Lawrence 1xbet best casino website , Ph.D., Professor Emeritus

Complete Publications List

Research articles and book chapters | 1xbet best casino website | Miscellaneous publications

Research articles and book chapters

2010s | 2000s | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s


"Multicopper oxidase-1 orthologs from diverse insect species have ascorbate oxidase activity" (2015). Feb 17;59C:58-71. doi: 10.1016/j.ibmb.2015.02.005. Peng, Z., Dittmer, N.T., Lang, M., Brummett, L.M., Braun, C.L., 1xbet best casino website , L.C., Kanost, M.R., and Gorman, M.J.

Assessment of sand stabilization potential of a plant-derived biomass (2014). Science and Engineering of Composite Materials. ISSN (online) 2191-0659, ISSN (print) 0792-1233, DOI:10-1515/secm-2014-0061, D, Peric, P.A. Bartley, L. 1xbet best casino website , A.U. Uzer, & C. Gurer.

Commercial Products from Algae (2014). In Algal Biorefineries. Volume 1. Cultivation of Cells and Products, Springer. pp 275-295 L. Erickson, K. Hudek, K. Hudek, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , J. Ibbini.

Miscanthus as a Productive Biofuel Crop for Phytoremediation (2014). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 33:1, 1-19, V.Pidlisnyuk, T. Stefanovska, E.E. Lewis, L.E. Erickson, & L.C. 1xbet best casino website

Biodegradation of Carbon Tetrachloride in Simulated Groundwater Flow Channels (2013). Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy Vol 33:444-453, S. Santharum, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E.Erickson.

Assessment of Wheat Fibre reinforced cementitious matrix (2013). The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, M.T. Albahttiti, H.A. Resheed, D. Peric, L. 1xbet best casino website .

Field Study of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation for Remediation of Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater (2011). REMEDIATION Spring 2011 51-68. S. Santharam, J. Ibbini, L. C. 1xbet best casino website , and L. E. Erickson.

Infrared Monitoring of Dinitrotoluenes in Sunflower and Maize Roots (2011). J. Environ. Qual. 40:719-730. K.M. Dokken and L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

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Phytoremediation in Education: Textile Dye Teacheing Experiments (2009). International Journal of Phytoremediation 11:451-462 J.H. Ibbini, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , and L.E. Erickson.

Impacts on Agroecosystems of Transgenic Insect and Herbicide Resistance in Cotton (2009). Plant Genetics & Genomics 3:451-480. Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Infrared Imaging of Sunflower and Maize Root Anatomy (2007). Journal of Agricultural & Food Chemistry. K. Dokken, L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Genetic Engineering, Ecosystem Change, and Agriculture: an Update (2006). Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Review. 1: 87-102 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Natural, Cost-Effective, and Sustainable Alternatives for Treatment of Aircraft Deicing Fluid Waste (2005). Environmental Progress. 24 (1): 26-33 Sigifredo Castro, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , and Larry E. Erickson.

Elicitor Signal Transduction Leading to Production of plant Secondary Metabolites (2005). Biotechnology Advances. 23: 283-333 Jian Zhao, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , and Robert Verpoorte.

Synchrotron Fourier Infrared Microspectroscopy: A New Tool to Monitor the Fate of Organic Contaminants in Plants (2005). Microchemical Journal. (81): 86-91 K.M. Dokken, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E. Erickson, S. Castro-Diaz, and N.S. Marinkovic.

Using SR-IMS to Study the Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants in Plants (2005). Spectroscopy. 20(9) 14-20 K.M. Dokken, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , and N.S. Marinkovic.

Use of Infrared Microspectroscopy in Plant Growth and Development (2005). Applied Spectroscopy Reviews. 40: 301-326 K.M. Dokken, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and N.S. Marinkovic.

Remediation of Sites Contaminated by Oil Refinery Operations (2005).Environmental Progress. 25: 20-31 S Khaitan, S. Kalainesan, L.E. Erickson, P.Kulakow, S. Martin, R. Karthikeyan, S.L.L. Hutchinson. L.C. 1xbet best casino website , T.H.Illangasekare, Crispin Ng’oma.

Potential for Plant-Based Remediation of Pesticide-Contaminated soil and Water Using Nontarget Plants such as Trees, Shrubs, and Grasses (2004). Critical Review in Plant Sciences. 23 (1):1-11 R. Karthikeyan, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Kassim Al-Khatib, Peter A. Kulakow, Philip L. Barnes, Stacy L. Hutchinson, and Asil A. Nurzhanova.

Sorption and Partitioning Parameters of the Benzotriazole Compounds (2004). Microchemical Journal. 77:9-17 D.S. Hart, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E. Erichson, and T.M. Callender.

Temperature and pH Effects on Plant Uptake of Benzotriazoles by Sunflowers in Hydrponic Culture (2004). International Journal of Phytoremediation. 6(3): 209-225 Sigifredo Castro, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , and Larry E. Erickson.

A Review of Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation of MTBE (2004). Environmental Progress. 23 (3): 243-252 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Larry E. Erickson.

Modeling and Design of Phytoremediation (2003). In Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants. Edited by S. C. McCutcheon & J. L. Schnoor, Wiley, New York. Chapter 21, pp.663-695. Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , L. E. Erickson, M. Narayanan, and Q. Zhang.

Phytoremediation of Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether (2003). Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants. Chapter 27, pp.805-828 S. K. Winnike-McMillan, Q. Zhang, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , L. E. Erickson, and J. L. Schnoor.

Modeling Jet Fuel (JP-8) Fate and Transport in Soils with Plants (2003). International Journal of Phytoremediation. 5(4):293-314 R. Karthikeyan, K. R. Mankin, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , and L. E. Erickson

Technical Note: Fate and Transport of Jet Fuel (JP-8) in Soils with Selected Plants (2003). International Journal of Phytoremediation. 5 (4) 281-292 R. Karthikeyan, K. R. Mankin, L. C. 1xbet best casino website , and L. E. Erikson.

Phytotransformation of Benzotriazoles (2003). International Journal of Phytoremediation. 5 (3): 245-265 S. Castro-Diaz, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E. Erickson.

Nitrification Inhibition using Benzotriazoles (2003). J. Hazardous Substance Research. 4(2) 1-16 T. Callender and L. C. 1xbet best casino website .

Benefits of Vegetation for Soils with Organic Contaminants (2002). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 21 (5), 457-491. Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Sigifredo Castro-Diaz, Qizhi Zhang, and Larry E. Erickson

Transport of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether through Alfalfa Plants (2001). In Environ. Sci. Technol. 35:725-731 Qizhi Zhang, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , and Larry E. Erickson.

Plant-Enhanced Remediation of Glycol-Based Aircraft Deicing Fluids (2001). Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management/July 5:141-52. Sigifredo Castro, Lawrence 1xbet best casino website , and Larry E. Erickson.

Plant Uptake of Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) from Ground Water (2001). Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management/July 5:136-140. Qizhi Zhang, Lawrence 1xbet best casino website , Larry E. Erickson

Using electrophoresis to observe the interaction of nitrogenase with ions (2000). Electrophoresis 21:2932-2939. L. Zou, S.Y. Guo and L.C.

Interaction with magnesium and ADP stabilizes both components of nitrogenase from Klebsiella pneumoniae against urea denaturation (2000). Protein Science, 9: 121-128. L. Zou, M. Baguinin, X. Guo, S. Guo, Y. Yu, and LC. 1xbet best casino website .

Phytoremediation (2000). In Vadose Zone Science and Technology Solutions, Edited by Brian B. Looney and Ronald W. Falta, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, Volume 2, pp. 1090-1097. L.E. Erickson, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , and P.A. Kulakow

Phytoremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil (2000). In Vadose Zone Science and Technology Solutions, Edited by Brian B. Looney and Ronald W. Falta, Battelle Press, Columbus, Ohio, Volume 2, pp. 1234-1238. L.E. Erickson, P.A. Kulakow, and L.C. 1xbet best casino website

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Fate and transport of trichloroethylene in a chamber with alfalfa plants: experimental and modeling studies (1999). International Journal of Phytoremediation 1:387-411. Muraldharan Narayanan, N. K. Russell, L. C. 1xbet best casino website , and L.E. Erickson

Simple plant-based design strategies for volatile organic pollutants (1999). Environmental Progress.18:231-241 Muralidharan Narayanan, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and L.E. Erickson

Chlorinated solvent movement through plants monitored by Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy (1998). Journal of Hazardous Substance Research Vol 1, #4, pp 1-26, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , J. Dana, K. Selk, K. Smith and S. Vanderhoof

Plant based bioremediation (1998). Principles and Practice of bioremediation vol. 2. Biodegradation technology developments, R.L. Irvine and S.K. Sikdar, eds. Technomics Publ Co., Lancaster, PA. Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , M. K. Banks, A.P. Schwab, Muralidharan, N., L.E. Erickson, J.C. Tracy

Effect of pickling on blue borscht gelatin and other interesting diffusive phenomena (1998). American Biology Teacher. 60:281-284 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and N.C. Chou

Effect of vegetation on transport of groundwater and nonaqueous phase liquid contaminants (1998). Journal of Hazardous Substance Research Vol 1, #8, 20pp. Q. Zhang, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and L.E. Erickson

Modeling the fate of toluene in a chamber with alfalfa plants 1. Theory and modeling concepts (1997). Journal of Hazardous Substance Research vol 1, # 5a, 30pp. Muralidharan Narayanan, J.C. Tracy, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and L.E. Erickson

Modeling the fate of toluene in a chamber with alfalfa plants 2. Numerical results and comparison study (1997). Journal of Hazardous Substance Research vol 1, # 5b. Muralidharan Narayanan, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , J.C. Tracy, and L.E. Erickson

Solving Your Personal Equation. An Example from Genetics Studies (1996). The American Biology Teacher, 58, 90-92, L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Bioenergetics and bioremediation of contaminated soil (1995). Thermochimica Acta 250:353-358, L.E. Erickson, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , and M. Narayanan.

Experimental and modeling studies of the fate of organic contaminants in the presence of alfalfa plants (1995). J. Hazardous Materials, 41:229-249, M. Narayanan, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , J.C. Tracy, L.E. Erickson, and R.M. Green.

Fate of volatile chlorinated organic compounds in a laboratory chamber with alfalfa plants (1995). Environ. Sci. Technol. 29:2437-2444 N. Muralidharan, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E. Erickson

The Elements of Science (1994). The Sci. Teacher 61:18-21 L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Using Vegetation to Enhance in situ Bioremediation (1994). Environmental Progress 13:226-230 L.E. Erickson, M.K. Banks, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , A.P. Schwab, N. Muralidharan, K. Reilley, and J.C. Tracy.

Alfalfa plants and associated microorganisms promote biodegradation rather than volatilization of organic substances from groundwater (1994). American Chemical Society Symposium Series #563 Bioremediation through rhizosphere technology T.A. Anderson and J. Coats, Eds., chapter 10. L.C. 1xbet best casino website , N. Muralidharan, V.P. Visser, C. Chaffin, W.G. Fateley, L.E. Erickson and R.M. Hammaker

Isolation and Characterization of Plasmid from E. Coli (1994). The American Biology Teacher 56(7):424-428 Karl Schmidt and Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website

Origin of the Punnett square (1993). American Biology Teacher 55:209-212 L. C. 1xbet best casino website .

Modeling the effects of plants on the bioremediation of contaminated soil and ground water (1993). Environ. Progress 12:67-75. L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E. Erickson, E. Lee, J.F. Shimp, J.C. Tracy, and J.L. Schnoor.

Beneficial effects of plants in the remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with organic materials (1993). Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 23:41-77. J.F. Shimp, J.C. Tracy, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , E. Lee, W. Huang, and L.E. Erickson.

The flow-injection analyzer: An affordable instrument for every laboratory (1993). J. of Chem. Ed. 70:511-513 L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Negative gravitropic responses induced by centrifugation (1993). American Biology Teacher 55:104-108 L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Fast-growing "Soybean" rhizobia may have world-wide distribution (1993). Current Developments in Soybean - Rhizobium symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. Don Xintian, Editor. Heilongjiang Science & Technology Publishing House, Harbin, P.R. China. 219-238 Y. Huang, B. Shen, and L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Nodulation and Nodulin Gene Expression in an interspecific hybrid between Glycine max and Glycine tomentella (1992). Aust. J. Plant Physiol. 19:693-707 B. Shen and L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Protein electrophoresis using agarose support matrix (1992). Biochemical Education 20:237-238 L.C. 1xbet best casino website and T. Heintz

Variation in the hexane extracted oils of three Echinacea species (1991). Trans Kansas Acad of Sci 94:12-21. C. Christine Smith-Jochum and Lawence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Build your own air displacement pipetter (1991). J. Chem. Ed. 68:355-356 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Two step isolation of bacterial RNA without using a chaotropic agent or CsCl centrifugation (1990). Anal. Biochem. 188:300-304 C.L. Chang B.Q. Shi and L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Kinetics of protease hydrolysis of extended peptide substrates: measurement by flow injection analysis. (1990). Anal Biochem. 186:269-272 Georges L. Chong, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Gerald R. Reeck.

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Substitution of histidine for arginine 101 of dinitrogenase reductase disrupts electron transfer to dinitrogenase (1989). Biochem 28:1206-1212 Robert G. Lowery, Christina L. Chang, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Marie-Claire McKenna, Philip J. Stevens and Paul W. Ludden.

Estimation of nitrogenase activity in the presence of ethylene biosynthesis by use of deuterated acetylene as a substrate (1989). App. Environ. Microbiol. 55:354-359 Daimay Lin-Vien, W. G. Fateley and Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Direct test for altered gas exchange rates in water stressed soybean nodules (1988). Annals of Botany, 61:169-177 L.C. 1xbet best casino website and J. Imsande.

Limitations on the analysis of acetylene reduction by soybean at low levels of acetylene (1988). Annals of Botany, 61:179-183 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Characterization of nifH gene mutations of Klebsiella pneumoniae (1988). J. Bacteriol., 170:4015-4022 C.L. Chang, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , M. Rider, and D.J. Takemoto.

Protein Structure Prediction in Color (1987). J. Chem Ed, 64(7):582-584 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Gary A. Radke.

Modeling and Analysis of Diffusion and Reaction in Legume Nodules (1987). Biotech. Bioeng. 29:279-288 G.T. Jones, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , A.K. Ghosh Hajra and L.E. Erickson.

Measurement of Protein Using Flow Injection Analysis with Bicinchoninic Acid (1987). Anal. Biochem, 161:152-156 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Gary A. Radke.

Diffusion and Reaction in Root Nodules (1987). CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 7(1):43-95 L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L.E. Erickson and G.T. Jones.

Characterization of Associative Properties of Phycobiliprotein Preparations from Anacystis nidulans R2 by Direct Scanning Gel Chromatography (1986). J. Liquid Chromatography 9:1277-95 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Gary A. Radke and J.A. Guikema.

C-terminal peptides of rhodopsin. Determination of the optimum sequence for recognition of retinal transducin (1986). Biochem. J. 235:309-312 D.J. Takemoto, D. Morrison, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and L.J. Takemoto.

Simple Scoring Method Finds Membrane-spanning Peptides (1986). Biochem. Ed. 14:186-189 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Rhizobium trifolii 0403 is Capable of Growth in the Absence of Combined Nitrogen (1986). Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 52:1060-1067 James E. Urban, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Susan J. Brown.

Computer-controlled Scanning Gel Chromatography (1985). Methods in Enzymology, 117:116-142 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Theodore J. Socolofsky and Gary A. Radke.

Chemically Coupled Spectrophotometric Assays Based on Flow Injection Analysis: Determination of nitrogenase by assays for creatine, ammonia, hydrazine, phosphate and dithionite (1984). Anal. Biochem., 140:434-442 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Gary A. Radke.

Diffusion of Gases through Plant Tissues. Entry of Acetylene into Legume Nodules (1984.) Plant Physiol., 76:854-857 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

A Simplified Calibration Procedure for Elution Chromatography on Gel Filtration Columns (1983). J. Chrom. Sci. 21:214-217 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Sugar and Organic Acid Constituents in White Clover (1983). Plant Physiol. 72:1051-1055 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Philip Nordin.

Interaction of Nitrogenase with Nucleotide Analogs of ATP and ADP and the Effect of Metal Ions on ADP Inhibition (1983). Arch. Biochem. and Biophys. 225(2):809-817 Maggy F. Weston, Sotaro Kotake and Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Broad-Zone Active-Enzyme Chromatography. Keto-acid Dehydrogenase as Associating Systems (1983). Biophys. Chem. 18:241-247 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Gary A. Radke.

Path Length Effect in Direct Scanning Gel Chromatography (1982). Anal. Biochem. 120:95-100 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Computer-Controlled Direct Scanning Gel Chromatography System (1982). Anal. Biochem. 125:307-314 Theodore J. Socolofsky, Gary A. Radke and Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Direct Scanning Active Enzyme Gel Chromatography with Halted Flow for Detecting Molecular Weight Heterogeneity of Active Enzymes (1982). Anal. Biochem. 125:315-328 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and G.A. Radke.

Regulation of Nitrogenase Activity in Aerobes by Mg2+ Availability: An Hypothesis (1980). Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Commun. 93:934-940 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Sotaro Kotake.

Ethane and Ethylene Evolution from Alfalfa Seedlings Infected with Peronospora trifoliorum (1980). Physiol Plant Path 16:155-162 Lowell B. Johnson, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Donald L. Stuteville.

In Vivo and In Vitro Kinetics of Nitrogenase (1980). J. Bacteriol. 141(3):1230-1238. L.C. 1xbet best casino website and Yee-Lan Wang.

Estimating Kinetic Parameters When the Amount of Enzyme Added to an Assay is not a Controlled Variable (1980). Plant Physiol. 66:126-129 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Ethane Evolution by Shoots from Healthy and Anthracnose-infected Alfalfa Seedlings and Linolenate Stimulation of Ethane Evolution by Extracts (1980). Physiol. Plant Path. 17:63-72 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Lowell B. Johnson and Donald L. Stuteville.

Rapid Intersite Transfer of Acetyl Groups and Movement of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Component in the Kidney Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex (1980). J. Biol. Chem. 255(16):7556-7562 Richard L. Cate, Thomas E. Roche and Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Hydrazine as a Substrate and Inhibitor of Azotobacter vinelandii Nitrogenase (1980). Arch Biochem. and Biophys. 204(1):270-276 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Influence of Cultivar, Between-row Spacing, and Plant Population on Nitrogen Fixation of Soybeans (1980). Crop Science 20:751-755 A.B. Bello, W.A. Ceron-Diaz, C.D. Nickell, E.O. El-Sherif and L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

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Iron-Sulfur Clusters in the Molybdenum-Iron Protein Component of Nitrogenase. EPR of the CO-inhibited State (1979). Biochem. 18:4860-4869 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , M.T. Henzl, R.H. Burris and W.H. Orme-Johnson.

Computer Simulations of Mass Transport for Nonidentical Interacting Molecules (1979). Arch Biochem and Biophys. 194:37-48 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and Madeline S. Chen.

Gel Matrices for Scanning Gel Chromatography (1979). Biophysical Chemistry 10:55-65 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

A Simple, Reliable Rapid-Mixing Apparatus for Continuous-Flow Studies (1979). Anal. Biochem. 97:428-437 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Richard L. Cate and Thomas E. Roche

(Chapter 2) Current Topics and Problems (1977). the Enzymology of Nitrogenase in Iron-Sulfur Proteins, Vol. III, pp. 15-60. Academic Press, Inc., New York. W.H. Orme-Johnson and L.C. 1xbet best casino website .

Liver Enzyme Adaptation after Lithium Administration in Handled and Nonhandled Rats (1977). Horm. Metab. Res. 9:384-389 L.C. 1xbet best casino website , W.D. Pfeifer and G.W. Grier.

Components and Pathways in Biological Nitrogen Fixation in Recent Developments in Nitrogen Fixation. W. Newton, ed., Academic Press, London (1977). W.H. Orme-Johnson, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , M.T. Henzl, B.A. Averill, N.R. Orme-Johnson, E. Munck and R. Zimmerman.

Effects of Lithium on Inducible Enzymes of Rat Liver (1976). Horm. Metab. Res. 8:379-383 G.W. Grier, III, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and W.D. Pfeifer.

Nitrogenase IX. Effect of the MgATP Generator on the Catalytic and EPR Properties of the Enzyme in Vitro (1976). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 452:42-58 Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website and William H. Orme-Johnson.

Lithium Accumulation in Some Endocrine Tissues (1976). Acta Biol. Med. Germ. 35:1519-1523 W. Dean Pfeifer, Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website , Christiaan D. van der Velde.

Nitrogenase VI: Acetylene Reduction Assay: Dependence of Nitrogen Fixation Estimates on Component Ratio and Acetylene Concentration (1975). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 384:353-359 V.K. Shan, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , and W.J. Brill.

Nitrogenase VII: Effect of Component Ratio, ATP and H2 on the Distribution of Electrons to Alternative Substrates (1975). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 403:67-78 L.C. 1xbet best casino website , V.K. Shan, and W.J. Brill.

Nitrogenase VIII: Mossbauer and EPR Spectroscopy. The MoFe Protein Component from Azotobacter vinelandii OP (1975). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 400:32-3 E. Munck, H. Rhodes, W.H. Orme-Johnson, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , W.J. Brill and V.K. Shah.

Modification of the Adrenal Stress Response by Age and Prior Experience (1975). Exper. Aging Res. 2:27-36 W. Dean Pfeifer and Lawrence C. 1xbet best casino website .

Effect of Handling in Infancy on Responsiveness of Adrenal Tyrosine Hydroxylase in Maturity (1974). Behavioral Biology 10:239-245 W. Dean Pfeifer and L. C. 1xbet best casino website .

Mutant of Azotobacter. vinelandii That Hyperproduces Nitrogenase Component II (1974). J. Bacteriol. 117:917-919 Vinod K. Shah, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , M. Stieghorst and Winston J. Brill.

Detection of Nitrogenase Components and Other Nonheme Iron Proteins in Polyacrylamide Gels (1974). Anal. Biochem. 60:237-241 Winston J. Brill, J. Westphal, M. Stieghorst, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and Vinod K. Shah.

Nitrogenase III: Nitrogenaseless Mutants of Azotobacter vinelandii: Activities, Cross Reactions and EPR Spectra (1973). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 292:246-255 Vinod K. Shah, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , Joyce K. Gordon, W.H. Orme- Johnson and Winston J. Brill.

A Significant Strain Difference in "Biochemical Aging" of Rats (1973). Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 54:726-731 L.C. 1xbet best casino website and W. Dean Pfeifer.

Nitrogenase I: Repression and Derepression of the Iron-Molybdenum and Iron Proteins of Nitrogenase (1972). Azotobacter vinelandii. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 256:498-511 Vinod K. Shah, L.C. 1xbet best casino website and Winston J. Brill.

Nitrogenase II: Changes in the EPR Signal of Component I (Iron-Molybdenum Protein) of Azotobacter vinelandii Nitrogenase During Repression and Derepression (1972). Biochim. Biophys. Acta 256:512-523 L.C. 1xbet best casino website , Vinod K. Shah, Winston J. Brill and W.H. Orme-Johnson.

Photoinactivation of Aldolases by Pyridoxal Phosphate and Its Analogues (1971). Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 68:416-419 L.C. 1xbet best casino website , G. Ribereau-Gayon and B.L. Horecker.

Photosensitization of Specific Histidine Residues of Rabbit Muscle and Spinach Leaf Aldolases by Pyridoxal Phosphate (1970). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 140:215-222 L.C. 1xbet best casino website , L. W. Brox, R.W. Gracy, G. Ribereau-Gayon and B.L. Horecker.

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The Function of C-Terminal Tyrosine Residues in Aldolases (1969). PNAS 63:228 B.L. Horecker, R. Gracy, A. Lacko, L. 1xbet best casino website , R. Adelman.

The Subunit Structure of the Fructose Diphosphate Aldolase from Spinach Leaf (1969). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 132:286-293 G. Rapoport, L. 1xbet best casino website and B.L. Horecker.

The Reaction of Glutamic Aspartic Apotransaminase with Deuterated Substrates (1968). Pyridoxal Catalysis: Enzymes and Model Systems, E.E. Snell et al., eds., pp. 325-337, Wiley Interscience, New York. H.C. Dunathan, L. 1xbet best casino website and M. Kaplan.

The Stereochemistry of Enzymatic Transamination (1968). Biochem. 7:4532-4537 H.C. Dunathan, L. 1xbet best casino website , P. Gilmer-Kury and M. Kaplan.

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Wheat Fiber from a Residue to a Reinforcing Material (2012). EMI/PMC June 17-20, 2012, Notre Dame, IN., M. Albahttiti, H. Rasheed, D.Peric, L. 1xbet best casino website .

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Laboratory and Field Scale Bioremediation of Tetrachloroethene (PCE) Contaminated Groundwater (2009) International Conference and Exhibition on Green Energy & Sustainability for Arid Regions & Mediterranean Countries. J. Ibbini, S. Santharam, L. C. 1xbet best casino website ., L. E. Erickson

Risk Assessment for Urban Agriculture (2006) in Proceedings of the International Conference on the future of Agriculture: Science, Stewardship and Sustainability, P.A. Kulakow, M. Rankin and L.E. Erickson, eds, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, P.A. Kulakow, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , and L.E. Erickson

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Determination of the fate of 2,4-dinitrotoluene and 2,6-dinitrotoluene in maize using synchrotron radiation infrared microspectroscopy. (2005) Presented at the Third International Phytotechnologies Conference in Atlanta, Georgia April 20-22, K. Dokken, L.C. 1xbet best casino website , D. Ngaba, L.E. Erickson, N.S. Marinkovic

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