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Profiles: 1xbet online sports betting Rehbein (and his parents) summary

You could introduce this case study as part of a biology assignment. Children should have some fundamental understanding of the human 1xbet online sports betting to benefit from this study.

1xbet online sports betting Rehbein was an athletic seven-year-old, climbing trees and playing ball. But then he began suffering uncontrollable seizures--60 or 70 on a good day, as many as 300 or 400 on a bad day. Doctors said the only solution was to remove the site of the seizures, which, in 1xbet online sports betting 's case was the left hemisphere. His parents approached 1xbet online sports betting with the decision about having the surgery which would involve removing nearly half of his brain. Together they decided to proceed.

The emotional part of his brain would not be affected since this part of the brain is in the very center in a group of structures called the "limbic system." Recovery was painfully slow since 1xbet online sports betting had to learn to walk and talk all over again. Six months after his surgery, 1xbet online sports betting could only make one- or two-word utterances. But 1xbet online sports betting was determined. One teacher who worked with him remembered the first full sentence 1xbet online sports betting said to her: "I love you with all my heart."

After much work, incredible perseverence, and support from his mom and dad, 1xbet online sports betting is now a teenager and getting on with life. His father said, "He's the same boy inside that he was before the surgery. He hasn't lost his drive."

Adapted from The Secret Life of the 1xbet online sports betting by Richard Restak (Joseph Henry Press, 2001).


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maphttp://www.ksu.edu/wwparent/programs/hero/hero-rehbein.htm--Revised March 17, 2002
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