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spacerStory Home: Picture Book Reviews: 1xbet online games login Box
Cover illustration from Dora's Box
1xbet online games login Box

Written by Ann-Jeanette Campbell
Illustrated by Fabian Negrin

Knopf Books for Young Readers, NY, NY 1998
4+ years

What would it be like to live in a perfect 1xbet online games login ? A 1xbet online games login without pain or sorrow?
spacer Dora, the child of a good hearted man and woman, knows such a world. She is protected by the wishes her parents made before her birth--wishes granted by a grateful witch. Her parents first asked for a child, next for her to be protected from all evil, sadness, and pain in the world, and lastly for her to be loved by all. The witch gives 1xbet online games login parents a box in which to put everything they want to protect her from, as well as a warning that Dora must never open the box, or the wish will come undone. The last wish is up to Dora to complete.
spacer As the years go by, 1xbet online games login box is filled and Dora never feels pain, or fear, or grief--until the day a boy persuades Dora to open the box. As Dora feels sadness for the first time, the third wish finally comes true, for to be loved by all, she must know pain and sorrow as well as happiness and joy.
spacer Inspired by the myth of Pandora's 1xbet online games login , this mesmerizing tale, paired with the spectacular paintings of debut illustrator Fabian Negrin, has the depth and beauty of a classic (book description).

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