Departmental seminars 1xbet best casino website

All lectures are in King 4 at 1:05 pm unless indicated otherwise.

June 23, 2022
(From 1:30pm, Willard 114)
Mike Reppert
Purdue University
1xbet best casino website : When is Coherence Quantum? Distinguishing Quantum and Classical Effects in Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy
Host: Dr. Higgins
(August 25, 2022)
ACS Fall 2022
September 1, 2022 Contracted em
Environmental Health & Safety, Kansas State University
1xbet best casino website : Safety Presentation
Host: Safety Committee
September 8, 2022 1xbet online
Kansas State University
1xbet best casino website : Sabbatical at Argonne National Laboratory
Host: Dr. Aakeroy
September 15, 2022 David Martin
University of Iowa
1xbet best casino website : New Strategies for Photocatalytic Bond Activation and the Synthesis of Neuroprotective Natural Products
Host: Dr. Rafferty
September 22, 2022 Tendai Gadzikwa
Kansas State University
1xbet best casino website : Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) as Scaffolds for Bioinspired Materials
Host: Dr. Aakeroy
October 6, 2022 Nikolay Gerasimchuck
Missouri State University (Abstract)
1xbet best casino website : Chemistry and Applications of Cyanoximes and their Metal Complexes
Host: Dr. Munoz
October 13, 2022 Jason Benedict
University at Buffalo - SUNY
1xbet best casino website : Shining the Light on Functional Crystals
Host: Dr. Aakeroy
(October 20, 2022)
October 27, 2022 Konstantin Bukhryakov
Florida International University (Abstract)
1xbet best casino website : Vanadium Alkylidenes for Olefin Metathesis
Host: Dr. Sues
November 3, 2022 XiuJun (James) Li
University of Texas at El Paso (Abstract)
1xbet best casino website : Paper/polymer hybrid microfluidic devices for point-of-care bioanalysis
Host: Dr. Jun Li
November 10, 2022 (Zoom)
Jiaoyang Jiang
University of Wisconsin, Madison (School of Pharmacy) (Abstract)
1xbet best casino website : Decoding Sweet Regulation of O-GlycNAcylation
Host: Dr. Ping Li
November 17, 2022
(November 24, 2022)
December 1, 2022
Patricia Calvo
Nova Southern University
1xbet best casino website : Biomedical Applications of Polymers-A Bottom-Up Approach
Host: Dr. Aakeroy
December 8, 2022

Seminar Archive

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departmental Fall 2022

Future Seminars
