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Responsibilities for 1xbet online sports betting faculty host and department

  • Identify mutually convenient dates for the Australian Fulbrighter’s visit to 1xbet online sports betting .
  • Make plane reservations and pay for the Fulbrighter’s travel from their Fulbright host institution in the U.S. to Manhattan.
    • Travel should be by the least expensive economy air fare and will be covered by the President’s 1xbet online sports betting .
    • If flight is not directly to/from 1xbet online sports betting /U.S. host institution, identify the lowest cost airfare available on the selected dates (assume booking at least three weeks in advance).
  • Arrange for transportation to/from airport, in area, and for any appropriate off-campus travel or meetings, as necessary, during the Fulbrighter’s visit.
  • Make hotel reservations for Australian Fulbrighter.
    • President’s 1xbet online sports betting will pay for up to three nights of lodging, unless otherwise agreed.
  • Arrange seminar and publicize through the usual channels.
    • Send seminar announcement to President, Provost, VP-Research, Director of International Programs 1xbet online sports betting , Dean and Associate Dean for Research, and John Leslie, in addition to normal circulation list.
  • Arrange for radio interview (Fulbrighter and host) with Eric Atkinson (agguy@1xbet online sports betting edu) in Communications and Agricultural Education.
  • At least two weeks before the Fulbrighter’s visit, contact Anne Rubash(arubash@1xbet online sports betting edu) in the Division of Communications and Marketing to arrange for a press release and for brief article in 1xbet online sports betting Today.
    • Anne would be happy to receive photographs of interactions with faculty, staff and students.
  • Make appointments for the 1xbet online sports betting host and the Fulbrighter to visit with President, Provost, VP-Research, Director of the International Programs Office, appropriate College administrators, and John Leslie, if they are available.
    • Make request for meeting as far in advance as possible, preferably before the remainder of the Fulbrighter’s schedule is set.
    • Indicate that the guest is a Fulbrighter participating in the Oz-to-Oz program when making the request.
  • Pay for expenses for guest from department funds. Provide Shelly Broccolo (avery@1xbet online sports betting edu) in the President’s 1xbet online sports betting with a list of expenses (air fare, travel to/from airport, extensive local area/travel, hotel and per diem). She will arrange reimbursement of department funds from the President’s 1xbet online sports betting .
    • Do not pay an honorarium. The Fulbright 1xbet online sports betting in Australia is our partner in these visits and will pay each Fulbrighter for participating in the Oz-to-Oz program upon their return to Australia.
Download the responsibilities list here. (PDF)