Biochemistry and 1xbet online sports betting Biophysics Graduate Group Faculty

Faculty name

Research description

Katsura 1xbet

Regulation of protein biosynthesis, Yeast genetics and biochemistry, 1xbet online sports betting and cell biology of insects and cancer

Ming-Shun Chen

1xbet online sports betting interactions between plant and parasites, Host plant resistance, Effectors and effector-triggered signaling pathways, wheat breeding and gene editing.

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Biochemistry of triacylglycerol biosynthesis; structure and function of membrane bound acyltransferases; genetically modifying the physical properties of seed oils for industrial and biofuel applications.

Peying Fong

Regulation of sodium and chloride transport by epithelial cells, with a focus on the functional interactions between the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR).

Associate prof

Lyme Disease Pathogenesis, Mechanisms of Bacterial Immune Evasion, Protein Structure-Function, Drug Discovery.

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Innate Immunity; 1xbet online sports betting Basis of Infectious Diseases and Host-Pathogen Interactions; Structural Biology and 1xbet online sports betting Recognition

Erika geisbrecht

Mechanisms that underly muscle structure and function.

Maureen 1xbet b

Insect biochemistry, 1xbet online sports betting biology and genetics; Mechanisms of iron metabolism in insects; Function of insect multicopper oxidases; Insect innate immunity

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Pathogenic microbiology and bacterial genetics.

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Understanding the mechanisms of aging and developing clinically relevant drugs to delay aging and enhance human health and longevity.

Michael 1xbet o

Insect biochemistry and 1xbet online sports betting biology; structure and function of hemolymph serine proteinases, proteinase inhibitors, and antibacterial response proteins from insects; biochemistry of insect cuticle sclerotization.

Phillip E. kle

Iron acquisition by active transport through the cell envelopes of bacteria; Immunological approaches to bacterial pathogenesis; Biophysical analyses of bacterial membrane transport in living cells.

Kristin 1xbet o

Regulation of mosquito innate immunity; malaria parasite-mosquito interactions.

Om 1xbet be

Structural characterization and 1xbet online sports betting recognition using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Computer Aided 1xbet online sports betting Design (CAMD).

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Synthetic organic chemistry; Drug discovery and selective delivery; Medicinal chemistry; Chemical biology.

Jeremy Schmit

Biomolecule phase separation; Amyloid fibril formation; Drug formulations; Self-assembly.

Kathrin 1xbet sp

Plant 1xbet online sports betting biology, developmental biology, plant sterols, START domains, sterols and cellulose; broadly focusing on deciphering the 1xbet online sports betting mechanisms underlying growth and development of flowering plants.

Bruce Shultz

Understanding the physiological regulation of epithelial ion transport and barrier functions.

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Computer simulation of the structure and dynamics of peptides, proteins and nucleic acids; cosolvent effects on peptides and proteins; modeling of opioid peptides and their receptors.

Nicholas Wallace

Human Papillomavirus; Viral Oncogenesis; DNA Damage Repair

Ruth Welti

Developing and implementing mass-spectrometry-based lipid profiling strategies to understand the roles of particular lipids, as well as genes and proteins involved in lipid metabolism and lipid signaling.

Anna Zolkiewska

Cell adhesion molecules and their role in cell growth and differentiation.

Michal 1xbet sport

Protein structure and function, protein folding and aggregation, 1xbet online sports betting chaperones and cellular stress.