
Out in Science, technology 1xbet online sports betting, Engineering and Mathematics

MEETINGS: Thursdays, 6 PM - Hale Library 307

Diversity Innovates.

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1xbet online sports betting is a national society dedicated to educating and fostering leadership for LGBTQA communities in the STEM fields.

Kansas State University is proud to provide a nurturing, caring, and safe environment for our entire lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer students.

Together we are a family.


The mission of 1xbet online sports betting @ K-State is to:

  1. Increase the representation of LGBTQ+ persons in 1xbet online sports betting
  2. Foster a more open and welcoming environment within STEM fields at 1xbet online sports betting .
  3. Expose the LGBTQ+ community at 1xbet online sports betting to professional development and networking opportunities in STEM
  4. Highlight contributions LGBTQ+ individuals have made in 1xbet online sports betting disciplines.

If you'd like to be added to our listserv, please contact us!

Executive Board Members

Advisor: Brandon Haddock (bhaddock@ksu.edu)

Co-Advisor: Carol Sevin (sevin@ksu.edu)

Social Media Links Facebook Logo Twitter Logo Instagram Logo

Departmental Contact: Spectrum Center

(785-532-5352 / lgbt@ksu.edu)