President: Marcus Bragg

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Major: Management Information Systems
Hometown:Kansas City,KS

What 1xbet online casino to me: "To me BSU is a community. We fight for what we want and know what we deserve. We stand up for ourselves and make sure that as a people we are taken care of."

Strengths: Harmony, Responisbility, Competition, Restorative, Adaptibility

Vice President: D'Aonda Bush

Major: Accounting and Spanish
Hometown:Witchita, KS

"My favorite thing about serving as the vice-president is I learn so much about the different positions and the work that each chair puts in to help make 1xbet online casino a success.

Strengths: Competition, Significance, Relator, Context, Restorative.

Special Programs Director:Micaela Torres

Major: Psychology

Classification: Junior

Hometown: Kansas City, KS

What 1xbet online casino to me:" "I am, because we are." Bryon Williams always states this quote and it carries so many meanings. "Without BSU, I wouldn't be the stydent I am today. BSU has given me so many opportunities to strengthen my leadership skills, meet so many new ppeople, and help mold me into the person I need to be outside of college."

Strengths: Restorative, Belief, Connectedness, Learner, Responsibility.

Secretary: Toria Freeman

Major: Kinesiology; Minor: Leadership Studies

Hometown:Kansas City, KS

What 1xbet online casino to me: "1xbet online casino that I am a part of a black community that takes the steps towards us being heard on a predominantly white campus."

Strengths: Empathy, Adaptability, Communication, Consistency, Restorative

Social Programs Director: Joseph Perry

Major: Pre-Law

Classification: Senior
Hometown: Kansas City, KS

What 1xbet online casino to me:"1xbet online casino "Sacrificing in order to achieve Greatness. BSU has shown me that the hard work that you put in will definitely pay off in the end."

Strengths: Competition, Context, Input, Ideation, Individualization

Parliamentarian: Ariel Mendiola

Major: Pre-Law, Sociology & Criminology; Minor: Political Science & Leadership Studies
Classification: Senior
Hometown: De Soto, KS

What 1xbet online casino To Me: " a group of dedicated and passionate leaders committing themselves to better our African American community at Kansas State University."

Strengths: Harmony, Developer, Belief, Arranger, Achiever

Treasurer: Sheron Williams

Major: Accounting
Hometown: Wichita,KS

What 1xbet online casino To Me:" BSU is a place that allows diverse students to feel welcome. They are able to develop and grow in ways that they may not have the opportunity to do somewhere else."

Strengths: Futuristic, Historical, Significance, Restorative, Positivity

Public Relations Director: Aaron Tucker

Major: Graphic Design

Hometown:Kansas City,KS

What 1xbet online casino to me:" an opportunity to build friendships, and develop into a stronger leader."

Strengths: Learner, Achiever, Strategic, Individualization, Ideation

New Student Support Director: Caitlyn Wells


Classification: Senior
Hometown:Kansas City ,KS

What 1xbet online casino To Me: "BSU is an organization, that if you use it to your advantage, can helo you develop professtionally and culturally. K-State 1xbet online casino so much to me because I feel like I can really make a difference in the loves of the students that I interact with."

Strengths: Individualization, Ideation, Restorative, Learner, Connectedness

Assistant Treasurer: Le'Andre Carthen

Major: Public Relations

Hometown:Wichita, KS

What 1xbet online casino To Me:" empowering each other to succeed."

Strengths: Harmony, Learner, Achiever, Futuristic, Competition

Educational Programs Director:Natasha Peterson

Major: Business Management

Classification: Senior
Hometown: Wichita, KS

What 1xbet online casino To Me: "BSU is a movement and reminder to be all that I can be while upliftting and supporting my community.

Strengths: Command, Responsibility, Futuristic, Adaptability, Relator

Webmaster: Desmund Weathers

Major:Computer Engineering
Hometown:Kansas City,KS

What 1xbet online casino to me: " BSU to me is an organization that continues to develop me as a man of my culture and a man of opportunity. Through involvement and community outreach BSU has and will continue to allow me to grow exponentially.

Strengths: Adaptability, Competition, Relator, Strategic, Individualization

Big XII Head Delegate: Chandrika Brewton

Major: Criminology
Hometown: Claxton, GA

What 1xbet online casino to me: "BSU is not only a way to gain professional and educational skills but has shown me a lot about where I came from and why it is so important for not only me to succeed but African Americans in general."


Big XII Delegate: Michael Shode

Major:Family Studies and Human Services

Hometown: Wichita, KS

What 1xbet online casino to me: BSU is a resource to students that helps empower our community to be united, supported and always moving forward."

Strength: Positivity, Empathy, Connectedness, Relator, Arranger

Big XII Delegate: Ronesha Cobb

Major: Accounting

Hometown:Dallas, Texas

What 1xbet online casino to me: "... it takes a leader to make a leader. We have to be leaders to teach the incoming students how to be leaders so we can continue to grow as African-Americans on a PWI."

Strengths: Learner,Consistency,Relator,Significance, Achiever

Big XII Delegate: Justine Floyd

Major: Agribusiness


What 1xbet online casino to me: " BSU is a body of Black leaders actively developing their leadership skills, serving the community and striving for excellence in all endeavors."

Strengths: Communication, Relator, Strategic, Achiever, Competition

Big XII Delegate: Justice Davis

Major: Marketing and Criminology with a focus in Prelaw


Hometown: Kansas City, MO

What 1xbet online casino to me: "1xbet online casino unity and advocacy. Together we as Black students are advocating equality, retention, and cultural awareness through our collaboration of effective action and education, 1xbet online casino reaching back to the community as we simultaneously move forward and grow

Strengths: Connectedness, Individualization, Futuristic, Belief, Restorative

Big XII Delegate: Todd Ashley

Major: Mass Communications and Psychology

Hometown:Kansas City, MO

What 1xbet online casino to me: "BSU is an organization where I can further knowledge, embrace my culture, and be affiliated with some amazing individuals. BSU has become a home away from home for me."

Strengths: Woo, Communication, Achiever, Input, Positivity

Advisor: Bryon Williams

Hometown: Kansas City,KS

Advisor: Brandon Clark
