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Call for Papers:

VISUAL culture 1xbet online casino

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14th Annual KSU Cultural Studies 1xbet online casino

March 10-12, 2005, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas

Place hold
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Keynote Speakers:
Scott McCloud, author of Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics, creator of "Zot!" Fri., Mar. 11, 8 p.m., Kedzie 106.
Tom Huck, woodcut artist and creator of the print series The Bloody Bucket and 2 Weeks in August. Thurs., Mar. 10, 8 p.m., Union's Main & West Ballrooms.
Charles Hatfield, author of Alternative Comics: An Emerging Literature (forthcoming July 2005). Sat., Mar. 12, 10:30 a.m., Union's Big 12 Room.

This 1xbet online casino will examine the visual codes of cultural works as well as the relationship between these works and their conditions of production and reception. How do images function within political, social, and economic forces? What is the cultural work that images do? How do we theorize visual culture?

Possible topics: Graphic Novels; Picture Books, Billboards; Graffitti, Advertisements; Murals; Comix; Tattoos; Logos; Cartoons, Illuminated Manuscripts; Informational Sign Icons; Diagrams; Maps, Emoticons; Emblems, Heraldry; Cover Art, Image Theory, Photography.

1xbet online casino format: Individual papers of 15 minutes each will be organized into 3 person panels, followed by discussion. Proposals may be for individual papers or for pre-organized panels.

Send one-page abstracts to:

Michele Janette

Director, Program in 1xbet online casino

English Department, KSU

108 ECS Building

Manhattan, KS 66506-0701

Email submissions encouraged: mjanette@ksu.edu

Deadline for proposals: October 25, 2004


Some previous conferences: Property, Commodity, Culture (1997) | Violence, Incorporated (1998) | Real Culture, Reproduction(s), and Rip-Offs (1999) | Who Counts? (2000) | Family, Kinship & 1xbet online casino (2001) | Late Modern Planet (2002) | Brain Power (2003) | Sex and the Body Politic (2004).

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