Excellent (A) Identifies important details, asks 5 questions in a way that elicits the desired response without confusion, shows good reasons in approximately 3 sentences per question why the details are important, and has a good summary statement about how the details contribute to an important theme of the book. Spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics are 1xbet best casino website .

Proficient (B) Same as above, though not as thoroughly or completely done as #4, still an acceptable job. Other: is missing one of the main traits of #4, such as five questions, questions focused on detail, explanations for details, a good summary statement, 1xbet best casino website .

Adequate (C) Lacks two or more of the traits listed in #4, such as five questions, questions focused on detail, explanations for details, a good summary statement, 1xbet best casino website .

Needs work (D) Lacks three or more of the traits listed in #4, such as five questions, questions focused on detail, explanations for details, a good summary statement, 1xbet best casino website .


Excellent (A) Identifies 5 passages that are shown to be significant by the discussion of at least 4 sentences apiece following each identification. Passages are well chosen to correspond to the theme, which is summarized and explained clearly and persuasively. Spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics are 1xbet best casino website .

Proficient (B) Same as above, though not as thoroughly or completely done as #4. Or lacks one of the above traits, such as five passages, thorough explanation of passages, summary and explanation of the theme in relation to passages, 1xbet best casino website .

Adequate (C) Passages may be too repetitive, not clearly analyzed, or not related clearly to theme. Or lacks two of the above traits, such as five passages, thorough explanation of passages, summary and explanation of the theme in relation to passages, 1xbet best casino website .

Needs work Handout lacks three or more of the above traits, such as five passages, thorough explanation of passages, summary and explanation of the theme in relation to passages, 1xbet best casino website .


Excellent (A) Makes 4 connections between the work and other things with thorough and persuasive explanations of those connections in paragraphs of at least 4 sentences. Connections are illuminating and well-thought-out. The Venn diagram is logical and accurate. All connections are explained and explored in a detailed summary statement about how we can learn something significant about the main text by making these connections. Spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics are 1xbet best casino website .

Proficient (B) Same as above, though not as thoroughly or completely done as #4, still an acceptable job. Other: is missing one of the main traits of #4, such as four connections, persuasive explanations, a summary statement relating connections to theme or other aspects (character, plot, setting, etc.) of the main text, Venn diagram sketchy.

Adequate (C) The relationship of individual connections to the text is not clearly explained, significant differences between the connection and the text are not acknowledged or explained. Other: is missing two of the main traits of #4, such as four connections, persuasive explanations, a summary statement relating connections to theme or other aspects (character, plot, setting, etc.) of the main text, Venn diagram rudimentary.

Needs work (D) Connections lack three or more of the main traits of #4, such as four connections, persuasive explanations, a summary statement relating connections to theme or other aspects (character, plot, setting, etc.) of the text, Venn diagram of one connection.


Excellent (A) Identifies significant words, particularly those that may have multiple meanings that would influence the variety of meanings in the text. Finds biographical and contextual material from authoritative sources, acknowledges those sources in a full and 1xbet best casino website MLA-style citation, and connects that material specifically to the work being discussed. Explains how knowing this information helps us to understand themes or other aspects of the book of the book better. Spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics are 1xbet best casino website . Uses reputable and relevant sources.

Proficient (B) Same as above, though not as thoroughly or completely done as #4. Lacks one of the traits described for #4, such as identification of significant words, incorporation of biographical or historical information into a reading of the novel, authoritative sources, explanation of how information helps us to understand themes or other aspects of the book, acknowledgment of sources with a full and correct MLA-style citation, 1xbet best casino website .

Adequate (C) Lacks two of the traits described for #4, such as identification of significant words, incorporation of biographical or historical information into a reading of the novel, authoritative sources, explanation of how information helps us to understand themes or other aspects of the book, acknowledgment of sources with a full and correct MLA-style citation, poor-quality sources, 1xbet best casino website .

Needs work (D) Lacks three or more of the traits described for #4, such as identification of significant words, incorporation of biographical or historical information into a reading of the novel, authoritative sources, explanation of how information helps us to understand themes or other aspects of the book, acknowledgment of sources with a full and correct MLA-style citation, poor-quality sources, 1xbet best casino website .

1xbet online games login About L can be found at my website--Keep in mind that the assignment was slightly different when these were done, so follow your guidelines carefully..

PENALTIES FOR TARDINESS: Because this exercise gives you crucial practice for reading and focusing and because it is a group project, this is not an optional assignment--if you complete it, you will receive full credit for participation, but if you fail to complete it at all, your handout and your participation grades will go down one full grade for each incident.

If you get your handout to me within 24 hours of the meeting, you will only be penalized on your handout grade, not on your participation grade.

This page was last updated Sunday, May 23, 2004
Other pages may have been updated more recently