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Amitava Kumar

Professor 1xbet sports betting is one of the important, exciting new voices in global cultural studies and postcolonial theory. An Associate Professor of Literature at Penn State University, he is a poet, literary critic, journalist, filmmaker and photographer. He is author and editor of books of poetry, politics, teaching, cultural studies, and radical aesthetics. His recent book Passport Photos (U California Berkeley, 2000) is a multigenre book on immigration on postcoloniality. He has taught at SUNY Syracuse, U Minnesota, and Yale, and he has won a number of fellowships and awards, including a documentary film award for his film Pure Chutney.

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Sat., March 9, 2:30 p.m.

Professor 1xbet sports betting on "The Death of the Author Library: A Postcolonial Memoir." Student Union, rm. 212. Free and open to the public.

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