
Out-of-1xbet sports betting , formal writing (40% of total 1xbet sports betting )

  • Literature Circle Handouts (20%) (Cumulative)
  • Molly Bang Picture Project (10%)
  • Koch Poetry Project (10%)
1xbet sports betting may revise any formal, out-of-class essay ONCE after it is graded. See the Revision Policy in the Coursepak

In-1xbet sports betting and Informal Writing (40% of total 1xbet sports betting )

  • Quizzes (5%) (Cumulative)
  • Midterm Exam (20%)
  • Final Exam (15%)

Attendance and 1xbet sports betting (20% of total 1xbet sports betting )

  • I count into 1xbet sports betting participation grade: speaking regularly in class, being attentive to others' points, showing interest in what people have to say and responding verbally to others' comments, doing the reading and being prepared to talk about it, asking questions.
  • By definition, participation means that 1xbet sports betting must communicate with others. It also means 1xbet sports betting share with the class (private conversations conducted among your friends do not count!).
  • In your participation grade, I take into consideration your performance on pop quizzes, since 1xbet sports betting cannot participate well without having read attentively.
  • 1xbet sports betting also gain credit for participation by posting comments and responding to discussion on the electronic bulletin board (see Coursepak 2.1 for details).
  • Regular attendance is expected. If 1xbet sports betting have more than 3 absences, your attendance and participation grade will begin to be affected. Because if 1xbet sports betting are not here, 1xbet sports betting cannot participate in a particular day's class, 1xbet sports betting cannot "make up" participation or attendance points. Please use your absence allotment wisely.
  • Except in extremely unusual circumstances, more than 7 days of absence (cumulative absences) 1xbet sports betting result in failure of the course.


Reading assignments. Assume that 1xbet sports betting should read the entire work or works by the first day it's discussed.
A cautionary note 1xbet sports betting plagiarism: Be inordinately careful to acknowledge the sources that have influenced your work. Should 1xbet sports betting incorporate the ideas, general phrasing, or exact words of any other source without properly crediting the author(s), 1xbet sports betting are guilty of plagiarism. The penalty for plagiarism can be severe: 1xbet sports betting may fail the course and the Dean notified of the reason for your failure. University policy advises that 1xbet sports betting may be expelled after two such incidents. See also the University website about K-State's Honor Code.
Tardiness. I expect 1xbet sports betting to turn work in at the beginning of class the day an assignment is due. Work turned in after the beginning of class is automatically docked 1/2 grade. Work turned in more than 12 hours after the class is docked 1 full grade, and then 1 more grade for every 24 hours turned in past the due date. If 1xbet sports betting know 1xbet sports betting will be absent, turn work in BEFORE it's due, rather than afterwards. I accept work turned in via e-mail.
If 1xbet sports betting turn your work in late, 1xbet sports betting cannot revise it for a higher grade.
Late Literature Circles. Because this exercise gives 1xbet sports betting crucial practice for reading and focusing and because it is a group project, this is not an optional assignment--if 1xbet sports betting complete it, 1xbet sports betting will receive full credit for participation, but if 1xbet sports betting fail to complete it at all, your handout and your participation grades will go down one full grade for each incident.
If 1xbet sports betting get your handout to me within 24 hours of the meeting, 1xbet sports betting will only be penalized on your handout grade, not on your participation grade.

All 1xbet sports betting must be completed to earn credit for this class.

This page was last updated Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Other pages may have been updated more recently