Approval assistance 1xbet sports betting

This page is intended to provide assistance to department heads, deans and administrators in the approval process. Below are two helpful links. The first provides guidelines for how to examine the cases in which faculty note that there is a 1xbet sports betting or time commitment. The second provides a few examples of the types of activities that would require a management plan.

In addition, in the box to the right, there is a link to a self-paced training on all aspects of the 1xbet sports betting and Time Commitment forms and processes. It provides helpful information on how to complete the relevant forms, as well as the role of the Supervisor in reviewing the forms. There are a number of case examples in the training that hopefully clarify key decisions. Supervisors and employees are strongly encouraged to view the training each year.

Reviewing Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Time and Commitment disc

Examples of Options for Management plans