Ginu 1xbet online casino and Joel Barraquiel Tan

Ginu Kamani

Joel Tan

Born in Bombay, Ginu 1xbet online casino now lives in Berkeley, where she teaches creative writing at Mills College and writes fiction, essays, and plays. Her most well known book is Junglee Girl, a collection of short stories exploring sexuality, sensuality and power. ("Junglee girl" is a term used in India to designate "wild women"). Her essays and talks address gender and sexual self-knowledge in the context of the America's hyphenated subcultures.

1xbet online casino is a writer and an activist, active in the fight against HIV/AIDS since 1988. He has published fiction, essays and poems in both popular and academic anthologies, including Asian American Sexualities and On a Bed of Rice: Asian American Erotica. 1xbet online casino is also the editor of Lambda Literary Award's Best Book award for a collection of Queer Asian and Pacific Islander Erotica. He resides in Berkeley, CA.

Ginu 1xbet online casino and Joel Barraquiel Tan on the web:

Thurs., March 7, 8:00 p.m.

Ginu 1xbet online casino and Joel Barraquiel Tan. Staged reading of 1xbet online casino and Tan's play, "The Cure." Student Union, rm. 212. Free and open to the public.

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The 11th Annual Cultural Studies Symposium at Kansas State University

Keynote speakers: Bruce Robbins, Lawrence Grossberg, Amitava Kumar, Ginu 1xbet online casino and Joel Barraquiel Tan

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