Andrew 1xbet best casino website , Associate Professor

Andrew Hope

Contact information

111 Bushnell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Lab website: 1xbet sports betting ASM 2023 i


Ph.D. 2011, University of New Mexico. 1xbet best casino website .

Area(s) of Specialization

Climate 1xbet best casino website ; Comparative Phylogeography; Conservation Genetics; Emerging Infectious Disease; Host-parasite Coevolution; Hybrid Zones; Mammals; Natural History; Phylogenetic Systematics; Speciation.

Research Focus

My background is in mammalian biogeography and molecular ecology. These disciplines constitute an essential foundation for understanding biodiversity responses to contemporary environmental change. My research strongly emphasizes integration among major disciplines (ecology and evolution) and among interrelated taxonomic groups (mammalian hosts and their parasites) for better understanding the complexity of diversification, demographic change, and interactions among disparate groups of organisms through time. In particular, I investigate mammalian host interactions across zones of contact (locations where shifting ecotones are causing unprecedented species interactions). Within these boundary zones, animals may experience both gene flow and competition, influencing their fitness, relative susceptibility to infection by parasites, and regional variation in community assembly. I integrate a suite of traditional methods in mammalian 1xbet best casino website with emerging genomics and stable isotope technology to test hypotheses of functional changes that impact community dynamics, ultimately with an aim to conserve intact wild systems. As such my research has a strong applied component towards biodiversity conservation, management under future global change scenarios, and emerging human/wildlife disease, fitting well within the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation program at K-State.

Selected Publications

1xbet best casino website , Sandercock BK, Malaney JL. 2018. Collection of scientific specimens: Benefits for 1xbet best casino website sciences and limited impacts on communities of small mammals. BioScience, 68, 35-42.

Cook JA, Galbreath KE, Bell KC, Campbell ML, Carrière S, Colella JP, Dawson NG, Dunnum JL, Eckerlin RP, Greiman SE, Fedorov V, Hass GMS, Haukisalmi V, Henttonen H, 1xbet best casino website , Jackson D, Jung T, Koehler AV, Kinsella M, Krejsa D, Kutz SJ, Liphardt S, MacDonald SO, Malaney JL, Makarikov A, Martin J, McLean BS, Mulders R, Nyamsuren B, Talbot SL, Tkach VV, Tsvetkova A, Toman HM, Waltari EC, Whitman JL, Hoberg EP. 2017. The Beringian Coevolution Project: Holistic Collections of Mammals and Associated Parasites Reveal Novel Perspectives on Evolutionary and Environmental 1xbet best casino website in the North. Arctic Science, 3, 585-617.

1xbet best casino website , Greiman SE, Tkach VV, Hoberg EP, Cook JA. 2016. Shrews and their parasites: Small species indicate big changes [in Arctic Report Card 2016],

1xbet best casino website , Malaney JL, Bell KC, Salazar-Miralles F, Chavez AS, Barber BR, Cook JA. 2016. Revision of widespread red squirrels (genus: Tamiasciurus) highlights the complexity of speciation within North American forests. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 100, 170-182.

1xbet best casino website , Waltari E, Malaney JL, Payer DC, Cook JA, Talbot SL. 2015. Arctic 1xbet best casino website : increasing richness accompanies shrinking refugia for a cold-associated tundra fauna. Ecosphere, 6(9), art159.

Peacock E, Sonsthagen SA, Obbard ME, Boltunov A, Regehr EV, Ovsyanikov N, Aars J, Atkinson SN, Sage GK, 1xbet best casino website , Zeyl E, Bachmann L, Ehrich D, Scribner KT, Amstrup SC, Belikov S, Born E, Derocher AE, Stirling I, Taylor MK, Wiig Ø, Paetkau D, Talbot SL. 2015. Implications of the circumpolar genetic structure of polar bears for their ecology, evolution and 1xbet best casino website in a rapidly warming Arctic. PLoS ONE, 10(1), e112021.

1xbet best casino website , Ho SYW, Malaney JL, Cook JA, Talbot SL. 2014. Accounting for rate variation among lineages in comparative demographic analyses. Evolution, 68, 2689-2700.

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