Department of 1xbe VISUAL culture 1xbet sports bett 1xbet online games

VISUAL CULTURE: Conference Program

Thursday, March 10 | Friday, March 11 | Saturday, March 12

Thursday 9 am

a. Icons in Film, Union 206 (DVD/TV)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;'The Rossellini Version of Me': Ingrid Bergman,&1xbet online games login ; Dave Smit, Kansas State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Image, Icon, and Ideology of Jesus in The Passion of the Christ,&1xbet online games login ; Martha Crealock, Trent University, Canada
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Symbolism in Session 9,&1xbet online games login ;Erin Tate and Emily Merrifield, Kansas State University

b.Graphic Novels and Genocide, Union 207

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Imagining a War Zone: Lost Limbs and Mass Graves in the Graphic Novel,&1xbet online games login ; John McConnell, Wichita State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Mouse Tales: The Ownership of Stories in Art Spiegelman’s MAUS,&1xbet online games login ; Patrick Dixon, Kansas State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Jewish Representation in Art Spiegelman’s MAUS I and II,&1xbet online games login ; Emily L. King, Kansas State University

Thurs 10:30 am

a.Public Art: Posters, Fliers, and Graffitti, Union 206 (Laptop Proj.)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;The 4x6 Street Corner Manifesto: Nightclub Fliers and the Formation of Subculture Identity,&1xbet online games login ; Lorrie Carano, University of Missouri, Kansas City
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Reading the Signs on the Wall: Unsanctioned Images in the Public Sphere,&1xbet online games login ; Marshall Soules and Tricia Irish, Malaspina University-College, Canada

b. Inverts, Strange Brothers and Odd Girls: Analyzing Images of Queer Identity in Popular Culture, Union 207

  1. &1xbet online games login ;A Life She Had No Wish to Live: Representations of Femininity, Subjectivity and Lesbian Identity in The Hours,&1xbet online games login ; Sandra M. Cox, Emporia State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Coming Out and Going Mainstream: Sherman Alexie’s Exploration of Queer Identity in The Business of Fancydancing,&1xbet online games login ; Ruxandra Radulescu, Emporia State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;FEH MUH NIST: Diane DiMassa’s Queer Critique of Normative Culture through Graphic Media in Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist,&1xbet online games login ; D. Susan Kendrick, Emporia State University

12-1: Lunch Break

Thurs 1 pm

a. Film and Culture, Union 206 (TV/VCR; Laptop Proj.)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Films for Young Viewers: Girls' Images and Representations of Cultures,&1xbet online games login ; Shu-Ching Hsu, Eastern Michigan University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Sentimentality with an Edge: Tom Bui's Three Seasons,&1xbet online games login ; Michele Janette, Kansas State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Nostalgic Returns: Sustaining Identity in Pied-Noir Photo-Documentaries,&1xbet online games login ;Amy Hubbell, Kansas State University

b. Children’s Book Illustrations, Union 207 (Laptop Proj.)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;The Communist as Carrion: Re-Evaluating Robert Lawson's Artistic Contributions to The Story of Ferdinand,&1xbet online games login ; Barrett Bowlin, Kansas State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Dancing and Drawing with the Wild Things: The Child as Artist in Where the Wild Things Are and Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse,&1xbet online games login ; Jennifer Marchant, Middle Tennessee State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Of Capes, Bonnets, and Nightshirts: Walter Crane’s Imaging and Re-Imaging of Little Red Riding Hood&1xbet online games login ;Debra Mitts Smith, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne

Thurs 3 pm

a. Social Significance of Graphic Design, Union 206 (TV/DVD; laptop proj)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Understanding the World through Wonder,&1xbet online games login ; Stacy Asher, Ohio University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Low Resolution, No Resolution: Power, Responsibility, and Experiments in Graphic Design Masochism,&1xbet online games login ; Erica Nooney, Kansas State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Swoosh: The Life and Times of a Corporate Icon,&1xbet online games login ; Paul Bick, Northeastern Illinois University

b. Ideology and the Photographic Frame, Union 207

  1. &1xbet online games login ;See Spot: True Crime Photography and the Ambiguous Cells of Film Noir,&1xbet online games login ; Hugh S. Manon, Oklahoma State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;The Mythic Personae of George W. Bush,&1xbet online games login ; Mickayla Fink, Kansas State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Faces of Repression--Reflections on the Visual Representation of Jailor and Victim,&1xbet online games login ; Mathias Nilges, University of Illinois, Chicago

c. Scrapbooks, Archives, and Collections, Union 209 (16mm projector; laptop projector)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Scrapbook Autobiography: Envisioning Identity,&1xbet online games login ; Jill Deans, Haverford College
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Redefining Memorial Time and Space: The Digital FSA-OWI Photographic Archive,&1xbet online games login ; Catherine Preston, University of Kansas
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Tiki Cufflinks–Was Your Father Cool Enough?,&1xbet online games login ; Stephen Canham, University of Hawaii, Manoa

5:30-7: Dinner break

8:00 pm: Keynote: &1xbet online games login ;Freaky Fables from the Foothills,&1xbet online games login ; 1xbet spo, Union Main & West Ballrooms

9:30 pm: Reception for Tom Huck, Cat’s Pause Lounge

Thursday, March 10 | Friday, March 11 | Saturday, March 12

Friday 9 am

a. Opera, Union 206 (slide projector; CD player)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Sirens and their Songs: What do Women Really Want,&1xbet online games login ; Andrew Miller, University of South Carolina Upstate
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Opera and the Medieval Other,&1xbet online games login ; Robert Clark, Kansas State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Empire, Opera, and the Exotic Body,&1xbet online games login ; Robert Sturges, University of New Orleans, Empire

b. Issues in Children’s Literature, Union 207 (laptop projector)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Snow White and the Seven 'Dwarfs'—Queercripped,&1xbet online games login ; Santiago Solis, Teachers College, Columbia University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Images in the Classroom(?): Preservice Teachers Talk About Texts,&1xbet online games login ; Stergios Botzakis, University of Georgia
  3. &1xbet online games login ;How Red is the Red Playground? The Child Narrator in Extreme Situations of Violence,&1xbet online games login ; Debasmita Majumdar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India

Fri 10:30 am

a. Superhero Comics, Union 206 (TV/DVD/VCR)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;The 'Superhero Industry' as Oral Culture: Reconciling the Cultural Critique and the Mythic Approach to Modern Comic Book Studies,&1xbet online games login ; Terrence Wandtke, Judson College
  2. &1xbet online games login ;The Representation of Male Homosexuality in the American Superhero Comic Book: An Interpretive Textual Analysis of Green Lantern Brother’s Keeper,&1xbet online games login ; Robert Colicchia, University of Windsor, Canada
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Amazing Fantasies: Trauma, Affect, and Superheroes,&1xbet online games login ; Phil Sandifer, University of Illinois at Chicago

b. Theorizing Interpretation, Union 207 (TV/VCR)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Encode/Decipher,&1xbet online games login ; Kurt Hartwig, University of Wisconsin, Milwaulkee
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Visual Capital: Emerson’s Eyeball, Marx’ Camera Obscura, and Human Head-Space,&1xbet online games login ; Andrea Engelken, Kansas State University

c. Photographs, Identity, and the State, Union 209

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Seeing People, Reading Documents: The Emergence of the Passport in the 1920s,&1xbet online games login ; Craig Robertson, Babson College
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Identity Performance and the Presentation of Self: Exploring the Image Making Practices of Youth,&1xbet online games login ;Jessica Poser, Harvard University

12-1: Lunch Break

Fri 1:00

Plenary Session: Documentary Films and Edmund Carpenter, Union Big 12 Room (TV/VCR/DVD)

  1. “Oh What a Blow that Phantom Gave Me!” Harald Prins, Kansas State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;That Phantom Still Lurking:The Effects of Media on Rural Paupa New Guinea 35 Years after Carpenter,&1xbet online games login ; Michael Wesch, Kansas State University, Respondent

Fri 2:30

a. Monuments and Maps, Union 207 (slide proj)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Visible and invisible world on the present maps,&1xbet online games login ; Maria Antonietta Mariani, Censis-Center for Social Studies, Rome, Italy
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Insider Trading: an alternative look at the Tropaeum Traiani at Adamklissi,&1xbet online games login ; Álvaro Ibarra, University of Texas, Austin
  3. &1xbet online games login ;The map is not the territory, but then again, what is? Conquering Geography in Sir Walter Ralegh’s 'Discoverie of … Guiana',&1xbet online games login ; Kimball Smith, Kansas State University

c. Image, Icon, and Book, Union 209 (slide proj)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;House of Leaves as Digital/Textual/Typographical Ontology,&1xbet online games login ; Zach Whalen, University of Florida
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Medieval Iconicity in Pearl,&1xbet online games login ; Mirona Magearu, Emporia State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Reading Lu Xun Reading Masereel:The Chinese 'Translation' of Die Passion eines Menschen,&1xbet online games login ; David Ihrman, Grand Valley State University
  4. &1xbet online games login ;Dismantling Montage, Documentations in W.G. Sebald's novel Austerlitz,&1xbet online games login ; Gundela Hachmann, Harvard University

Fri 4 pm

a. Representing Intelligence in Film: Chess Games and Smart Droids, Union 206 (TV/VCR)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Agency and Motive of Droids and Cyborgs in Star Wars,&1xbet online games login ; Paul Brown, Kansas State University
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Seductions of Caissa: The Great Chess Scene in The Thomas Crown Affair,&1xbet online games login ; Bill Martin, DePaul University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Chess and Constructive Self-Doubt, from Alice in Wonderland to Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,&1xbet online games login ; Leslie E. Jones, William Jewell College

b. Graphic Novels, Union 207 (laptop proj)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Animated Feelings: Melodramas of Sex and Labor in Gilbert Hernandez’ Heatbreak Soup Series,&1xbet online games login ; William Orchard, University of Chicago
  2. &1xbet online games login ;The Graphic Novel and theTeenaged Body,&1xbet online games login ; Beth Younger, Drake University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;PIXY: the graphic novel as an allegory of economy,&1xbet online games login ; Lia Yoka, Aristotle University of Tessaloniki, Greece
  4. &1xbet online games login ;Building a New Narrative Universe, London 1898: The Re-Ordering of Victorian Fiction Under the Guise of the Graphic in Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neil’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,&1xbet online games login ;Shawn Gilmore, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

5:30-7: Dinner Break

8:00 pm: Keynote: &1xbet online games login ;The Design Challenges of Online Comics,&1xbet online games login ; 1xbet sports b, Kedzie 106

9:30 pm: Reception for McCloud and Hatfield, home of Phillip Marzluf

Thursday, March 10 | Friday, March 11 | Saturday, March 12

Saturday 9 am

a. Images in Culture, Union 207 (laptop proj; overhead proj)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Time and Vision: Capital and the Crisis of Extension,&1xbet online games login ; Matthew Lexow, Kansas State University,
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Learning to Pause: The Importance of Decoding Everyday Images,&1xbet online games login ; Kate Wurtzel and John Thompson, University of North Texas
  3. &1xbet online games login ;'Hieroglyphic Civilization': Comics, Animation and Film,&1xbet online games login ; Barbara Postema, Michigan State University

Sat 10:30: Keynote: &1xbet online games login ;What Underground Comix Did,&1xbet online games login ; 1xbet online casi, Union Big 12 Room

Sat 12 –1: Lunch Break

Sat 1:00

a. Representing/Refashioning Women’s Bodies, Union 206 (TV/VCR; laptop proj)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Lena Horne: Representing the African American Pin-Up Girl in 1940s Visual Culture,&1xbet online games login ; Megan Williams, University of Kansas
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Seeing Bridget Jones,&1xbet online games login ; Karin Westman, Kansas State University
  3. &1xbet online games login ;A Play with Puppets: Puppetry as Mechanism for Playing with Gender Performativity in the Musical Avenue Q,&1xbet online games login ; Nasrina Evenstar, Kansas State University

b. Photography and National Identity, Union 207 (laptop proj)

  1. &1xbet online games login ;Czech Documentary Photography 1945 – 1990: Social Identity, Social Change, Social Critique, Personal Expression,&1xbet online games login ; Brian Miller, Mendocino Art Center
  2. &1xbet online games login ;En Cada Barrio: Signage as the Landscape of Cuban Political Ideology,&1xbet online games login ; Daniel Ortega, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  3. &1xbet online games login ;Widening the Frame: Representing Northern Irish Political Murals,&1xbet online games login ; Kathryn Conrad, University of Kansas

Sat 2:30

a.Peeking at the Margins: Using Feminist Visual Culture to Decode the Unseen, Union 207 (TV/VCR; slide proj)
  1. &1xbet online games login ;Barbie Doll Pocahontas: Indian or Princess?&1xbet online games login ;, Anne Dotter, University of Strasbourg
  2. &1xbet online games login ;Bubba Sparxxx,&1xbet online games login ; Alecia Ruskin, University of Kansas
  3. &1xbet online games login ;La Malinche,&1xbet online games login ; Nicholas Shump, University of Kansas

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