Plant ecophys 1xb

Rachel measuring water potentials

Grassland Ecophysiology

Ecophysiology permeates everything we do. 1xbet online sports betting our work on Konza Prairie woody encroachment to lowveld savanna ecology, we take pride in our ecophys bent. We utilize the classic tools including gas exchange, water potential, fluorescence, hydraulics, and stable isotopes. And we enjoy the simple things in life - like a bivariate plot, a pseudo-replicated study, and a project investigating just how dry the soil has to be before all the plants die.

Click on one of the links below for more information on current projects.

Marissa and Seton collecting grass tissue for 1xbet online sports betting and NSC analysis (Photo: C. Helzer)

Microanatomy / 1xbet online sports betting

The cellular anatomy of plant tissues has direct impacts on physiological functioning. And yet, variation in cellular anatomy (or microanatomy) is rarely quantified in the same way as cellular physiology. Largely this oversight stems 1xbet online sports betting the time-consuming processes required to prepare tissues for microscopy, and then the time-consuming steps to measure the size, density, and distribution of plant anatomical features. If you are willing to invest the time to learn how to stain and mount tissues, and then the patience to collect high-quality images you will have the ability to link anatomy - physiology in a meaningful fashion beyond trait amalgamations (like SLA)!

leaf microanatomy
Seton Bachle has become a master of capturing high quality leaf images. Here are examples 1xbet online sports betting 4 different grass tribes (Andropogoneae, Cynodonteae, Paniceae, and Danthonideae.

In our lab, Seton Bachle has been the master microanatomist. Seton and Jesse were originally inspired to collect these types of data 1xbet online sports betting Troy Ocheltree. Over the past 6 years, Seton has honed this skill (to use microanatomy to explain 1xbet online sports betting ) to be among be best in physiological ecology. Measurements of leaf microanatomy have been used to illustrate that bundle sheath area can predict photosynthetic rates and these microanatomy traits vary with climate variables and water-use strategies within dominant grass 1xbet online

1xbet online sports betting Projects have been supported by NSF-LTER:

Konza Prairie LTER: Manipulating drivers to assess grassland resilience.

And by NSF-Dimensions:

Dimensions NASA: Collaborative Research: The biogeography and evolution of drought tolerance in grasses.

Dogwood 1xbet online sports betting

Greg modeling

During the pandemic summer of 2020, Greg Tooley (right) began measuring the canopy ecophysiology of rough-leaf dogwood at Konza Prairie in areas that are ungrazed, grazed by bison, and areas with simulated browsing (sensu Rory O'Connor). This project has also recieved considerable support 1xbet online sports betting Seton Bachle and Rachel Keen.

The data has revealed that Leaf Mass Area (LMA) and Nitrogen concentration per area (Na) varied ~3-fold across canopies of C. drummondii resulting in major differences in the physiological functioning of leaves. High LMA leaves had high Jmax, Vcmax, and A2000, while low LMA leaves were found to use a novel strategy for maintaining the light compensation point at low light conditions. C. drummondii also modified its vertical allocation of leaf traits in response to browsing. When browsed, LMA and Na increased at lower canopy depths leading to an overall higher Jmax, Vcmax, and A2000. The resulting 1xbet online sports betting along with increased light availability at these depths increased photosynthetic rates, PNUE, and iWUE compared to control islands. These results give a mechanistic understanding to the high LAI canopies and compensatory growth response of C. drummondii—both of which are key factors leading to the success of C. drummondii and other woody plants in grasslands.

This woody 1xbet online sports betting project has been supported by NSF-LTER:

Konza Prairie LTER: Manipulating drivers to assess grassland resilience.

And by DOE-BER:

Using root and soil traits to forecast woody encroachment dynamics in mesic grassland.

woody vs grassy on Konza
The watershed boundary between K4A and K1B, illustraing the role of fire prevent and accelerating woody encroachment.

Physiological variability 1xbet online sports betting Poaceae

Greg modeling

The Konza Prairie has over 500 vascular plant 1xbet online sports betting within 3,487 hectares. Within this field station are over 100 grass 1xbet online sports betting . These 1xbet online sports betting comprise annuals and perennials, native and exotic, C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways, and 9 different tribes of Poaceae. Within this context, 75 different grass 1xbet online sports betting were collected at the time of flowering in the natural microenvironments from which they live on Konza. By measuring morphological and physiological traits from many 1xbet online sports betting representing a diverse range of phylogenies that all grow in the same area, we aim to see if patterns emerge among these groups and determine if traits of 1xbet online sports betting can are conserved withing higher taxonomic groups such as tribe or C4 lineage.

Ryan Donnelley (right, on the shoulders of Ryan the Elder) is the lead investigator for this project, with statistical and editorial counseling 1xbet online sports betting Emily Wedel. In the summer of 2020, Ryan sampled 5-10 replicates for each 1xbet online sports betting . Each replicate consisted of a group of individuals growing within 3m of each other to minimize the likelihood of population / genetic differences within each replicate. Spacing between replicates varied among 1xbet online sports betting ; replicates were spaced out from one another at distances ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers depending on the abundance of the 1xbet online sports betting to maximize genetic diversity among traits. The traits collected included rates of gas exchange, including A/ci measurements, osmotic potential, leaf area, leaf wet/dry mass, ambient leaf thickness at time of collection, plant flowering height, plant vegetative height, leaf C/N, and leaf δ13C and δ15N isotopic signatures. These data are being analzyed, and the results summarized for publication soon.

Some of our lesser known grass 1xbet online sports betting : Bothriochloa laguroides, Cenchrus longispinus, Diarrhena obovata, Dichanthelium praecocius, and Paspalum pubiflorum.

Project supported by NSF-MSB:

Collaborative Research: MRA: A lineage-based framework to advance grassland macroecology and Earth System Modeling

And by NSF-LTER:

Konza Prairie LTER: Manipulating drivers to assess grassland resilience.

Last Update: 16-Oct-2021