1xbet sports betting
13th Annual 1xbet sports betting Conference
March 4-6, 2004
1xbet sports betting , Manhattan, Kansas, USA

Plenary Speakers:


From clerical sexual abuse in the Catholic church, to repressive Taliban policies toward women in Afghanistan, to same 1xbet sports betting marriage, to debates about how gender should be determined, 1xbet sports betting is a topic that garners lavish popular and critical attention. From Michel Foucault's examination of our garrulity about 1xbet sports betting , to Judith Butler's theory of performativity, to Elizabeth Grosz's emphasis on the diversity of sexually specific bodies, important contemporary thinkers have brought issues of sexuality and society to the forefront of debates within cultural studies. "1xbet sports betting and the Body Politic" considers the construction of sexual identity as a function of political, social, and economic forces.

We invite papers or paper proposals that explore the intersections between structures of "1xbet sports betting " and the discourses of law, science, medicine, history, religion, empire, and cultural taste, to name a few. We invite papers on all periods from ancient to the future.

Possible paper or panel topics:

Send 1-page abstracts to:

Michele Janette
Director, 1xbet sports betting Program
1xbet sports betting Department
1xbet sports betting 106 Denison Hall
Manhattan KS, 66506-0701
Email submissions are encouraged: send to mjanette@ksu.edu.
Deadline: October 20, 2003.

1xbet sports betting and the Body Politic: Main | Featured Speakers: Grosz, Phillips, Hall | News Release | Bulletin Board | 1xbet online sports | Conference I | 1xbet best casino webs | Disclaimer

Some previous conferences: Property, Commodity, Culture (1997) | Violence, Incorporated (1998) | Real Culture, Reproduction(s), and Rip-Offs (1999) | Who Counts? (2000) | Family, Kinship & 1xbet sports betting (2001) | Late Modern Planet (2002) | Brain Power (2003).

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