examples 1xbet online casino of Options for Management Plans

  • Public disclosure of the financial interests of Investigators in a 1xbet online casino sponsor on all publications and in oral presentations.
  • Annual or more frequent report to the COI Committee of status and changes in the relationship and the 1xbet online casino .
  • Reformulation/modification of the protocol.
  • Monitoring of 1xbet online casino by an independent reviewer(s).
  • Double blind data analysis.
  • Disclosure in informed consent forms and to human subjects who are participating in clinical trials.
  • Informed consent from human subjects obtained by person(s) other than investigator and supervisees.
  • Data analysis and interpretation by independent reviewers or review of raw data and manuscript by an external independent reviewer.
  • Close monitoring of the conduct of the 1xbet online casino by an oversight body.
  • Divestiture of relevant personal interests in the 1xbet online casino sponsor.
  • Disqualification of the investigator's involvement in all or part of the project.
  • Protection of the academic rights and interests of students/fellows, if any are involved in the project.
  • Severance of the external relationship.

Distinction between the management plans for basic bench 1xbet online casino and clinical 1xbet online casino involving human subjects should be made.