University 1xbet sports betting and Information Management Committee

The 1xbet sports betting and Information Management Committee is charged to develop, review, revise, endorse and interpret university 1xbet sports betting and information management and technology policies and procedures for the university community and ensure those policies are appropriately disseminated to the campus community. All policies related to 1xbet sports betting and information management and technology should be approved by this committee. It has authority to review and recommend 1xbet sports betting retention schedules for approval by the State 1xbet sports betting Board and will review this policy on an annual basis. In addition, the committee will:

  • Keep retention policies and schedules updated.
  • Provide guidance on matters related to 1xbet sports betting and information management and information technology.
  • Ensure best practices are known and followed.
  • Respond to 1xbet sports betting questions and issues.
  • Identify and implement training opportunities.
  • Develop implementation and enforcement strategies.
  • Address changes in technology and recordkeeping priorities.

The university 1xbet sports betting manager serves as chair of the 1xbet sports betting and Information Management Committee.

Current representatives on the committee:

  • K-State Libraries
    • Danielle Hall
    • Ryan Leimkuehler
    • Cliff Hight
  • Data Governance and Policy
    • Xiang Chen
  • Faculty Senate
    • Carolyn Jackson
  • Division of Communications and Marketing
    • Hanna Manning
  • Office of General Counsel
    • Aaron Good
  • Division of Financial Services
    • Angie Nabors
  • Division of Information Technology
    • Karen Noffsinger
  • Office of the Registrar
    • Susan Cooper
    • Kelley Brundage
  • Human Resources
    • Mike Corwin
    • Jeff Hauser
    • Mary-Beth Rhoads (Ex-officio)
    • Shannon Leftwich (Ex-officio)
  • Office of Research Development
    • Abby Lear

More information on the University 1xbet sports betting Management Committee can be found in 1xbet online games login certain series of records.

Committee Agenda 2023
Committee Minutes 2023

Archived agendas and minutes: RIMC Archived minut