Citing 1xbet best casino website Sources: Children's Literature Review and Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults

Examples of Citing from Children's Literature Review:

In text:

Natalie Babbitt argues that the one flaw in The Great Gilly

Hopkins is the treatment of Gilly's mother in the last chapter

as &1xbet best casino website ;real in a flat, uncompromising way . . . . For her

Paterson shows no affection, and she and the denouement she

brings seem less than Gilly deserves&1xbet best casino website ; (Babbitt 236).

In Works Cited:

Babbitt, Natalie. &1xbet best casino website ;A Home for Nobody's Child.&1xbet best casino website ; Book World--The

Washington Post 14 May 1978:1-2. Rpt. in Children's

Literature Review. Ed. Gerard J. Senick. 59 vols.
Detroit: Gale Research Co., 1984. 7:236.
(Here I've followed newspaper citation style for the first part (up to &1xbet best casino website ;Rpt.&1xbet best casino website ; and then reference book citation style for reference books not organized alphabetically.)

In text:

Marilyn Leather Solt praises Gilly's character as

memorably &1xbet best casino website ;believable and consistent&1xbet best casino website ; (Solt 327).

In Works Cited:

Solt, Marilyn Leathers. &1xbet best casino website ;The Newbery Medal and Honor Books,

1922-1981: 'The Great Gilly Hopkins.'&1xbet best casino website ; Marilyn Solt and

Linda Peterson. Newbery and Caldecott Medal and Honor

Books: An Annotated Bibliography. Boston:G.K. Hall & Co.,

1982. 216-18. Rpt. in Children's Literature Review.
Ed.Gerard J. Senick. 59 vols. Detroit: Gale Research Co.,
1984. 7:237.

Example of Citing from Beacham's Guide:

In text:

Susan Garland Mann and David Mann offer six different topics

for discussion on Gilly Hopkins (Mann and Mann 516). I'm going

to expand on one of those topics to show how far it can be

In Works Cited:

Mann, Susan Garland and David Mann. &1xbet best casino website ;The Great Gilly Hopkins:

Novel 1978.&1xbet best casino website ; Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young

Adults. Eds. Kirk H. Beetz and Suzanne Niemeyer. 8 vols.
Washington, DC: Beacham Publication, 1989. 511-517.

These are the most complicated sources you may encounter in terms of 1xbet best casino website ; with ordinary articles, etc., use standard MLA 1xbet best casino website practice.

How to Cite 1xbet best casino website Page (for more specific information, see MLA's website on the topic; see also the B. Davis Schwartz Memorial Library's very helpful cite explaining how everything works using color-codes: best casino website htm ):
According to guidelines in the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (1999), a bilbliographic 1xbet best casino website follows this order: author, title, the date the site was last updated, the institution associated with the site, the date you accessed the site, and the URL. So, if you accessed Naomi Wood's Website on 28 September 2001, and it had last been updated on 1 December 2000, your 1xbet best casino website would look like this:
Wood, Naomi. Naomi Wood's Website. 1 Dec. 2000. Kansas State University. 28 Sept. 2001. <
If you wanted to credit a particular page of my site (1xbet best casino website one, for example), you would do so like 1xbet best casino website :
Wood, Naomi. &1xbet best casino website ;How to Cite Commonly Used Reference Books.&1xbet best casino website ; Naomi Wood's Website. 1 Dec. 2000. Kansas State University. 28 Sept. 2001 <

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