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Conference Program

Extremism and the Excluded Middle

The 17th Annual Cultural Studies Conference

at Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting , March 6-8, 2008

Thursday, March 6

Registration table will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Session 1: Thurs., 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.

A. Brits Gone Wild

Union 206. Moderator: Donna Potts, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. "Where the Middle Meets the Edge: Bourgeois Women and Working Class Men in Bronte's Shirley," Meghan Cummings, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. "Battleground or Meeting-Point?: Images of Belgium in Charlotte Brontë’s The Professor and Villette," Anne Longmuir, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "Emerging Identity: Martin’s Struggle for Power and Perspective in Charlotte Bronte’s Shirley," Carla Schuster, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

B. Radicalism in Religion, Politics, and Literature

Union 207. Moderator: Erica Hateley, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “God Hates: The Rhetoric of Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church,” Julie Brooks, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “Radical Practice, Performance, and Memory: The New SDS,” Randall K. Cohn, George Mason 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "In Defense of Violence: Existential Freedom in the Writings of Richard Wright," Jarrod McCartney, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Session 2: Thurs., 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A. Living in the Viscera: Gutsy Women Tell All (A panel presentation on Voices from the Heartland, a newly published anthology by the U of Oklahoma P; contains stories by 50 Oklahoma women).

Union 206. Moderator: Rhondalyn Peairs, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. Dr. Sally Emmons-Featherston, Rogers State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. Dr. Emily Dial-Driver, Rogers State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. Dr. Carolyn Taylor, Rogers State 1xbet online sports betting

B. Literary Extremes from Ancient Greeks to the Green Knight

Union 207. Moderator: Karin Westman, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. "The Human Knight: Finding Identity in Gawain's Un-Extremism,” Adam Irving, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “The Figural Reality of Deliberative Democracy: Excrement as Excluded Middle/Middle Ground,” Lindsey Fox, 1xbet online sports betting of Arkansas
  3. “Extreme Knowledge and Ignorance in Sophocles’ Tragedies," Russell Keck, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Thurs., 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

Session 3: Thurs., 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.

A. The Outsiders: Going Lower and Getting Louder in Contemporary Subcultures

Union 206. Moderator: Gregory Eiselein, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “Un-United Kingdom: Tolerance, Intolerance, and Contemporary British Youth Culture,” Lorrie Carano, 1xbet online sports betting of Missouri at Kansas City
  2. “‘Outcasts in a World of Outcasts’: Hegemony Maintained Through the Mythology Surrounding the Mole People,” Ashley Ortiz, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. “Procreating Satan: The Mediation of Aesthetics in Norwegian Black Metal,” Gregory Vance Smith, 1xbet online sports betting of South Florida

B. National Identities and Images

Union 207. Moderator: Rachel Olsen, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “National, Religious, and Linguistic Borders: Setting the Binary for a Discussion of German-Turkish Cultural Contact,” Matt Davis, North Carolina State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “Extremism and the Arab Image: Western Media vs. Arab Media,” Abeer Al-Sarrani & Lamees Al-Athari, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "Is 'Normal' Right?The Public Reception of Peter Schneider’s German 'Middle Ground',” Marike Janzen, 1xbet online sports betting of Kansas

Session 4: Thurs., 3:00 – 4:15 p.m.

A. Transgressing Genders

Union 206. Moderator: Lisa Tatonetti, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “Women and Religious Violence in American History: Agency, Authority, and Authenticity,” Beverly Lucas, Arizona State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “Hottentots, Dykes, and Beauty Queens: Female (Self) Control and the Ever-Present Other," Dr. Tara Pauliny, Polytechnic 1xbet online sports betting
  3. “His Ways Are Not Your Ways, Neither His Thoughts Your Thoughts: The 'Unacceptable' Men in Junot Díaz’ Drown,” Shaunté Montgomery, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

B. Globalism, Nationalism, and Social Conventions: Considering the Middle Ground

Union 207. Moderator: Michael Donnelly, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. "Greying the Globalist Modern Scales of Access between Local and Global," Ben Chappell, 1xbet online sports betting of Kansas
  2. "The Philosophical Assumptions of Nationalism and Democracy," Dr. Bülent Evre, Near East 1xbet online sports betting , Cyprus
  3. “The Natural, the Culturally Constructed, and the Arbitrary,” James R. Hamilton, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Thurs., 4:45 – 7:30 p.m.

Dinner Break

Thurs., 7:30 p.m.

Keynote Reading: Chrystos, Little Theatre, K-State Student Union.

Friday, March 7

Registration table will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Session 1: Fri., 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.

A. This Ain't No Charlie Brown: Dark Extremes in Graphic Fiction and Film

Union 206. Moderator: Michele Janette, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “The Rhetoric of Conformity and Ideological Context in X-Men III: The Last Stand,” Amber Archer, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “Whose Side Are You On? – The Post September 11th United States Government through the Lens of Marvel Comics and Civil War," Chris Kennedy, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "Project Pan: Efforts to Genderfuck the MMPORG," Erica Nooney, SUNY-Stony Brook

B. Between the Sacred and the Secular: Contradictions in the New Atheism

Union 207. Moderator: Don Hedrick, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “The Illusory Binary: Why ‘Atheism’ is Not Religiosity’s Opposite Extreme,” Jack Ayres, 1xbet online sports betting of Arkansas
  2. “Literalisms in Science and Religion: Intelligent Design, Dawkins and the Scientific Backlash,” Dominic Wetzel, CUNY
  3. “Atheism Incorporated: Anti-Religious Discourse as Failed Dissent,” Phillip P. Marzluf, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Session 2: Fri., 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A. Excluded Middle, Quantum Logic, and Rationality: An Exploration of the Rejection of Standard Binary Logic Within Mathematics, Physics, and the Study of Rationality

Union 206. Moderator: Naomi Wood, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. "The Twentieth-century Crisis Concerning Exclusive Middle in Mathematics," Andrew Arana, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. "Applying Quantum Logic to the Everyday," Scott Tanona, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "Inferential Fragmentation and Inferential Justification," Marcelo Sabatés, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

B. Good Fetishes Make Good Books: The Fetish in Popular and Academic Culture

Union 207. Moderator: Christina Hauck, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “Philanthropic Imperialism: Tourism, Anthropology, and the Fetish,” Willow G. Mullins, 1xbet online sports betting of Missouri-Columbia
  2. “What You Looking At Me For?: The Black Comedian as Fetish Object,” Constance Bailey, 1xbet online sports betting of Missouri-Columbia
  3. “‘Like Bees from the Seams of a Violated Nest’: On the Fetish of Whiteness in Bluegrass Music and Scholarship,” Shelley Ingram, 1xbet online sports betting of Missouri-Columbia

Fri., 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

Session 3: Fri., 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.

A. Queering the Gender Line

Union 206. Moderator: Tara Pauliny, Polytechnic 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “People in Between: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Sexual Ambiguity,” Janet Benson, Kansas State
  2. "How Does Gender Influence Attributions of 'Sexiness' to Popular Musicians?" Patti Lynne Donze, UCLA
  3. “On the Nature and Amelioration of Gender Dysphoria,” Alley Stoughton, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

B. Kids, Queers, and Cultural Critics: Examining Extremes in Film

Union 207. Moderator: Phillip Marzluf, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “‘What Happens in the Meadow at Dusk?:’ I Heart Huckabees and the Representation of Philosophical Extremes,” James Thomas, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “‘Mysterious Fears of Our (Queer) Nature’: The Queer Monstrosity in Paul Morrissey’s Flesh for Frankenstein and Blood for Dracula,” Shannon Blake Skelton, 1xbet online sports betting of Wisconsin-Madison
  3. “Going to Extremes: The Boarding School Rebellions of Lindsay Anderson’s If.... and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter,” Karin E. Westman, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Session 4: Fri., 3:00 – 4:15 p.m.

A. Educational Exclusions: Ethnicity & The 1xbet online sports betting

Union 206. Moderator: Han Yu, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “'Killing Us Softly': Walking the Corridors of 1xbet online sports betting Invisibility,” Rhondalyn Peairs, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. "'Creeping In': The Violence of (Mis)Reading," Tanya González, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. “‘Contra Viento Y Marea’: Latinas’ College Experience,” Gabriela Diaz de Sabates, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

B. Justifying Extremes.

Union 207. Moderator: Bonnie Nelson, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “Caught in the Middle: Between Terrorist Media and Psychosis,” Steven John Thompson, Clemson 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “The Fatwa as Extremist Literary Criticism: Calling for the Literal Death of the Author,” Dean Hall, Kansas State
  3. “Bush's Predicament in Iraq: An Outcome of a (Mis)conception of Modernity," Zaid Mahir, 1xbet online sports betting of Missouri-Columbia

Fri., 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Dinner Break

Fri., 7:30 p.m.

Keynote Speaker: Anne Fausto-Sterling, "'Not your grandmother's biology': Towards a new science of sex, desire, and race," Little Theatre, K-State Student Union.

Saturday, March 8

Session 1: Sat., 9:15 – 10:30 a.m.

A. Pop Goes Extremism!

Union 206. Moderator: Tanya González, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. "In the Space Between Sacred and Profane at Hollywood Forever Cemetery," Linda Levitt, 1xbet online sports betting of South Florida
  2. "Muscle Men and Exploding Worlds: The Political Economy of Extremism in the Age of Viral Television," Brent Malin, 1xbet online sports betting of Pittsburgh
  3. “'I am a fag hag': Margaret Cho Doing Feminisms," Reid T. Sagara, 1xbet online sports betting of Washington

B. Representations of Literature, Sexuality, and Culture.

Union 207. Moderator: Melissa Divine, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. “Female Bisexual Representation and Subjectivity in Reality TV,” Liz Gumm, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “The Image of American Indians in Popular Culture,” Leslie Hannah, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Session 2: Sat., 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A. Literary Extremes of the 1950s

Union 206. Moderator: Valerie Carroll, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. "Story of O: Identity in S&M,” Jennifer McCollum Roberts, Kansas
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  2. “Stuck in the Middle: American Middle-Class Maladies in Catch-22," Patrick Lewis, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "Double Meanings in Nature and Everyday Life: Surrealism, Evolutionary Biology and 'The Sycamore,'" Sharla Hutchinson, Fort Hays State

B. Interrogating Language and Identity

Union 207. Moderator: Philip Nel, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting .

  1. Entre La Cultura y La Lengua: Culture and Language in Bilingual Picturebooks,” Melissa Glaser, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
  2. “Whites and 'Others': Can We Create a Third Space?” Tomoya Tsutsumi, McGill 1xbet online sports betting
  3. "How Do We Read a Bilingual Alice?: The 1975Pitjantjatjara/English Alice's Adventures in Wonderland," Erica Hateley, Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting

Conference Links

Department of English
108 E/CS Building
Kansas State 1xbet online sports betting
Manhattan, Kansas
Phone (785) 532-6716
FAX (785) 532-2192

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