John 1xbet best casino website , Ph.D., Professor
Director of Biotechnology/Proteomics Core Facility
Undergraduate Advisor

Complete Publications List

1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s | Book chapters | Patents issued


1xbet best casino website , JM., Mather, IH., and Keenan, TW. (1976) Proteins mask gangliosides in the milk fat globule and erythrocyte membranes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 433, 357-364.

Chibber, BAK., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Mertz, ET., and Viswanatha, T. (1977) Kinetic evidence for an intermediate in the deacetylation of monoacetyl-chymotrypsin. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74, 510-514.

Eigel, WN., Hofmann, JC., Chibber, BAK., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Keenan, TW., and Mertz, ET. (1979) Plasmin-mediated proteolysis of casein in bovine milk. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 2244-2248.


1xbet best casino website , JM., Marti, C., and Colman, RF. (1981) Modification of two essential cysteines in rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase by the nucleotide analogue 5'-p-fluorosulfonyl-benzoyl guanosine. Biochemistry 20, 6711-6720.

Annamalai, AE., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Mas, MT., and Colman, RF. (1982) Evidence for distinguishable sites of attack in the reactions of 5'-p-fluorosulfonyl-benzoyl adenosine and 5'-p-fluorosulfonyl-benzoyl guanosine with rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 219, 47-57.

1xbet best casino website , JM., and Colman, RF. (1985) Reaction of 5'-p-fluorosulfonyl-benzoyl-1,N6-ethenoadenosine with histidine and cysteine residues in the active site of rabbit muscle pyruvate kinase. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 827, 344-357.

Roise, D., Horvath, SJ., Richards, JH., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Schatz, G. (1986) A chemically synthesized mitochondrial signal peptide can form an amphiphilic helix and perturb natural and artificial phospholipid bilayers. EMBO J. 5, 1327-1334.

Roise, D., Theiler, F., Horvath, SJ., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Richards, JH., Allison, DS., and Schatz, G. (1988) Amphiphilicity is essential for mitochondrial presequence function. EMBO J. 7, 649-653.

1xbet best casino website , JM., Carson, LW., Kanes, KJ., Vogelaar, NJ., Emerling, MR., and Richards, JH. (1988) Prevention of aggregation of 1xbet best casino website membrane proteins by addition of detergent. Anal. Biochem. 174, 197-203.

Tamm, L., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Saier, M. (1989) Membrane incorporation and induction of secondary structure of 1xbet best casino website peptides corresponding to the N-terminal signal sequences of the glucitol and mannitol permeases of E. coli. J. Biol. Chem. 264, 2587-2592.

Kersh, GJ., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Montal, M. (1989) The M2 transmembrane domain of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor forms ion channels in human erythrocyte membranes. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 162, 352-356.

Huang, S-H., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Wu, H., Jong, A., and Holcenberg, J. (1989) Human deoxycytidine kinase. Sequence of cDNA clones and analysis of expression in cell lines with and without enzyme activity. J. Biol. Chem. 264, 14762-14768.

Barranger, JA., Ohashi, T., Hong, CM., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Aerts, J.F.G.M., Tager, JM., Nolta, JA., Sender, LS., Weiler, S., and Kohn, DB. (1989) Molecular pathology and therapy of Gaucher disease. Japanese Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 51, 45-71.

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Morimoto, S., Kishimoto, Y., 1xbet best casino website , M., Weiler, S., Ohashi, T., Barranger, JA., Kretz, KA., and O'Brien, JS. (1990) Interaction of saposins, acidic lipids and glucosylceramidase. J. Biol. Chem. 265, 1933-1937.

Gatanaga, T., Masunaka, I., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Jeffes, E.W.B., Lentz, R., and Granger, GA. (1990) Identification of TNF-LT blocking factor(s) in the serum and ultrafiltrates of human cancer patients. Lymphokine Res. 9, 225-229.

Wu, LF., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Saier, MH. (1990) Structure and evolution of multidomain, multiphosphoryl transfer proteins: partial nucleotide sequence of the fructose (Fru) operon in Rhodobacter capsulatus and comparisons with homologous genes from other organisms. J. Mol. Biol. 213, 687-703.

Wu, HP., Holcenberg, JS., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Chen,.J., Jones, PA., Huang, S-H., and Calame, KL. (1990) Inhibition of in vitro transcription by specific double-stranded oligodeoxynucleotides. Gene 89, 203-209.

Montal, M., Montal, MS. and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1990) Synporins: A novel class of 1xbet best casino website proteins that emulate the pore structure of biological ion channels. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 6929-6933.

Shigematsu, H., Morimoto, S., Kishimoto, Y., Weiler, S., 1xbet best casino website , J., Barranger, J., Shinohara, M., Yeager, AM., and O'Brien, JS. (1990) Saposins (Sphingolipid Activator Proteins) in the Twitcher Mutant mouse. J. Neurochem. 55, 1659-1662.

Gatanaga, T., Hwang, C., Korr, W., Cappuccini, F., Lucci III, JA., Jeffes, E.W.B., Lentz, R., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Yamamoto, RS., and Granger, GA. (1990) Purification and characterization of an inhibitor (soluble TNF receptor) for TNF and LT obtained from the serum ultrafiltrates of human cancer patients. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 8781-8784.

Jiang, W., Wu, LF., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Saier, MH., and Niehaus, WG. (1990) Corrected sequence of the mannitol (Mtl) operon in Escherichia coli. Mol. Microbiol. 4, 2003-2006.

Li, Z., Nicoll, DA., Hilgemann, DW., Penniston, JT., Weiss, JN., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Philipson, KD. (1991) Identification of a peptide inhibitor of the cardiac sarcolemmal Na+-Ca2+. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 1014-1020.

Smith, ET., Feinberg, BA., Richards, JH., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1991) Physical characterization of a totally 1xbet best casino website 2[4Fe-4S] Clostridial ferredoxin. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 113, 688-689.

Ohashi, T., Hong, CM., Weiler, S., 1xbet best casino website , JM. and Barranger, JA. (1991) Characterization of human glucocerebrosidase from different mutant alleles. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 3661-3667.

Kaartinen, V., Williams, JC., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Yates, J., Hood, LE., and Mononen, I. (1991) Leukocyte glycoasparaginase: Inactivation and covalent modification with diazo-oxonorvaline. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 5860-5869.

Wu, LF., Reizer, A., Reizer, J., Cai, B., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Saier, MH. (1991) Nucleotide sequence of the Rhodobacter capsulatus fruK gene, which encodes fructose-1-phosphate kinase—evidence for a kinase superfamily including both phosphofructokinases of Escherichia coli . J. Bacteriol. 173, 3117-3127.

Hekman, C., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Hatefi, Y. (1991) Mitochondrial ATP synthase complex: Membrane topography and stoichiometry of the F0 subunits. J. Biol. Chem. 266, 13564-13571.

Jeffes, E., Schmitz, K., Yamamoto, R., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Beckman, M., Nep, R., and Kanaver, M. (1991) A simple nonisotropic in vitro bioassay for LT and TNF employing NaF treated L-929 target cells that detects picogram quantities of LT and TNF and is as sensitive as TNF assays done with ELISA methodology. Lymphokine Res. 10, 147-151.

Grove, A., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Montal, M. A molecular blueprint for the pore-forming structure of voltage gated calcium channels. (1991) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA.88, 6418-6422.

Bechinger, B., Kim, Y., Chirlian, LE., Gesell, J., Neumann, JM., Montal, M., 1xbet best casino website , J., Zasloff, M., and Opella, S. (1991) Orientation of amphipathic helical peptides in membrane bilayers by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. J. Biomolec. NMR 1, 167-173.

Yamada, Y., Chang, Y-Y., Daniels, GA., Wu, L-F., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Yamada, M., and Saier, MH. (1991) Insertion of the mannitol permease into the membrane of Escherichia coli: Possible involvement of an N-terminal amphiphilic sequence. J. Biol. Chem 266, 17863-17871.

Smith, E., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Iwamoto, T., Richards, JH., and Feinberg, B. (1991) A totally 1xbet best casino website histidine-2 ferredoxin: Thermal stability and redox properties. Biochemistry 30, 11669-11676.

Vartak, NB., Reizer, J., Reizer, A., Gripp, JT., Groisman, EA., Wu, L-F., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Saier, MH. Jr. (1991) Sequence and evolution of the FruR protein of Salmonella typhimurium: a pleiotropic transcriptional regulatory protein possessing both activator and repressor functions which is homologous to periplasmic sugar binding proteins. Res. Microbiol. 142, 951-963.

Wu, LF., Reizer, A., Reizer, J., Cai, B., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Saier, MH. (1991) Nucleotide sequence of the Rhodobacter capsulatus fruK gene, which encodes fructose-1-phosphate kinase: evidence for a kinase superfamily including both phosphofructokinases of Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 173, 3117-3127.

Portlock, SH., Lee, Y., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Tamm, LK. (1992) Insertion and folding of the N-terminal amphiphilic signal sequences of the mannitol and glucitol permeases of Escherichia coli. J. Biol. Chem. 267, 11017-11022.

Montal, MS., Blewitt, R., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Montal, M. (1992) Identification of an ion 1xbet best casino website -forming motif in the primary structure of tetanus and botulinum neurotoxins. FEBS Lett. 313 (1), 12-18.

Montal, MS., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM.. and Montal, M. (1993) Design, synthesis and functional characterization of a pentameric 1xbet best casino website protein that mimics the presumed pore structure of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor. FEBS Lett. 320, 261-266.

DeClerck, YA., Yean, T., Lee, Y., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Langley, KE. (1993) Characterization of the functional domain of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2). Biochem J 289, 65-69.

Grove, A., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Iwamoto, T. and Montal, M. (1993) Design of a functional calcium 1xbet best casino website protein: Inferences about an ion 1xbet best casino website -forming motif derived from the primary structure of voltage-gated calcium channels. Protein Science 2, 1918-1930.

Montal, MS., Bühler, L., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Montal, M. (1993) Synthetic peptides and four-helix bundle proteins as model systems for the pore-forming structure of 1xbet best casino website proteins. II. Transmembrane segment M2 of the nicotinic cholinergic receptor 1xbet best casino website is a key pore lining structure. J. Biol. Chem. 268, 14601-14607.

Reddy, LG., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Montal, M. (1993) Synthetic peptides and four-helix bundle proteins as model systems for the pore-forming structure of 1xbet best casino website proteins. III. Transmembrane segment M2 of the brain glycine receptor 1xbet best casino website is a plausible candidate for the pore-lining structure. J. Biol. Chem. 268, 14608-14615.

Weiler, S., Carson, W., Lee, Y., Teplow, DB., Kishimoto, Y., O'Brien, JS., Barranger, JA., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1993) Synthesis and characterization of a bioactive 82-residue sphingolipid activator protein, saposin C. J. Mol. Neurosci. 4, 161-172.

Montal, MO., Reddy, GL., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Montal, M. (1994) Identification of an ion 1xbet best casino website -forming motif in the primary structure of CFTR, the Cystic Fibrosis chloride 1xbet best casino website . Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 1495-1499.

Iwamoto, T., Grove, A., Montal, MO., Montal, M., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1994) Chemical synthesis and characterization of peptides and oligomeric proteins designed to form transmembrane ion channels. Int. J. Peptide Protein Res. 43, 597-607.

Kanemitsu, H., Kirino, T., Nakagomi, T., Tsujita, Y., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Tamura, A. (1994) Key of induced tolerance to ischaemia in gerbil hippocampal CA1 is not at trasncriptional level of hsp70 gene: In situ hybridization of hsp70 mRNA. Neurol. Res. 16, 209-212.

1xbet best casino website , JM., Grove, A., Iwamoto, T., Marrer, S., Montal, MS., and Montal, M. (1994) Design principles and chemical synthesis of oligomeric 1xbet best casino website proteins. Chapter 15 in Advances in Chemistry Series No.235: Biomembrane Electrochemistry Eds. M.Blank and I. Vodyanoy, American Chemical Society, Washington D.C., pp.329-354. (A peer reviewed publication)

McCauley, LD., Park, CH., Lan, NC., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Shively, JE., and Gee, KW. (1995) Benzodiazepines and peptides stimulate pregnenolone synthesis in brain mitochondria. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 276, 145-153.

Rajagopalan, S., Heck, TJ., Iwamoto, T., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1995) Use of the 3-nitro-2-pyridine sulfenyl protecting group to introduce N-branching at lysine during solid-phase peptide synthesis: I. Application to the synthesis of a peptide template containing two addressable sites. Intl. J. Prot. Pept. Res. 45, 173-179.

Belogrudov, G., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Hatefi, Y. (1995) ATP synthase complex: Proximities of subunits in bovine submitochondrial particles. J. Biol. Chem. 270, 2053-2060.

Weiler, S., Kishimoto, Y., O'Brien, JS., Barranger, JA., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1995) Identification of the binding and activating sites of the sphingolipid activator protein, saposin C with glucocerebrosidase. Prot. Sci. 4, 756-764.

Lee, Y., Kinoshita, H., Radke, G., Weiler, S., Barranger, JA., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1995) Position of the sulyhydryl group and the disulfide bonds of human glucocerebrosidase. J. Prot. Chem. 14, 127-137.

O'Brien, JS., Carson, GS., Seo, H-C., Hiraiwa, M., Weiler, S., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Barranger, JA., Kahn, M., Azuma, N., and Kishimoto, Y. (1995) Identification of the neurotrophic factor sequence of prosaposin. FASEB J. 9, 681-685.

Barranger, JA., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Weiler, S., Sakallah, S., Sansieri, S., Mifflin, T., Bahnson, AB., Wei, F-S., Wei, J-F., Vallor, M., Nimgaonkar, M., Ball, E., Mohney, T., Dunigan, J., Ohashi, T., Bansal, V., Mannion-Henderson, J., Liu, C., and Rice, E. (1995) Molecular biology of glucocerebrosidase and the treatment of Gaucher disease. Cytokines and Molecular Therapy. 1, 149-163.

Rajagopalan, S., Radke, G., Evans, M., and 1xbet best casino website , JM.(1996) Synthesis of N-t-boc-4-S-t-butyl-L-thiophenylalanine via palladium catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of N-t-boc-4-iodo-L-phenylalanine with sodium t-butylthiolate. 1xbet best casino website Comm. 26, 1431-1440.

Pandit, SD., Donis-Keller, H., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Pike, LJ. (1996) The MEN 2B point mutation alters the transforming capacity of the EGF receptor. J. Biol. Chem. 271, 5850-5858.

Belogrudov, G., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Hatefi, Y. (1996) Mitochondrial ATP synthetase complex: membrane topography and location relative to other subunits of the small molecular weight subunits e, f and g. J. Biol Chem. 271 20340-20345.

Feinberg, BA., Lo, X., Iwamoto, T., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1996) 1xbet best casino website mutants of Clostridium pasteurianum ferredoxin: Open iron sites and testing carboxylate coordination. Protein Engineering. 10, 101-107.

Rajagopalan, S., Radke, G., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1997) A simple procedure for the preparation of 4-(-mercaptobenzyl)phenoxyacetic acid, a thiol linker unit used in solid phase synthesis of peptide--thioacids 1xbet best casino website Comm. 27, 187-194.

Christen,R., Jancic,T., Adams, MWW., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Smith E.T. (1997) Physical characterization of a totally 1xbet best casino website rubredoxin. J. Inorg. Biochem. 65, 53-56.

Wallace, DP., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Iwamoto, T., Henderson, K., Grantham, JJ., and Sullivan, LP. (1997) A synthetic peptide derived from the glycine-gated Cl- 1xbet best casino website generates Cl- and fluid secretion by epithelial monolayers. Am. J. Physiol: 272 (Cell Physiol. 41) C1672-C1679.

Rajagopalan, S., Broughman, JR. Jr., Radke, G., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (1997) Studies on the palladium catalyzed synthesis of various N-protected 4-S-t-butyl-L-thiophenylalanine derivatives suitable for use in peptide synthesis. Current Topics in Peptide & Protein Research, 2, 159-168.

1xbet best casino website , JM., Wallace, DP., Henderson, K., Brandt, R., Ambler, CA., Scott, AJ., Mitchell, KE., Radke, G., Grantham, JJ., Sullivan, LP., and Iwamoto, T. (1998) Aqueous solubilization of transmembrane peptide sequences with retention of membrane insertion and function. Biophys J. 74, 256-267.

1xbet best casino website , JM., Iwamoto, T., and Sullivan, LP. (1998) Application of a synthetic chloride channel peptide for treatment of Cystic Fibrosis. Emerging Therapeutic Technologies , Vol 2 Ashley Publications Ltd. London, UK.

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Wallace, DP., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Eppler, J., Iwamoto, T., Grantham, JJ., and Sullivan, LP. (2000) A 1xbet best casino website forming peptide induces Cl- secretion by T84 cells: Modulation by Ca2+ - dependent K+ channels. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1464, 69-82.

Mitchell, KE., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Iwamoto, T., and Freeman, LC. (2000) A synthetic peptide based on a glycine-gated chloride 1xbet best casino website induces a novel chloride conductance in isolated epithelial cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1466, 47-60.

Broughman, JR., Mitchell, K., Iwamoto,T., Schultz, BD., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2001) Amino-terminal modification of a 1xbet best casino website -forming peptide increases capacity for epithelia anion secretion. Am. J. Physiol: (Cell Physiol.) 280: C451-458.

Gao, L., Broughman, JR., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Venglarik, CJ., and Forman, HJ. (2001) Synthetic Cl- 1xbet best casino website restores glutathione secretion in airway epithelia. Am.J.Physiol (Lung) 281: L24-L30.

Broughman, JR., Shank, LP., Takeguchi, W., Iwamoto, T., Mitchell, KE., Schultz, BD., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2002) Distinct structural elements that direct solution aggregation and membrane assembly in the 1xbet best casino website forming peptide M2GlyR. Biochemistry 41,7350-7358.

Broughman, JR., Shank, LP., Iwamoto, T., Prakash, O., Schultz, BD., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Mitchell, KE. (2002) Structural implications of placing cationic residues at either the NH2- or COOH- terminus in a pore-forming 1xbet best casino website peptide. J Membrane Biol. 190: 93-103.

Matsumoto, N., Tsuruoka, S., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Ito, K., Imai, M., and Suzuki, M. (2003) Alterations in Ion Transport Induced by an Artificial Cl- 1xbet best casino website in Micro-Perfused Renal Proximal Tubules. J. Membr. Biol. 193:195-200.

Broughman, JR., Brandt, R., Hastings, C., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Schultz, BD. (2004) Anion 1xbet best casino website -Forming Peptide Modulates Transepithelial Electrical Conductance and Solute Permeability. Am. J. Physiol: (Cell Physiol.) 286: C1312-1323.

Cook, GA., Prakash, O., Zhang, K., Shank, LP., Robbins, A., Gong, Y-X., Iwamoto, T., Schultz, BD., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2004) Activity and Structural Comparisons of Solution Associating and Monomeric 1xbet best casino website -Forming Peptides Derived from the Glycine Receptor M2 Segment. Biophysical J. 86: 1424-1435.

Iwamoto, T., You, M., Li, E., Spangler, J., 1xbet best casino website , J., and Hristova, K. (2005) Synthesis and initial characterization of FGFR3 transmembrane domain: Consequences of sequence modifications. Biochim.Biophys.Acta-Biomembranes 1668:240-247.

Xinchun Shen, Robyn Moore, Xiaoqun Mo, Shawnalea J. Frazier, Takeo Iwamoto, John M. 1xbet best casino website , X Susan Sun (2006) Novel pH Dependent Adhesive Peptides. In press J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Shank, LP., Broughman, JR., Brandt RM., Robbins, AS., Takeguchi, W., Cook, GA., Hahn, L., Radke, G., Iwamoto, T., Schultz, BD., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2006) Redesigning 1xbet best casino website -Forming Peptides: Amino Acid Substitutions in 1xbet best casino website -Forming Peptides that Enhance Rates of Supramolecular Assembly and Raise Ion Transport Activity. In press Biophys. J.

Johnston, JM., Cook, GA., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Samson, MS. (2006) Conformation And Environment Of 1xbet best casino website Forming Peptides: A Simulation Study. In press Biophys J.

Cook, GA., Pajewski, R., Aburi, M., Smith, PE., Prakash, O., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Gokel, GW. (2006) NMR Structure and Dynamic Studies of an Anion Binding 1xbet best casino website -Forming Heptapeptide. In press. J. Amer. Chem Soc.

van Ginkel, FW., Iwamoto, T., Schultz, BD., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2008) Immunity to Self-derived, 1xbet best casino website -Forming Peptides in the Respiratory Tract. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology. 15(2):260-266. PMID: 18094111.

Mo, X., Hiromasa, Y., Al-Rawi, A., Warner, M., Iwamoto, T., Rahman, T., Sun, X., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2008) Design of 11-Residue Peptides with Unusual Biophysical Properties: Induced Secondary Structure in the Absence of Water. Biophysical J. 94:1807-1817. PMID: 18024497.

Zhang, Y., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Kariya, Y., Suzuki, K., Conrad, AH., and Conrad, GW. (2008) On-target derivatization of keratan sulfate oligosaccharides with phyrenebutyric acid hydrazide for MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS. J. Mass Spectrom. 43(6):765-772. PMID: 18205237.

Somasekharan, S., Brandt, R., Iwamoto, T., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Schultz, BD. (2008) Modulation of Epithelial Barrier Function by a 1xbet best casino website Peptide. J. Membr. Biol. 222: 17-30. PMID: 18418541.

Seo, G-M., Cheng, C., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Ganta, RR. (2008) Total, membrane, and immunogenic proteomes of macrophage- and tick cell-derived Ehrlichia chaffeensis evaluated by LC-MS/MS and MALDI-TOF methods. Infection and Immunity. 76: 4823-4832. PMID: 18710870.

Martin, J., Devlin, S., Malreddy, P., Iwamoto, T., Freeman, L., Davidson, H., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Schultz, BD. (2009) NC-1059, A 1xbet best casino website -Forming Peptide Modulates Drug Delivery Across In Vitro Corneal Epithelium. Invest. Ophthal. Vis Sci. 50(7):3337-3345. PMID: 19234338.

Thomas, VC., Hiromasa, Y., Harms, N., Thurlow, L., 1xbet best casino website , J., and Hancock, L. (2009) A fratricidal mechanism is responsible for eDNA release and contributes to biofilm development of Enterococcus faecalis . Molecular Microbiology. 72(4):1022-1036. PMID: 19400795.

Morris, K., Lorenzen, M., Hiromasa, Y., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Oppert, C., Elpidina, EN., Vinokurov, K., Jurat-Fuentes, JL., Fabrick, J., and Oppert, BS. (2009) The Tribolium castaneum larval gut transcriptome and proteome: A resource for the study of the coleopteran gut. J Proteome Res. 8(8):3889-3898. PMID: 19545177.

Marshall, JL., Huestis, DL., Hiromasa, Y., Oppert, C., Marshall, SA., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Oppert, B. (2009) Identification, RNAi knockdown, and functional analysis of an ejaculate protein that mediates a postmating, prezygotic phenotype in a cricket. PLoS ONE 4(10):e7537 (10 pgs). PMID: 19851502.

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1xbet best casino website , JM., and Takemoto, D. (2010) Molecules and Society. eBook. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co, Dubuque, IA. ISBN 978-1-61549-121-6.

Davis, L., Ragan, E., Takemoto, D., and 1xbet best casino website , J. (2010) Molecules & Society Laboratory Manual. Kendall Hunt Publishing Co, Dubuque, IA, 124 pp. ISBN 978-1-61549-123-0.

Herrera, AI., Al-Rawi, A., Cook GA., Prakash, O., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Chen, J. (2010) Structural characterization of two pore-forming peptide: consequences of introducing a C-terminal tryptophan. PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics 78(10):2238-50. PMC2909830

Cruz, JC., Pfromm, PF., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Rezac, ME. (2010) Conformational Changes of Hydrolases Adsorbed on Fumed Silica Nanoparticles: I. Tertiary Structure. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 79(1):97-104. PMID: 20434319.

Cruz, JC., Pfromm, PF., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Rezac, ME. (2010) Conformational Changes and Catalytic Competency of Hydrolases Adsorbing on Fumed Silica Nanoparticles: II. Secondary Structure. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Jun 17. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20638251.

Marshall, JL., Huestis, DL., Garcia, C., Hiromasa, Y., Wheeler, S., Noh, S., 1xbet best casino website , JM., and Howard, DJ. (2010) Comparative proteomics uncovers the signature of natural selection acting on the ejaculate proteomes of two cricket species isolated by postmating, prezygotic phenotypes. Molecular Biology and Evolution Aug 30. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 20805188.

Fleming SD., Pope, MR., Hoffman, SM., Moses, T., Bukovnik, U., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Wagner, L., and Woods, KM. (2010) Domain V peptides inhibit b2-glycoprotein I mediated mesenteric ischemia/reperfusion-induced tissue damage and inflammation. In press. J. Immunol.

Bukovnik, U., Gao, J., Cook, GA., Shank, LP., Seabra, MB., Schultz, BD., Iwamoto, T., Chen, J., and 1xbet best casino website , JM. (2011) Structural and biophysical properties of a synthetic 1xbet best casino website -forming peptide: Designing a clinically relevant anion selective pore Biochim, Biophys. Acta Jul 31. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 21835162

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Dittmer, NT., Hiromasa, Y., 1xbet best casino website , JM., Lu, N., Beeman, RW., Kramer, KJ., and Kanost, MR. (2012) Proteomic and transcriptomic analyses of rigid and membranous cuticles from the elytra and hindwings of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum . Journal of Proteome Research. 11, 269-278.

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Book chapters

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Hunter, W.B., Clarke, S.V., Sandoval Mojica, A.F., Paris, T., Metz, J.L., Holland, C.S., McCollum, G., Miles, G., 1xbet best casino website , J.M., Boyle, M.J., Qureshi, J.A., Cano, L., Altman, S., Cano, L., Pelz-Stelinski, K.S. (2020) Advances in RNA suppression of the Asian Citrus Psyllid Vector of bacteria (Huanglongbing Pathosystem). In Asian Citrus Psyllid. Biology, Ecology and Management of the Huanglongbing Vector. Chapt. 17. 352 pages. In Asian Citrus Psyllid. Biology, Ecology and Management of the Huanglongbing Vector. (eds) Phil Stansly and Jawwad Qureshi. Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau International (CABI Press). p. 258-283. ISBN 978-178-639-408-8

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Patents issued

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