John 1xbet best casino website , Ph.D., Professor
Director of Biotechnology/Proteomics Core Facility
Undergraduate Advisor

Image of John Tomich, Ph.D.

Contact information

Office: 206 Burt Hall
Phone: 785-532-5956
Fax: 785-532-6297
Lab website


B.A. 1974, University of Connecticut
M.S. 1975, Purdue University
Ph.D. 1980, University of Waterloo

Research video

Areas of specialty

The 1xbet best casino website laboratory designs and characterizes synthetic peptides for potential uses as drugs or renewable biomaterials. The lab employs a number of biologic, synthetic, analytic and physical methods to make these characterizations.

John Tomich, 1xbet sports betting D

Selected publications

Natarajan, P., 1xbet best casino website , J. M. Bio-Interactions of Gold and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles : The Role of Experimental Parameters on in vitro and in vivo Interactions Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (2020) 694,108592 doi:10.1016/

Natarajan, P., Roberts, J., Kunte, N., Hunter, W. B., Fleming, S., 1xbet best casino website , J. M., Avila, L. A. (2020) Cellular Uptake Mechanisms Of 1xbet best casino website Probed with Hollow Water Filled and Magnetic Core Nanospheres. Mol Pharm. 2020 17(6) 2208–2220 doi:10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.0c00393. PMID:32324415

Wessel, E. M., 1xbet best casino website , J. M., Todd, R. B. Biodegradable Drug-Delivery Peptide Nano-Capsules ACS-Omega 2019 4, 22, 20059–20063. doi:10.1021/acsomega.9b03245. PMID:31788640

Hunter, W. B., Gonzalez, M. T., 1xbet best casino website , J. M. (2018) BAPC-assisted CRISPR/Cas9 System: Targeted Delivery into Adult Ovaries for Heritable Germline Gene Editing (Arthropoda: Hemiptera) bioRxiv 478743; doi:10.1101/478743

Avila, L.A., Chandrasekar, R., Wilkinson, K. E. Balthazor, J., Herman, M., Bechard, J., Brown, S., Park, Y., Dhar, S., Reeck, G.R., 1xbet best casino website , J. M. Delivery of lethal dsRNAs in insect diets by 1xbet best casino website . J. Control Release (2018) 273, 139-146. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2018.01.010. PMID:29407675

Barros, S. M., Avila, L. A., Whitaker, S. K., Sukthankar, P., Beltrão, E. I. C., 1xbet best casino website , J. M. (2017) 1xbet best casino website Amphipathic Peptide Capsules: Different Ratios of the Two Constituent Peptides Direct Distinct Bilayer Structures and Sizes. Langmuir. 33(28):7096-7104. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.7b00912. PMID:28654272

Barros, S. M., Whitaker, S. K., Sukthankar, P. R., Gudlur, S., Warner, M. Beltrão, E. I. C., 1xbet best casino website , J.M. (2016) A Review of Solute Encapsulating Nanoparticles used as Delivery Systems with Emphasis on 1xbet best casino website Amphipathic Peptide Capsules. Arch Biochem Biophys. 596: 22-42. PMID: 26926258

Sukthankar, P, Whitaker, S.K., Garcia, M., Herrera, A., Boatwright, M., Prakash, O., and 1xbet best casino website , J.M. (2015) Thermally Induced Conformational Transitions in Nascent 1xbet best casino website . Langmuir. 2015 Mar 17;31(10):2946-55. doi: 10.1021/la504381y. Epub 2015 Mar 6. PMID: 2571959

Avila, L.A., Aps, L. R. M. M., Sukthankar, P., Ploscariu, N., Gudlur, G., Šimo,L. Szoszkiewicz, R., Park, Y., Lee, S. W., Iwamoto, T., Ferreira, L., 1xbet best casino website , J. M. (2015) Alternate supramolecular structures for different ratios of 1xbet best casino website cationic peptide /DNA assemblies: Correlation with gene delivery. Mol Pharm. 12(3):706-15. PMID: 25647162

Sukthankar, P., Avila, LA., Whitaker, SK., Iwamoto, T., Morgenstern, A., Apostolidis, C., Liu, K., Hanzlik, RP., Dadachova, E., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2014) 1xbet best casino website : Cellular Uptake and Retention of Encapsulated Solutes. Biochim, Biophys. Acta, Biomembranes 1838: 2296-2305. PMID: 24565797.

Chen, J., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2014) Free Energy Analysis of Conductivity and Charge Selectivity of M2GlyR-Derived Synthetic Channels. Biochim, Biophys. Acta, Biomembranes 2014 Sep; 1838 (9):2319-25. PMID: 24582709.

Sukthankar, P., Gudlur, S., Avila, L.A., Whitaker, S., Katz, B.B., Hiromasa, Y., Gao, J., Thapa, P., Moore, D., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , J.M. (2013) 1xbet best casino website Oligopeptides Form Nano-Capsules with Lipid Vesicle Characteristics Langmuir 29:14648−14654. PMC3889211

Gudlur, S., Sukthankar, P., Gao, J. Avila, L.A., Hiromasa, Y., Chen, J., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , J.M. (2012) Peptide Nanovesicles Formed by the Self-Assembly of 1xbet best casino website Peptides. PLOS ONE. 7 (9) e45374 pages 1-11 PMC3445502

John 1xbet best casino webs