture Books
F 15
The Art of Picture Books: Bang, Picture This (1991); Nodelman, &1xbet sports betting ;Picture Books&1xbet sports betting ; (215-244) [CP]; Russell, &1xbet sports betting ;Books of Early Childhood&1xbet sports betting ; (104-106) [CP]; Lionni, Little Blue and Little Yellow (1959) [R]; Lionni, Frederick (1967); Johnson, A Picture for Harold's Room [R]
M 18
Ringgold, Tar Beach (1991) [R]; Wiesner, Free Fall (1988) [R]; Van Allsburg, Jumanji (1982) [R] and The Mysteries of Harris Burdick (1984) [R]; Myers, Black Cat (1999) [R]; Macaulay, Black and White (1990) [R]; Jonas, Round Trip (1983) [R] and The Trek (1985) [R]; Say, Grandfather's Journey (1993) [R]
Web Project: Biography, Primary, and Secondary Bibliographies Due
T 19
When We Were Very, Very Young: Brown, Goodnight Moon, illustrated by Clement Hurd (1947) [R]; Krauss, A Hole Is to Dig (1952) [R]; Johnson, Harold and the Purple Crayon (1955); Hoff, Danny and the Dinosaur [R]; Sendak, Where the Wild Things Are (1963); Sendak, In the Night Kitchen (1970) [R]; Rathmann, Good Night Gorilla (1994) [R]
W 20
Web Project Work Day: Walker, Writing Online, &1xbet sports betting ;Designing Your Project&1xbet sports betting ; (108-125). Planning session for web page design and for Critical Contexts component; bring design ideas and any preliminary work towards Critical Contexts to class. See Group Web Project Schedule for more information.
Novels (1): Easy Readers and Middle-Grade Readers
R 21
Lobel, Frog and Toad Together (1972); Clements, Frindle (1996); MacLaughlan, Sarah Plain and Tall (1985)
F 22
Excerpt fromWilder, Little House on the Prairie (1935) (28-37, 120-131) [CP]; Segal, &1xbet sports betting ;Realism and Children's Literature: Notes from a Historical Perspective&1xbet sports betting ; (46-47) [CP]; Lindsay, &1xbet sports betting ;Packaging the Past&1xbet sports betting ; (34-35) [CP]; MacLeod, &1xbet sports betting ;Writing Backward: Modern Novels in Historical Fiction&1xbet sports betting ; (1-4) [CP]; MacLachlan, &1xbet sports betting ;Newbery Medal Acceptance&1xbet sports betting ; (407-413)
Novels (2): Realism, Historical Fiction, Adventure, Animal Stories,
M 25
Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (1908)
Paper due by 5pm to my mailbox in DE122.
Sample papers: Option #1 and Option #2.
T 26
Curtis, The Watsons Go to Birmingham – 1963 (1995)
W 27
Seidler, A Rat's Tale (1986)
Web Project Work Day: Bring final drafts of critical contexts to 1xbet sports betting for review. See Group Web Project Schedule for more information.
R 28
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997); Russell, &1xbet sports betting ;Children's Books and the Censor&1xbet sports betting ; (89-92) [CP]
Review for Final Exam
F 29
Final Exam (ID & Short Answer – 1 hour)
Web Projects Due (Presentation of Group Web Projects – 1 hour)
Recommended Resources
In the Library:
Anita Silvey, Children's Books and Their Creators (1995); Humphrey Carpenter and Mari Prichard (editors), The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature (1984); Leonard S. Marcus, A Caldecott Celebration (1998), Author Talk (2000), and others; the Something About the Author series (1971-); the Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vols. 22, 42, 52, 61, 141, 160, 161, 163, and any other of the volumes devoted to Children's Literature (1983-); the Children's Literature Review series (1976-); the Junior Book of Authors series (1934-89); Barbara Rollock (editor), Black Authors and Illustrators of Children's Books: A Biographical Dictionary (1992); Althea K. Helbig and Agnes Regan Perkins, This Land Is Our Land: A Guide to Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults (1994).
On the Web:
Children's Literature | Literary Links | Visual Arts | History | Search Engines | Thomas Middle School Library Media Center's Teacher sites | englishcompanion.com
Kansas Dept. of Education:
Kansas State Dept. of Education's Licensure Requirements for teaching Elementary and Late Childhood Through Early Adolescent Level (drafts of May 2001)

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Email: westmank@ksu.edu
Last updated 11 June 2001