Shijiao Huang, ph 1xbet online sports betting.D.

Assistant professor 1xbet online sports betting

Shijiao Huang, Ph.D.

Contact information

Office: Chalmers 62
Phone: 785-532-6124
Fax: 785-532-7278
Lab website


B.S. 1xbet online sports betting 2005, Nanchang University, Jiangxi, China
Ph.D. Cell 1xbet online sports betting 2012, Peking University, Beijing, China

Area of Specialty

My scientific goal is to understand the mechanisms of 1xbet online sports betting and to develop clinically relevant drugs to delay 1xbet online sports betting and enhance human health and longevity.

Environmental cues perceived by neurons and the responsive physiological changes are essential for human health. Our goal is to identify neural signaling in modulating 1xbet online sports betting and health, and at the same time advance the steps to develop the pharmacological interventions for 1xbet online sports betting and age-related diseases. We utilize approaches from molecular biology, genetics, neuroscience, and biochemistry in conjunction with multi-model systems (C. elegans and cell culture) to identify the neurons and signals underlying both 1xbet online sports betting and age-related diseases.

Honors and Awards

  • May 2023, Bishr Omary Physiology Research Investigator Research Award
  • May 2023, Midwest 1xbet online sports betting Consortium Symposium Travel Award
  • April 2023, Best Poster Award, The 9th Midwest C. elegans meeting
  • February 2020, Nomination of Outstanding UROP Mentor Award for the 2019-2020 academic year
  • September 2019, Postdoc180 Finalist, University of Michigan Medical School
  • June 2019, Travel Award, University of Michigan Medical School
  • April 2019, Best Poster Award, The 7th Midwest C. elegans meeting

Select Publications

Choi HS, Bhat A, Howington MB, Schaller ML, Cox R, Huang S, Beydoun S, Miller HA, Tuckowski AM, Mecano J, Dean ES, Jensen L, Beard DA, Evans CR, Leiser SF. FMO rewires metabolism to promote 1xbet online sports betting through tryptophan and one carbon metabolism. Nature Communications. 2023 Feb 2;14(1):562. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36181-0.

Huang S*, Haga Y*, Li J*, Zhang J*, Kweon HK, Seino J, Hirayama H, Fujita M, Moremen KW, Andrews P, Suzuki T, Wang Y. Mitotic phosphorylation inactivates the 1xbet online sports betting mannosidase MAN1A1. Cell Reports. 2022 Nov 22;41(8):111679. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111679. *Equal contribution.

Miller HA*, Huang S*, Dean ES, Schaller ML, Tuckowski AM, Munneke AS, Beydoun S, Pletcher SD, and Leiser SF. Serotonin and dopamine modulate 1xbet online sports betting in response to food odor and availability. Nature Communications. 2022 Jun 7;13(1):3271. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-30869-5. *Equal contribution

Beydoun S, Choi HS, Dela-Cruz G, Kruempel J, Huang S, Bazopoulou D, Miller HA, Schaller ML, Evans CR, Leiser SF. An alternative food source for metabolism and 1xbet online sports betting studies in Caenorhabditis elegans. Communications 1xbet online sports betting . 2021 Feb 26;4(1):258. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-01764-4.

Huang S, Howington M, Dobry C, Evans CR, Leiser SF. Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases are conserved 1xbet online sports betting of stress resistance and metabolism. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental 1xbet online sports betting . 2021 Feb 12;9:630188. doi:10.3389/fcell.2021.630188..

Kruempel JCP, Miller HA, Schaller ML, Fretz A, Howington M, Sarker M, Huang S, Leiser SF. Hypoxic response regulators RHY-1 and EGL-9/PHD promote 1xbet online sports betting through a VHL-1-independent transcriptional response. Geroscience. 2020 Dec;42(6):1621-1633. PMID: 32399915; PMCID: PMC7732922.

Huang S, Wang Y. 1xbet online sports betting structure formation, function, and post-translational modifications in mammalian cells [version 1; peer review: 5 approved] F1000Research. 2017 Nov 27, 6(F1000 Faculty Rev):2050. PMID: 29225785; PMCID: PMC5710388.

Xu X*, Huang S*, Zhang B, Huang F, Chi W, Fu J, Wang G, Li S, Jiang Q, Zhang C. 1xbet online sports betting licensing factor Cdc6 and Plk4 kinase antagonistically regulate centrosome duplication via Sas-6. Nature Communications. 2017 Apr 27; 8:15164. PMID: 28447620; PMCID: PMC5414174. *Equal Contribution

Huang S, Tang D, Wang Y. Monoubiquitination of syntaxin 5 regulates 1xbet online sports betting membrane dynamics during the cell cycle. Developmental Cell. 2016 Jul 11;38(1):73-85. PMID: 27404360; PMCID: PMC4942811.

Huang S*, Xu X*, Wang G, Lu G, Xie W, Tao W, Zhang H, Jiang Q, Zhang C. 1xbet online sports betting initiator Cdc6 also regulates ribosomal DNA transcription initiation. Journal of Cell Science. 2016 Apr 1;129(7):1429-40. PMID: 26872786. *Equal Contribution

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