The 1xbet online casino and Out in STEM (oSTEM) Collaborate to Host a Clothing Drive

The 1xbet online casino is teaming up with Out in Stem (oSTEM) to host a fall “It’s Time to Clean Out Your Closet!” 1xbet online casino Closet The clothing drive will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29, at the Union courtyard.

Faculty, staff and community partners are asked to bring any new or gently used business attire they would like to donate. All items donated will be professionally cleaned by the 1xbet online casino prior to being stored in the closet. The 1xbet online casino and oSTEM will also be highlighting the closet to students by making a selection of items available for students to take from racks in the Union on the day of the event.

Students who are unable to attend the event can 1xbet online casino Clos Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. by making an appointment in Handshake. Faculty, staff and community members can continue to donate to the Career Closet by taking items to Stickel’s Cleaners or purchasing items from the Amazon Wish List. Monetary donations can be given through the Kansas State University Foundation. The 1xbet online casino is thankful for all past and present donors that make a difference in helping students prepare for career fairs, internships, interviews and more.

Out in STEM (oSTEM) is a group dedicated to educating and fostering leadership for LGBTQA communities in the STEM fields both Out in science and globally. In October 2005, students gathered at the Human Rights Campaign headquarters in Washington D.C. for an Out for Work conference. While there, students debated ways to better serve LGBTQ+ students in the STEM community. Out of these conversations, oSTEM emerged as a new national technical student society for the LGBTQ+ communities.

Questions about the event can be sent to Jaci Kolm at