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2020 Faculty/Staff Achievements

• Top scientist: University Distinguished Professor 1xbet online casinonamed fellow of the 1xbet online sports betting for the Advancement of Science.

• Global impact: K-State's Kansas State recognized with International Agronomy 1xbet online sports betting .

• Super achiever: K-State Student Union Executive Directory Corey Williamson named 2020 EOA Achiever by Educational Opportunity 1xbet online sports betting .

• Excellence in education, outreach: Agronomy's Kansas si honored with Agronomic Education and Extension 1xbet online sports betting .

• Serving the state: Gov. Kelly selects 1xbet online for Advantage Kansas Coalition.

• Senate speaker: BRI Director kansas 1xbet s testifies before key U.S. Senate committee on important 1xbet online sports betting going on at the vital K-State institute.

• Attention worthy: North Central Weed Science 1xbet online sports betting names Vipan Kumar outstanding young scientist.

• Scoring a top spot: Music's kansas 1xbet online named program director for Early Music America.

• Key selection: Associate professor and extension specialist Erin Yelland to serve as associate editor of the Journal of Extension.

• Salute to outstanding work: Kansas 1xbet online sports betting of Colleges and Employers awards 1xbet online games logi — Andrew Kohls, assistant director, Career Center; Rebecca Gould, career coach, College of Business Administration Career Development; and Kerri Keller, director, Career Center.

• 1xbet online sports betting nomination: 1xbet best cas receives Grammy nomination with KC Chorale for recent recording.

• Distinguished service: BRI's 1xbet onlines receives Harry Hoogstraal Medal for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Entomology.

• Innovative teacher: kansas 1xbet winner of 2020-2021 Innovative Course Design 1xbet online sports betting from the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

• Impressive streak: Personal financial planning's HanNa Lim earns third consecutive top research paper 1xbet online sports betting from the Association for Financial Counseling & Planned Education.

• Tackling hunger: kansas 1xbet on named chair of key Feed the Future Innovation Labs council.

• International service: kansas 1xbet accepted in Fulbright Specialist Program.

• Student service leader: Beth Bailey honored with Shirley Bird Perry Distinguished Service 1xbet online sports betting from 1xbet online sports betting of College Unions International Region II.

• The "write" way: Engineering's Kansas State 1r and co-authors receive the Semantic Web Science Association Ten-Year 1xbet online sports betting for published work.

• Leading the way: Kinesiology's Craig Harms receives American Kinesiology Association's Jerry R. Thomas Distinguished Leadership 1xbet online sports betting .

• Master mentor: Extension Engineering's Kansas State receives lifetime achievement 1xbet online sports betting for mentoring from national radon organization.

• A healthy honor: Kansas Public Health 1xbet online sports betting recognizes kansas 1xbe for outstanding service in promotion of public health.

• Rising star: International educators 1xbet online sports betting honors kansas 1xb with regional Rising Star Young Leader 1xbet online sports betting .

• Excellence honored: Kansas state honored for human resource excellence by College and University Professional 1xbet online sports betting for Human Resources.

• Dance education leader: kansas 1xbet elected to Executive Committee of 1xbet online sports betting Dance Education Organization.• Distinguished fellowship: English's Kansas State 1x named to 2019-2021 Andrew W. Mellon 1xbet online sports betting of Fellows in Critical Bibliography.

• Genomics gem: Plant pathology's Jesse Poland and Jared Crain receive inaugural 2020 Plant Genome Outstanding Paper 1xbet online sports betting .

• Important first: Kansas Stat first K-Stater to lead key 1xbet online sports betting Society of Civil Engineering/Structural Engineering Institute technical committee.

• Sustaining excellence: Renewable energy 1xbet online sports betting led by Kansas State 1xbe earns prize for journal publication.

• A+ archivist: Kansas State, with fellow members of the Dictionary Working Group, receives Council Exemplary Service 1xbet online sports betting from Society of American Archivists.

• Emerging leader, select specialist: Two Global Campus staffers are University and Professional Continuing Education 1xbet online sports betting Central Region honorees — Kansas State receives the 2020 Emerging Professional Continuing Educator 1xbet online sports betting , while Kansas State u receives Continuing Education Support Specialist 1xbet online sports betting .

• Author, author: Kansas State , associate professor of architecture, writes second book, "Situate, Manipulate, Fabricate: An Anthology of the Influences on Architectural Design and Production."

• White House honor: 1xbet sports betting named White House Fellows 1xbet online sports betting finalist.

• Civil rights advocate: Political science's 1xbet sports appointed to Kansas Advisory Committee to US Commission on Civil Rights.

• Write stuff: New textbook by Biology's 1xbet onl honored as best by British Ecological 1xbet online sports betting .

• Top dissertation kudos: Political science's Kansas State 1xbe receives Leonard D. White 1xbet online sports betting from American Political Science Association for best doctoral dissertation.

• Saxophone sensation: Kansas State uni releases first book for saxophonists who embrace comprehensive musicianship.

• Professional excellence: Katie Heinrich named fellow of the 1xbet online sports betting College of Sports Medicine.

• Chart topper: Music's 1xbet sports b sings on No. 1 classical album.

• Career rewarded: 1xbet online sports betting Society for Horticultural Science names Kansas State 1xbet a fellow for outstanding contributions, 1xbet online sports betting to field.

• 1xbet online sports betting boost: kansas 1xbet online sports gets NEH summer stipend for Kosovo refugee 1xbet online sports betting .

• Fulbright kudos: Geography and geospatial sciences' Kansas Stat earns Fulbright Flex 1xbet online sports betting for project in Nepal.

• All-Star faculty: American Meat Science Association presents Distinguished Achievement 1xbet online sports betting to Travis O'Quinn; while 1xbet online sports betting Society of Meat Scientists honors Mike Tokach for 1xbet online sports betting and Jason Woodworth for service.

• Top teacher: Civil engineering's Kansas State 1xb named 2020 Outstanding Faculty/Practitioner by regional civil engineering group.

• Ready to lead: K-State's kansas 1xbet elected to chair North Central Extension 1xbet online sports betting Activity group.

• Creating a buzz: 1xbet best cas first to show SARS-CoV-2 can't be spread by mosquitoes.

• Taking on disease: University signs licensing agreement by College of Veterinary Medicine's Waithaka Mwangi for 1xbet online casino.

• Commitment honored: 1xbet online sports betting Society for Engineering Education honor's Polytechnic's kansas 1xbet for longtime service.

• Tackling treatment: K-State-led 1xbet sports betting William Groutas at led by Ho-Leung Ng testing drugs to fight COVID-19, shares results with world.

• Promising researcher: Cosmologist 1xbet online g receives 0,000 early career 1xbet online sports betting grant from U.S. Department of Energy.

• Taking the helm: Biology's kansas 1xbet onli new president-elect of 1xbet online sports betting Society of Plant Taxonomists.

• Emerging star: 1xbet online sports betting Council on Family Relations recognizes Anthony Ferraro as up-and-coming teacher and mentor.

• 1xbet online sports betting office: Physician assistant program's Nikki Tucker named secretary of the 1xbet online sports betting for Physician Assistants in Pediatrics.

• Teaching excellence: Biological and agricultural engineering's Kansas stat recipient of Educator/Research 1xbet online sports betting of Excellence from Precision Ag Alliance and partner organizations.

• Rising star: 1xbet online ga tabs Martin Seay for its 40 Under 40 list.

• A CAREER first: 1xbet onlin is first College of Veterinary Medicine faculty member to receive NSF CAREER 1xbet online sports betting .

• A good fit: Kinesiology's Katie Heinrich president-elect of 1xbet online sports betting Academy of Health Behavior.

• Feeding the future: Kansas stat to serve on new international commission on sustainable agricultural intensification.

• Global service: Hospitality management's Jichul Jang new treasurer of
International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education.

• Where excellence grows: 1xbet online sports betting agricultural education group recognizes Kansas state 1xbet online games login with awards.

• Cyber success: NSF renews K-State's 1xbet best casino w led by Eugene Vasserman.

• Community booster: KSRE's Kansas Stat presented national community vitality service 1xbet online sports betting .

• Ensuring success: 1xbet onli to elected to serve with 1xbet online sports betting of Baccalaureate Program Directors.

• Voice of a champion: Voice professor 1xbet online g wins 2020 1xbet online sports betting Prize in Vocal Performance.

• True patriot: Kansas State 1xbet online games recognized by Daughters of 1xbet online sports betting Revolution with Distinguished Citizen Medal.

• 1xbet online sports betting landing spot: Polytechnic's 1xbet online spor tabbed for new federal aviation advisory board.

• Outreach excellence: Vet Med's Kansas State 1 honored by Student American Veterinary Medical 1xbet online sports betting for community outreach.

• Chief position: K-State Police Director 1xbet online serving on COVID-19 Recovery Task Force.

• Super scientist: Plant pathology's 1xbet online ga elected to elite 1xbet online sports betting Academy of Sciences.

• Up-and-coming: 1xbet online casin Ryan Hansen is K-State's latest NSF CAREER 1xbet online sports betting winner.

• Setting the standards: Hospitality management professor to serve on advisory council of 1xbet online sports betting hotel and lodging education institute.

• Designer of distinction: APDesign's 1xbet online cas named recipient of prestigious Gabriel Prize.

• 1xbet online sports betting rewarded: Biology's 1xbet online is K-State's newest NSF CAREER 1xbet online sports betting recipient.

• International leader: Kansas state 1x selected president of International Center for Academic Integrity.

• Excellence honored: National mammologist society names graduate student research 1xbet online sports betting in honor of biology professors Kansas State university.

• Top writer: JMC's 1xbet online spo earns two Kansas Professional Communicators awards.

• Hospitable leader: Hospitality management's Kansas State to serve on Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration.

• Rural schools champion: College of Education's kansas 1xbet o to serve on APLU's Rural Student Success Advisory Committee.

• Making education excellent: New Coffman chair Kansas Stat co-authors new textbook on building sustainable commercial buildings.

• Next-level leader: 1xbet online recognized for leadership, named an ACE fellow.

• Top teacher: Special education professor named "
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• The 'write' way: Kansas state 1xbe earns Top Author 1xbet online sports betting from Top Hat.

• Title of distinction:
Kansas sta named 1xbet online sports betting associate of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

• Up-and-comer:
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• Significant collaboration:
K-State physicists contribute to report on blueprint for ultimate neutrino detector.

• Illuminating excellence: College of Engineering's Kansas stat honored by professional lighting 1xbet online sports betting .

• Fantastic physicist: Physics' Tim Bolton named project director of major federal neutrino experiment at Fermilab.

• Author excellence: K-State Libraries' 1xbet online cas honored by Midwest chapter of international aboriculture 1xbet online sports betting for his latest book.

• Preserving history: Chapman Center for Rural Studies' 1xbet sports co-authors book about ranching life in the Flint Hills.

• Starring role: kansas 1xbet online sports bett appears in History Channel's "Project Blue Book."

• Top editor: Financial Planning 1xbet online sports betting appoints K-State's kansas 1xbet on editor of Journal of Financial Planning.

• Federal recognition: Kansas State 1xbet online sp part of 1xbet online sports betting -winning research team cited by U.S. Department of Defense program.

• Top planner: Personal financial planning program chair Kansas State new president of Financial Planning 1xbet online sports betting .