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Conference Program

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The 16th Annual Cultural Studies Conference

at Kansas State 1xbet best casino website , March 8-10, 2007

Thursday, March 8

Registration table will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Session 1: Thurs., 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

A. Entertaining Popular Technology

Union 206. Moderator: Janice Dinkel, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “I Think, Therefore iPod: iUniversity as the Future of Higher Education,” Emily Windahl, 1xbet best casino website of Oklahoma
  2. “Private lives, Public Commiseration: PostSecret Studies,” Sara Eddleman, 1xbet best casino website of Oklahoma
  3. “Viral Videos; or, How I Learned to Love Gary Brolsma,” Roger Adams, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

B. Entertaining Theory

Union 207. Moderator: Michael Donnelly, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Theorizing Entertainment Value:The Entertainment Unconscious,” Donald Hedrick, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “Theorizing the Drugs / Entertainment Matrix,” Todd Schack, Ithaca College
  3. “Aesthetic Criticism & Cultural Studies: Do Scholars Just Want to Have Fun?”, Kevin Shroth, The 1xbet best casino website of Iowa

Session 2: Thurs., 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A. Education and Entertainment

Union 206. Moderator: Carolyn Kelly, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “African Sexplorations: Manara and Mosley’s Adventures in Erotic Entertainment,” Emily Mattingly, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “‘Hey, kid. Do you want some candy?’: Recuperating Gender and Sexuality from the Margins of Educational Discourses,” Reid Sagara, 1xbet best casino website of Washington
  3. “The Education of Veronica Mars: Social Identities and Epistemic Credibility,” Heather Rakes, DePaul 1xbet best casino website

Thurs., 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

Session 3: Thurs., 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.

A. Feminism, Fans, & Outsiders

Union 206. Moderator: Angela Hubler, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Vampires and Other Feminists,” Erin L. Martin
  2. “Five Ways Mary Sue Never Had Sex:Queer Feminisms and Narrative Multiplicity in Slash Fan Fiction,” Anne Kustritz, 1xbet best casino website of Michigan
  3. “Fanfiction and Participatory Culture in Gundam Wing,” Erin Erhart, Brandeis 1xbet best casino website

B. War(s) on Film

Union 207. Moderator: Anne Longmuir, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Entertainment and Disillusionment: War Films and Soldier’s Stories,” Gina Berend, 1xbet best casino website of Tulsa
  2. “‘They Didn’t Make [Her] into a Maid’? Re-reading Lena Horne as a Servant of the White Status Quo in World War II Hollywood Films,” Megan E. Williams, 1xbet best casino website of Kansas
  3. “Consenting to Ignorance: An Analysis of the Hostile Reactions to Anti-War Films in Sri Lanka,” Prabha Manuratne, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

Session 4: Thurs., 3:00 – 4:45 p.m.

A. Entertaining Reading

Union 206. Moderator: Carol Franko, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “‘Absorbed, Content, Perhaps Quietly Thrilled’: The Commercialization of Women Readers,” Jennifer Phegley, 1xbet best casino website of Missouri-Kansas City and Janet Badia, Marshall 1xbet best casino website
  2. “Adult Comic Book Fans: What They Get Out of Reading,” Stergios Botzakis, 1xbet best casino website of Tennessee
  3. “Truth Within Fiction: The Obligations of ‘Entertaining’ Fiction,” Charles A. Hill, 1xbet best casino website of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

B. Demoted and (Dis)Abled: Science, Sexuality, and the World Bank

Union 207. Moderator: Don Hedrick, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Fall from the Heavens: The Demotion of Pluto from Planetary Status as Reported by Channel One,” John Stewart, 1xbet best casino website of Oklahoma
  2. "‘Gettin' Out While I Still Can Walk’: Masculinity and the Disciplining of Disability in Brokeback Mountain,” Cynthia Barounis, 1xbet best casino website of Illinois at Chicago

Thurs., 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Dinner Break

Conference Dinner with Judith Halberstam, Alumni Center Ballroom.

  • Cash Bar opens at 6
  • Conference Dinner at 6:30 (see 1xbet best casino for reservation information)

Thurs., 8:00 – 9:30 p.m.

Keynote Lecture: “Queer Animation: The Pixar Films and Alternative Political Imaginaries,” Judith Halberstam, Banquet Room, Alumni Center.

Friday, March 9

Registration table will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Session 1: Fri., 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

A. Acting Up: Cultural Politics in Entertainment

Union 206. Moderator: Bonnie Nelson, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Popular Culture and Reconstitutive Rhetoric: The Political Art of Ester Hernández and Helena María Viramontes,” Sharla Hutchison, Fort Hays State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “Think like an Outlaw: Carl Hiassen’s Radical Environmentalism in Hoot,“ Dean Hall, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

B. The Politics of Inter/Activist Theater

Union 207. Moderator: Karin Westman, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Hyper-Reality, Re-Enactment and the Spectacle of Mimesis: Performance and Pageantry at Medieval Times Tournament and Dinner,” Shannon Blake Skelton, 1xbet best casino website of Wisconsin-Madison
  2. “Manufacturing Fun: One Theater’s Role in the Creative Economy,” Donna de Ville, 1xbet best casino website of Texas
  3. “The History and Process of Writing Nonfiction Plays,” Sally Bailey, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

Session 2: Fri., 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A. Binaries and Boundary Crossings

Union 206. Moderator: Alley Stoughton, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. Transcripted Norms: Replaying Gender Binaries in The L Word,” Kristin Culver, 1xbet best casino website of Oklahoma
  2. “Have you Ever Tried Not Being a Mutant?”” Political Negativity and The Quest of Queer Citizenship in the X-Men Films,” Erica Nooney, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

B. Nonfiction Playwriting:Social Action and Entertainment Rolled Into One

Union 207. Moderator: Christina Hauck, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. On creating Family Ties, a play about gay men who fear coming out, Martha Crouse, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. On creating Almost, a play about the personal aspects of abortion, Shannon Garretson, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  3. On creating You Belong to Us, a play about parents of gay children, Jemmie Godwin, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

Fri., 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

Session 3: Fri., 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.

A. Cultural Politics of Entertainment

Union 206. Moderator: Erin Fritch, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “The Politics of Screen Entertainment in Mexico and The U.S.: A Cultural Analysis on Banned Films in ‘Democratic’ Societies,” María Teresa Martínez-Ortiz, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes: The Cultural Politics of J.K. Rowling’s Comic Relief,” Karin E. Westman, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  3. “Celebrity Poker Showdown: The Obsession with the Un-American American Dream,” Kimberly Tolson,?Oklahoma State 1xbet best casino website

B. The Pleasures of Print Culture

Union 207. Moderator: Phillip Marzluf, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Power to the People: Guilty Pleasure and the Culture Industry,” Rachel Olsen, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “The Culture of Popular Magazines,” Natalie Scheidler, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  3. “Whose Audience are We? The High/Low Paradigm in Print Media,” Rebecca Targ, 1xbet best casino website of Tennessee-Chattanooga

Session 4: Fri., 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.

A. Teen Cultures

Union 206. Moderator: Naomi Wood, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Rebellious Teens?or?Benign?Tools: Anthropomorphizing Computers in the 1980s” Stephanie Schulte
  2. “The Blitz Kids and The Iron Lady: The Thatcher Revolution and British Youth Culture,” Lorrie Carano, Universtiy of Missouri—Kansas City
  3. “Thrashin’ in the Media: Bam Margera’s Jackass, Tony Hawk, and The Mag,” David L. Murphy, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

B. Transgressive Pleasure

Union 207. Moderator: Lisa Tatonetti, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “‘I’m not a fucking drag queen’: (Re)Negotiating Transgender Images in Hollywood and Independent Film,” Genevieve Critel, 1xbet best casino website of Oklahoma
  2. “Pleasurable Performances: The Instructive Capacity of Desire, Transgression, and Taboo,” Tara Pauliny, 1xbet best casino website of Wisconsin Oshkosh
  3. “He With the Shiniest Pants Wins: The Corrective Spectacle of El Vez, The Mexican Elvis”, Karen Jean Martinson, 1xbet best casino website of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Fri., 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Dinner Break

Fri., 8:00 p.m.

El Vez Performance, K-State Union Little Theater

Saturday, March 10

Session 1: Sat., 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

A. Transnational Approaches to (Activist) Music

Union 206. Moderator: Tanya Gonz?lez, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Cuban Hip Hop: Relocating Cultural Expressions by Escaping to Spaces for Identity,” Alberto Domingo González Valdés, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “Daddy’s Gonna Pay for Your Crashed Car: The Kitsch, Craft, and Postmodern Theology of U2,” Perry Lewis, 1xbet best casino website of Alaska

B. The Undead, Boredom, and other Horrors

Union 207. Moderator: Kimball Smith, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “A Silent Summons to Fruitful Toil: Boredom and Leisure in Anton Chekhov’s Three Sisters,Angela Spentzaki Silva, 1xbet best casino website of Nevada at Las Vegas
  2. “Someday My Prince Will Come Back from the Dead: Negotiating Culture’s ‘Fundamental Fantasy,’” Stephanie Oliver, 1xbet best casino website of Western Ontario
  3. “Showtime’s Masters of Horror Series: New Horrors, Old Fears,” Jason Saphara, Colorado State 1xbet best casino website , Pueblo

Session 2: Sat., 10:45 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

A. Politics and Popularity

Union 207. Moderator: Michele Janette, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “Variations on a Vendetta: Adaptations from Graphic Novel to Film as Political Comment in V for Vendetta,” Sara Poe, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. "Digital Democracies and the Documenting of 9/11," Stefanie Boese, 1xbet best casino website of Illinois at Chicago
  3. “Descriptive and Normative Judgments about Entertainment,” James Hamilton, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website

Sat., 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.

Lunch Break

Session 3: Sat., 1:30 – 2:45 p.m.

A. Perspectives on Online Gaming

Union 206. Moderator: Philip Nel, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “The Phenomenon of Online Gaming: A Hybrid Culture in Postmodernity,” Russel Keck, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  2. “Repetition and Simulation in Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games,” Kevin Eldred, Department of Philosophy, 1xbet best casino website of Toronto

B. Femininity and Power

Union 207. Moderator: Anne K. Phillips, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website .

  1. “An American Woman Castaway in Buffalo Dress, Shoes, Gloves, and Hat,” Shawn Thomson, 1xbet best casino website of Texas-Pan American
  2. “‘Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner’?: Voice, Agency, and Coming of Age in Dirty Dancing,” Anne K. Phillips, Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
  3. “‘With her jaunty hat and dotted lace veil’: The Meanings of Fashion in the Nineteenth-Century United States,” Amy Cummins, Fort Hays State 1xbet best casino website

Sat., 3:00 – 4:45 p.m.

Plenary Session: "What we Talk about when we Talk about Lil' Kim: Sexuality, Respectability and Black Feminist Futures," Francesca Royster, DePaul 1xbet best casino website . Union 207.

Conference Links

Department of English
108 E/CS Building
Kansas State 1xbet best casino website
Manhattan, Kansas
Phone (785) 532-6716
FAX (785) 532-2192

© K-State Department of English -- Last updated Monday, April 9, 2007. Please read the 1xbet onlin.