SAC 1xbet online sports betting Center - Information for Faculty

The SAC 1xbet online sports betting Center utilizes AIM to schedule and track exams.

Faculty AIM Portal

If you have questions at any point during this process, contact the 1xbet online sports betting Center:

Go to this Alternative 1xbet online sports bett page for more information.

The process is as follows:

  1. After students request accommodations for a course using the Student AIM Portal, accommodation letters are sent from AIM to all faculty members listed for a course.

  2. If 1xbet online sports betting accommodations are included, a link to the Alternative 1xbet online sports betting Agreement is provided in the email. The Alternative 1xbet online sports betting Agreement is a form that gives the SAC 1xbet online sports betting Center staff important information about when and how exams should be administered.

    • Faculty members may accommodate students with 1xbet online sports betting accommodations in the department, or a course may have no exams. If this is the case, faculty can indicate that on the Alternative 1xbet online sports betting page on AIM and do not need to complete the Agreement.

    • If the Alternative 1xbet online sports betting Agreement has already been completed for another student in the course, the link will not be included in subsequent accommodation letters. The agreement only needs to be completed once per course (CRN) regardless of the number students with 1xbet online sports betting accommodations.

    • To edit Alternative 1xbet online sports betting Agreements, login to the Faculty AIM Portal, and click on “Alternative 1xbet online sports betting ” in the left navigation menu. Near the top right menu bar, click "ALTERNATIVE 1xbet online sports betting AGREEMENT". From here you can view all courses, make modifications to agreements, add/change exam dates, and more.

  3. Students schedule exams with the SAC 1xbet online sports betting Center through the Student AIM Portal.

    • Faculty can submit agreements before students schedule exams. If an agreement has not been submitted and a student schedules an exam, faculty will receive a notification email to complete the Alternative 1xbet online sports betting Agreement.

  4. SAC 1xbet online sports betting staff approves requests and reviews parameters set by faculty in the Alternative 1xbet online sports betting Agreement.

    • Faculty can view all scheduled exams on the Faculty AIM Portal on the Alternative 1xbet online sports betting - LIST STUDENTS page.

  5. Faculty can upload exams through the Faculty AIM Portal any time (preferred), email to, or deliver to Holton Hall 002.

  6. Completed exams are delivered to the main department office or held for pick-up in Holton Hall 002. The delivery method is indicated by faculty on the 1xbet online sports betting Agreement.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the SAC 1xbet online sports betting Center.