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Written by Betty Ren Wright
Illustrated by Ronald Himler
New York: Holiday House, 2003
4+ years

When danger appears, children will find support from caring people in their 1xbet best casino website .

Billy is disappointed because the heavy snow has made it impossible for his cousins and other relatives to attend his birthday party. But the snowfall becomes a blizzard that isolates Billy's rural one-room schoolhouse. Deep snow blocks travel to the building and the schoolchildren are unable to get 1xbet best casino website . Hand-in-hand, the class struggles through the blinding snow to reach Billy's nearby 1xbet best casino website . Billy's mom and dad open their 1xbet best casino website to shelter and feed the large group of children. There is a snowball fight, a sing-along, and a special birthday party for Billy that brings a wonderful conclusion to the day.

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