Lawrence 1xbet online sports betting , Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus

Image of  Lawrence Davis, Ph.D.

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B.S. 1966, Haverford College
Ph.D. 1970, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Areas of specialty

  • Plant 1xbet online sports betting and molecular biology
  • 1xbet online sports betting -based bioremediation
  • Nitrogen fixation
  • Science education

Research in this lab is focused on the broad area of plant 1xbet online sports betting with special emphasis on pathways for remediation of contaminants found in the soil and water environment. Recently we have been looking at ways that plants degrade and sequester organic contaminants like benzotriazole, found in antifreeze, or TNT, found at old munitions works. We maintain an interest in biological nitrogen fixation, and other steps of the nitrogen cycle.

Selected publications

Miscanthus as a Productive Biofuel Crop for Phytoremediation (2014). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 33:1, 1-19, V.Pidlisnyuk, T. Stefanovska, E.E. Lewis, L.E. Erickson, & L.C. 1xbet online sports betting

Biodegradation of Carbon Tetrachloride in Simulated Groundwater Flow Channels (2013). Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy Vol 33:444-453, S. Santharum, L.C. 1xbet online sports betting , L.E.Erickson.

Impacts on Agroecosystems of Transgenic Insect and Herbicide Resistance in Cotton (2009). 1xbet online sports betting Genetics & Genomics 451-480. Lawrence C. 1xbet online sports betting .

Phytoremediation in Education: Textile Dye Teaching Experiments (2009). International Journal of Phytoremediation 11:451-462 J.H. Ibbini, L.C. 1xbet online sports betting , and L.E. Erickson.

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