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Papa's Mark cover
1xbet online casino 's Mark

Written by Gwendolyn Battle-Lavert
Illustrated by Colin Bootman
Holiday House, New York, 2003
4+ years

Honorable people 1xbet online casino stand up for their beliefs despite adversity.

Young Simms knows election day will be a big day for 1xbet online casino papa and for all of Lamar County. For the very first time, Papa will get to vote. Simms wants 1xbet online casino father to be able to sign 1xbet online casino name on the ballot so he is determined to teach him. The son knows 1xbet online casino father has pride but lacks the skill. "Papa, let me show you how to write your name. Then you will never have to make that X again." Every night 1xbet online casino father practiced. Despite threats, Papa shows 1xbet online casino son the meaning of heroism and courage.

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