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All lectures are in King 4 at 1:30 pm unless indicated otherwise.

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October 6, 2016 Hiroshi Aoki
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Host: Dr. Higgins
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Open Forum: Dept. Head Search
Host: Dr. Montelone
October 27, 2016 Midwest Regional ACS Meeting
November 3, 2016 Audrey Lamb
University of Kansas
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Host: Dr. Ping Li
November 8, 2016
2:40 pm
King 4

Likai Song
Florida State University
HIV gp41-Antibody Interaction at the Viral Membrane Interface.
Host: Dr. Ping Li
November 10, 2016 research 1x
Kansas State University
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November 17, 2016 Jooyoun Kim
Kansas State University
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December 1, 2016 Sefika Ozkan
Arizona State University
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Host: Dr. Smith
December 8, 2016 1xbet online
Kansas State University
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Special Series: Twenty Years of 1xbet best casino website at KState: a Personal Perspective
Host: Dr.Smith