1xbet online games login and Evolutionary Biology Faculty

Name Research Focus
Robbie Bear Science education
John Blair Ecosystem 1xbet online games login and terrestrial biogeochemistry; Grasslands and global change
Alice Boyle Behavioral, evolutionary, and physiological 1xbet online games login ; Basic and applied ornithology
Walter K. 1xb Water quality; Nutrient cycling; Nutrient criteria; Value of water; Nitrogen cycling
Ben Downer-Bartholomew Evolution of mating preferences
Carolyn J. fergu Plant systematics; Phylogeny and evolution of Phlox (Polemoniaceae)
keith 1xbet Fish 1xbet online games login ; Invasive species effects; Fish assemblage structure
David A. 1xbe Wetland 1xbet online games login ; Avian population dynamics; Migration 1xbet online games login
Andrew 1xbet
(section chair)
Mammalian systematics and phylogenetics
Eva A. 1xb Agonistic and anti-predator behavior in reptiles, amphibians, and dragonflies
Loretta C. 1xbet Ecological Genomics, Plant 1xbet online games login , Climate Change
ari 1xbet onlin Mycology; Fungal 1xbet online games login ; Fungus-plant interactions
1xbet onli Metagenomics, Bioinformatics, Microbial 1xbet online games login , microbial diversity and cultivation
Allison Louthan Population biology, community 1xbet online games login
Martha 1xbet o Fish 1xbet online games login , aquatic community 1xbet online games login
Mark Mayfield Plant systematics; Taxonomy of new world Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae)
Eve 1xbet onli Population genetics, landscape genetics, conservation biology, science communication
jesse 1xbet be Grassland ecophysiology, grass/tree ecological dynamics
Bradley J.S Molecular and ecological basis of multicellular evolution
Thomas Platt Bacterial genetics; Quorum sensing; Microbial interactions; Virulence plasmid conjugation
Zak 1xbet onli Community 1xbet online games login , Fire, Grasslands & Savannas, and Resilience Theory
Mark C. Unger Evolutionary and ecological genetics in plants; Genome structure and evolution
Lydia 1xbet o Microbial 1xbet online games login , microbial diversity and nutrient cycling processes in streams and soils